Does anyone know what is going on the corner of 63rd and May? They have it cleared out for some very soon construction???
Does anyone know what is going on the corner of 63rd and May? They have it cleared out for some very soon construction???
Are you talking about the SW corner...where that old gas station used to be? I have been wondering the same thing. I hope someone knows...!!
i have been looking all over for what it is, i drive by it every day, baily design and development or whatever is doing it
Aaron Bailey usually builds commercial office bldgs and remodels large homes in the Nichols Hills area, if it is actually him.
It's a fairly small lot. My guess would be another gas station or a fast food drive thru restaurant.
or (Oh no!!, Oh no!!) another CVS or Walgreen's. . .
I doubt it, the footprint isn't large enough PLUS there are both CVS and Walgreens just a mile south at NW 50th and May.
That's been clear for months... if not more than a year...
yes, but dirtwork, surveying, and people out there grading and preparing a pad hasn't been going on for months/year. Yes, it has been a vacant lot for quite some time, but work going on has been in just the last couple weeks.
Okay, I think I misunderstood the original question. My apologies.
it's owned by an opthamologist.
He doesn't own a lot of other property,
but it may just be an investment for him.....
My money is on a new gas station......
because noone would plant an opthamologist's office
on that prime lot.....
OnCue would be nice, but they usually require a larger pad.
I wish OnCue would add stores all over OKC. Since I moved to MWC, I rarely go to 7-11 anymore. I love the fact they have a huge fountain and coffee selection. Not mention they have every munchie snack known to man.
gee, I was hoping someone would know about this corner...been keeping an eye on this thread for some info...
There is a for lease sign there so Im guessing they are looking for a user.
I think its going to be a small strip mall. The sign says there will be various square footages for lease.
It may be a Little Ceaser's shopping center since the old one closed for the Taco Bell to be built there.
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