Hello All,
I wanted to tell you about this movie we watched last night.It was called Supersize me,and for those that don't know or havent heard about it,you owe it to yourself to spend a couple bucks to rent this.BTW, it won the Sundance film festival too.LOL
Anyway I really want this thread to explode with all your opinions and thoughts after viewing this movie.It is an absolute eye opener!Its about a guy named Morgan that decides to take upon himself eating at McDonalds for 30 days straight Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner.If you say ok,well whats the Big Deal????Well all I can say is watch the movie.This is so much more than just a movie,it delves into the Obesity Crises in America.It Blows the doors off the hinges as to what are children are eating in school,Parents Listen up It isnt Pretty at all,Its MUCH worse than you think when you take in the Bigger picture of this film.This man was COMPLETELY healthy and went through So many physical,emotional changes it was unreal I never would have thought how powerful an impact this had on people.He gained SEVERAL pounds and his liver was actaully showing signs of non-functioing by the end of the experiment.I dont want to give too much away,butjust enough to get you to go out and pick it up.Those of you who have already seen it please start the thread,add your thoughts below.Great Film!!!!I will definitly think twice now before ever darkening the doorstep of any Fast food restaurants ever again.