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Thread: Thoughts on the new license plate?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    why do we need new plates?

    because 3M makes new digital plates with bar codes for the $6million appropriated in the last budget!

    3M(TM) Digital License Plate System

  2. #27

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    So they can watch us.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Bar codes? Good jesus.

  4. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    The thing I don't like about it is the whispy clouds above the sculpture. It's like they just photoshopped a picture in, feathered the edge, and stuck it on there.

    I'm glad they stuck with Native America though. I think it's a great slogan and one of the most original ones in the country. I like it as well as the alternate "America in Its Native State".

  5. #30

    Smile Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I like the new licence plate. I always thought the current plate was childish and looked like a kindergarten project with the indian thingy in the middle. Don't really care for the "Native America" it's overrated, if we are going to say native america, then have a picture of a casino.

  6. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    This irks me a bit. I'm not an Indian. I'm not a cowboy. I don't see many (real) cowboys and the only indians I see with any regularity are related in some way to a casino. I don't care about buffalo or roping either.

    Get back with me when the plate design has nothing to do with the 1800's.

    Yeah...I guess I'll be getting some other plates next year.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I'm down with the new plate. The picture being on the left is definitely nice--as I can't remember ever seeing an Oklahoma plate without anything in the middle or a setting sun down below the characters. Although I won't get it now--even if only $17--because I plan on purchasing a new car soon & from what I understand I would not be able to transfer the tag from my current car.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    When did license plates become bumper stickers? How many plate choices do we now have? Anybody know?
    A long time ago, and the re are many, many choices.

    See Special Plates
    (there are even multiple choices under the Nascar link, and there are six colors for the personalized tags people dream up. It's enough to make you )

  9. #34

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I like the new ones..just never cared for the green ones...so I am glad they are changing...guess I'll read the complete article and see when we will be getting them...

  10. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I dunno, I kind of like it. The old one's pretty boring.

  11. #36
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I like the new look, as well.

    I think it's an improvement over the old design.

  12. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    At some point are we required to get the new one, or is it just optional?

  13. #38

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I believe update happens automatically at the first renewal after this Nov 1 or Jan 1 of next year.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    At some point are we required to get the new one, or is it just optional?

    Yes, after Jan 1, when you renew your tag (In whatever month the renewal is required)...you will receive the new tag design. And unless you go and pay $17 prior to Nov 1 (I believe) you will get a new tag number. If you go to the tax commission web site and reserve your old number, you will be mailed a new tag in January or so with your current number. But by Jan 1, 2010, everyone will have the new tag. I guess there will be a few after Jan 1, 2010 that will still drive on the old tag until they get caught with an expired tag and their car gets impounded.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    i like the new design. it could have been better, but it could have been much worse (like the setting sun design from the 80s). oklahoma is long overdue for a redesign. hopefully, it will not take so long to redesign their plates in the future.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dar405301 View Post
    i like the new design. it could have been better, but it could have been much worse (like the setting sun design from the 80s). oklahoma is long overdue for a redesign. hopefully, it will not take so long to redesign their plates in the future.
    Why do we need frequent redesigns? We have people throwing tantrums when a house in one of the historical districts wants to install thermal windows to save energy, but seem to demand that tags change frequently. Why?

  17. #42

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Why do we need frequent redesigns? We have people throwing tantrums when a house in one of the historical districts wants to install thermal windows to save energy, but seem to demand that tags change frequently. Why?
    Please define "frequently." I think once every twenty years or so is not frequent, unless you are a Century Plant.

    Are the Urban Design Patrons throwing tantrums about license plates?

    Its obvious you don't like the new plates, but why be coy about your motives?

    I like the new design, and I wasn't born in Oklahoma, and I haven't a drop of Native American blood in me. Vanity license plates are simply voluntary taxes, the same as lottery tickets. But the lottery has a bigger payoff.

    "A fool and his money are soon parted."

  18. #43

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Its obvious you don't like the new plates, but why be coy about your motives?

    Actually, I do like the new plates at least as well as the old ones, and it was not my intent to be coy about anything. I do believe that, when we have a chance to improve a product, we should make the necessary change to incorporate the improvement. I see no reason for change just for the sake of change: because we are "overdue for an update." In this case, if a barcode will assist law enforcement then I am in favor of including a barcode, and new plate will be great. My observation is the same as the one I make to my wife's request to rearrange the living room furniture; is it really going to be better or are we doing this just because it has been awhile since we last changed it? Why change just for the sake of change?

  19. #44

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Actually, the reflective "paint" (or whatever that is) wears off the license plate after about eight years. When I moved here a couple of years ago, I asked how often the plates had to be replaced (Texas requires it every six years), and the clerk at the tag agency looked at me like I had just grown a pair of horns. There are a lot of license plates out there that seriously need replacing, and not just because you can't see them at night - you can't see them at all! This is how the state will know everyone has new plates. I just hope they have, or will have, passed a law requiring regular replacement. It's going to get expensive if everyone's plates have to be replaced all at once. It's a lot cheaper if we're on a 6-year rotation.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    My observation is the same as the one I make to my wife's request to rearrange the living room furniture; is it really going to be better or are we doing this just because it has been awhile since we last changed it?
    Good point.

    However I believe changing the plates adds fun to those family vacation games on the road. Have you ever noticed how many different non-specialty plates Pennsylvania has? Must be at least six.

    Does anyone remember when OK changed plates every year, alternating between red and white and orange and black? Now that really sucked.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    It's pretty good. I'll think I'll pass though and get the OU plate instead.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I personally do not see the need to be changeing license plates. They will probabbly be some cheap plastic plate or a thin lightweight metal plate not the durable heavy ones we have now that last. Leave it alone and keep them like they are now or go back to what they did in the 70's where everyother year switch between red painted letters and number and green painted letters and numbers that are stamped into the metal not just silkscreened onto a piece of plastic. crap crap crap thats all these new plates are.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaJack View Post
    Good point.

    However I believe changing the plates adds fun to those family vacation games on the road. Have you ever noticed how many different non-specialty plates Pennsylvania has? Must be at least six.

    Does anyone remember when OK changed plates every year, alternating between red and white and orange and black? Now that really sucked.
    I remember when new metal plates were issued yearly and alternated between black on white and white on black. They used all numerals with the prefix number identifying the county of issue in order of population. Okla Co.was 1, Tulsa Co. was 2 and, although it is hard to remember back that far, Muskogee Co. was 3. What a furor there was in the year that Muskogee county had to yield the 3 to Comanche Co. I have to say that the decal system is better.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I'm probably the only one who wishes we put county names on our license plate like they do in Iowa, Tennessee, and a couple other states. I know the first letter is your county except for Tulsa and Oklahoma (and maybe Cleveland) counties where they ran out and now it's X or Z. My old Explorer was registered in Tulsa as TGV back in 1996, and then when I got my new VW in Tulsa it was ZUB. Go to smaller counties though like Stephens for instance and you'll see S_ _ everywhere...

  25. #50

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I like the Oklahoma system of tagging as a state function. When you move anywhere withing the state, your tag remains valid until its expiration. In some states, when you move to a different county you must re-register your car, which sucks. I like our system better.

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