About 10 years ago or so, I discovered the remains of an old house---no walls or roof---just east of the intersection of Hefner and Council, along Hefner Road at approximately the 7700 or 7800 block, about where a strip mall is now placed---then, it was between the storage facility and the Circle K (now another mini-mart). It was before Hefner was widened to four lanes. Thanks to Google's using of an old satellite view, here's a map of the area! Google Maps
Viewable from the street was a small grove with three or so trees, and a bunch of tall grass. One day when walking about (on my way to the Circle K, I think, from a friend's apartment), I took a closer look. I saw the foundation of the aforementioned dwelling, complete with linoleum flooring present but rather well weathered as one would expect. I don't recall what was among the litter, but a distance away from the foundation (maybe 30 feet) in the rear was what appeared to be an old well. various boards and pipes were inside. To the east side of the foundation was what appeared to be a storm shelter, and a rather well-made one---basically a concrete bunker replete with stairway. It was since painted with various graffiti.
I'd like to find out about the history of this place. It was razed and leveled, as all the surrounding land was, when the mini-malls were erected recently. Might anyone be able to direct me as to how---or, might someone know of the place I'm talking about?