For this special night, Yao Ming dragged his giant’s body back on a broken foot not fully healed. He risked the rest of his professional life for the opportunity to play a definitively competitive quarter and a half before losing to the United States, 101-70, in the most heralded game a Chinese basketball team has ever played.
But a 31-point differential was not the point, merely the exclamation point following a tsunami of American fast-break dunks. “This game was a treasure, and it will be for the rest of my life,” Yao would say, without explaining why.
He didn’t have to, because anyone with eyes half open Sunday night could see this was a celebration of Yao the ambassador, who, by making a large living in America, has done more for China as a burgeoning sports power than a thousand gymnasts and swimmers.
In a new arena with loud music, luxury boxes and lithe dancers that sounded and played like Oklahoma City, U.S.A., the flashbulbs popped for Yao and the Chinese national team making its entrance to the court as they did for Michael, Magic and the original Dream Team in 1992.