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Thread: What would you do to BT?

  1. #26

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Letting people walk around with open containers is probably not going to happen.

    The only place I know of that allows that is NOLA. There are probably other places...But outside of special events (like the State Fair), I don't know of them.
    hey you can walk around with a open container down here in the town of Pensacola Beach ,Florida.Not just the beach but the whole town. but I think your right they probaly would not let that happen DT OKC.You never know though I thought the NBA would never be in OKC or even the lotto becoming legal.
    Last edited by Nawfside OKC; 07-28-2008 at 03:14 PM. Reason: ...

  2. #27

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Well, I never thought alcohol would be served on the canal boats. I personally don't know where to draw the line. Bricktown needs to be a family-oriented environment, and lots of alcohol is hardly conducive to a G-rated atmosphere. On the other hand, we need to be progressive and more tolerant of things like an adult enjoying an adult beverage in public, so long as that individual isn't flat-out drunk or a nuisance. This topic could end up being a debate in a few years.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  3. #28

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    I'd try to keep housing and hotels out of Bricktown - close - but not IN Bricktown; the place is crowded as it is. Parking should be all around BT, but not everywhere you look. I'd love to see a couple blocks entirely pedestrian. Maybe just one garage to accomodate the handicap- most of us need the exercise anyways.
    I'd also love to see it stay mostly owned by unique and local restaurants, bars, and shops. Keep most of it locally owned. You can go to Olive Garden anywhere, Bricktown should say something about OKC and be really unique.

  4. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Quote Originally Posted by AFCM View Post
    Well, I never thought alcohol would be served on the canal boats. I personally don't know where to draw the line. Bricktown needs to be a family-oriented environment, and lots of alcohol is hardly conducive to a G-rated atmosphere. On the other hand, we need to be progressive and more tolerant of things like an adult enjoying an adult beverage in public, so long as that individual isn't flat-out drunk or a nuisance. This topic could end up being a debate in a few years.
    It can be both. Alcohol is not Satan. Jeez, there is already tons of alcohol readily available in and around Bricktown, and it is already legal to walk around with at LEAST beer ( I don't know about high point stuff), and people are saying how dangerous it would be and how it would ruin the ambiance. It's already occurring, and I think it works just fine how it is. Having people be more aware of what is already legal and having sales of low-point beer in Bricktown occur would be a good thing financially. Sure, cops should bust anyone that is clearly/dangerously drunk...but that doesn't mean we should restrict alcohol from the street level. I mean, what's the difference: get drunk inside coach's, or on the sidewalk outside coach's, or in one of the many bars then jsut walk right out onto the street anyway? If youw ere arguing about trash from that, I'd understand. But you're not.

  5. #30

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    we just got back from branson, there is what's called branson landing. something like that would be nice on a smaller scale, something with retail.

  6. #31

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    It can be both. Alcohol is not Satan. Jeez, there is already tons of alcohol readily available in and around Bricktown, and it is already legal to walk around with at LEAST beer ( I don't know about high point stuff), and people are saying how dangerous it would be and how it would ruin the ambiance. It's already occurring, and I think it works just fine how it is. Having people be more aware of what is already legal and having sales of low-point beer in Bricktown occur would be a good thing financially. Sure, cops should bust anyone that is clearly/dangerously drunk...but that doesn't mean we should restrict alcohol from the street level. I mean, what's the difference: get drunk inside coach's, or on the sidewalk outside coach's, or in one of the many bars then jsut walk right out onto the street anyway? If youw ere arguing about trash from that, I'd understand. But you're not.
    I'm not arguing anything. In fact, I've mentioned how I'm on the fence regarding the subject. I clearly see the pros and cons of both sides.

    However, speak to any cop about crime and they'll tell you that a vast majority of problems in any city are alcohol and drug-related, with alcohol being the foremost cause. I'm not saying I'm against alcohol being in Bricktown. I just think there have to be safeguards in place when you're introducing something like this in a family-oriented area; the inside of a bar is totally different.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  7. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    It is not totally different. Sales of alcohol onto the street results in the same thing as sales of alcohol inside a bar: drunk people on the street.

  8. #33

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    It is not totally different. Sales of alcohol onto the street results in the same thing as sales of alcohol inside a bar: drunk people on the street.
    ...and people getting drunk on the street is different than people getting drunk in a bar, at least when it pertains to a family-oriented atmosphere.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  9. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Wow, no it's really not. The actual imbibing of alcohol is not what you're worried about; you're worried about the behavior of drunk people on the street. I don't see you calling for the elimination or hardcore regulation of alcohol being served to the table at a "family" restaurant. We don't need increased police presense inside restaurants that have wine on the menu, and it's not a blow to the family atmosphere...but apparently it is outside? DOesn't make much practical sense, and this type of thinking has kept Oklahoma's liquor laws archaic and a source of humor, not to mention a small economic anchor. Did you know some stores and breweries refuse to enter our market due to our laws? Make you should examine your attitude and see how it fits into the grand scheme of things.

  10. #35

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    There is a difference between drinking an adult beverage with a meal and drinking inside a bar, presumably to get drunk, so of course I'm not calling for police intervention when a restaurant serves wine.

    Secondly, I never said I opposed serving alcohol outside. In fact, if you go back and try to comprehend what I wrote, I clearly stated I was on the fence regarding the issue. I see both sides of the coin.

    All I'm saying is, if OKC is going to allow alcohol to be served outdoors in public in an area in which kids will be present, precautions need to be made. If you don't understand why, speak with a police officer regarding the statistics involving alcohol-related crime. I was a cop for five years and I saw enough to awaken my senses on the subject. There is nothing inherently wrong with alcohol; it's how people tend to act when they're under the influence, or trying to achieve intoxication from alchohol, that becomes an issue when children are present.

    Lastly, quit trying to force a belief I don't hold into my post. No where in my writings will you find me calling for the prohibition of alcohol in a public area. Maybe you should examine your attitude and see how it fits into the grand scheme of things, like posts for example.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  11. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Pollard View Post
    Wow! Somebody with insight!! I fully agree with everything you said except perhaps for the headquarters issue. There can be room for them too, but they have to respect the preious requirments that you outlined. Density is ineed is the solution to the current dilema of bricktown. This is such a classic urban design formula, that it astounds me that it not yet been fully implemented in Bricktown.

    My hat off to you Chuckdiesel!

  12. #37

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Require at least one story (preferably more) of all buildings to be housing of some kind. With people living it Bricktown it creates a lot more action
    yes, good idea, branson landing had some apartments/condos above the retail shops.

  13. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Quote Originally Posted by AFCM View Post
    There is a difference between drinking an adult beverage with a meal and drinking inside a bar, presumably to get drunk, so of course I'm not calling for police intervention when a restaurant serves wine.

    Secondly, I never said I opposed serving alcohol outside. In fact, if you go back and try to comprehend what I wrote, I clearly stated I was on the fence regarding the issue. I see both sides of the coin.

    All I'm saying is, if OKC is going to allow alcohol to be served outdoors in public in an area in which kids will be present, precautions need to be made. If you don't understand why, speak with a police officer regarding the statistics involving alcohol-related crime. I was a cop for five years and I saw enough to awaken my senses on the subject. There is nothing inherently wrong with alcohol; it's how people tend to act when they're under the influence, or trying to achieve intoxication from alchohol, that becomes an issue when children are present.

    Lastly, quit trying to force a belief I don't hold into my post. No where in my writings will you find me calling for the prohibition of alcohol in a public area. Maybe you should examine your attitude and see how it fits into the grand scheme of things, like posts for example.
    Wow, like your posts are so hard to comprehend; it might take me a while to try to understand it. You're stating an opinion with zero logic or facts to back it up other than "I was a cop." Wow. Your opinion must mean more than everyone else's.

    OK, now I am going to go examine my attitude. We already know what yours is: a puritan hangover regarding alcohol that makes Oklahomans seem behind the times. No need to examine yours.

  14. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Quote Originally Posted by AFCM View Post
    at least when it pertains to a family-oriented atmosphere.
    Maybe that's the real issue. I, for one, am sick of *everything* in OKC having to be family-oriented.

    There's a number of reasons why so many people leave the city/state to go party on the weekends, the 2 primary ones being the insanely antiquated liquor laws and the fact that you can't find a decent place to hang out in this town without worrying about someone's precious snowflake seeing you drink a beer or hearing you say a naughty word.

  15. #40

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    It seems that there are a lack of late night food options for the bar crowd...Sonic, Falcones, and street vendors selling greasy food (or even good food) could make great money between 12-4 am on the weekends.

  16. #41

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Maybe that's the real issue. I, for one, am sick of *everything* in OKC having to be family-oriented.
    you can go down almost any street in OKC and find a low scum bar to get drunk in.....and what's wrong with me not wanting my precious snowflake not to see you drink or hear you say a naughty word????i think it GREAT that OKC is so family friendly!

  17. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    I don't believe walking around with open containers of any alcoholic substance, low point or high, being legal on the streets of BT. I've seen more than a few arrested because of it.

    To truly take care of the situation, if you really wanted drinking on the streets, you would have to designate specific containers, ie aluminum bottles, waste collection, and increased foot traffic by police officers. I really see it just costing more money to the city. Even per the higher tax revenue from sales.

    Then you have to look at it turning from a family/tourist destination, to the strictly 21+ crowd.

    Plus, drinking in bars is a lot better than on the street. Who would regulate how much a patron has had to drink or even if the person is old enough to drink than a bartender?

    Bartenders are ultimately responsible for what happens to a drinker after they leave. They are suppose to regulate how much is too much if you seem overly intoxicated, and if they continue to let your drink, fully aware that you are overly intoxicated, and you crash or cause harm to someone, they are responsible. Who will have that responsibility when it's on the streets?

  18. #43

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    While I'm not fan of drinks on the streets and sidewalks, as to who would be responsible, oh, I dunno, here's an idea.

    Why don't we go back to the apparently antiquated concept of when someone screws up, he or she is held responsible for his or her actions.

    You know, the one who made the decision to consume each drink that went into in his or her system.

    I know, I know, too radical for today's times.

  19. #44

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    When I was at the Redhawks game Friday night I was struck how badly that corner lot by JDM Place needs to be developed. I wouldn't mind if it looked like JDM Place or like one of the other warehouses along there, as long as it was similar in scale and materials (BRICK). Also that lot by Zio's needs to go. So what would I do to BT? Develop those lots as my first priority. Then I would concentrate on developing the lots around the intersection of Reno and Oklahoma as that will eventually be the gateway into Bricktown from the blvd. (the first at-grade intersection is at Oklahoma) and a key connection between the Ford Center and the rest of the district. Then it would be redeveloping the old industrial areas along Sheridan on the eastside of Bricktown into urban townhomes and lofts and making Sheridan more of "the" street for nightlife with more bars and music venues, and of course developing those parking lots along it at Mickey Mantle (by LIT) and the ones across from Spaghetti Warehouse and Bricktown Brewery. A parking garage further down the street at Joe Carter would make up for the lost parking.

  20. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    What about closing down a few of the streets and making it walking/biking only, nice side walks, trees, park benches, etc... like a huge promenade.

  21. #46

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Is Chuck diesel on the city council?
    If not, why not?
    You need to read his ideas.
    Love the Big 12 championship game idea for Basketball and Football.

  22. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Where can one find these ideas?

  23. #48

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    page 1

  24. #49

    Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    You already can on the canal. Also, Norman allows 21+ to walk around with low-point beer if not obviously intoxicated.

    So, there you go, two places you didn't know about, both in our metro area.
    You can in Norman, but only on football game days if I'm not mistaken (6 days per year), and only in the surrounding area of the football stadium. In Bricktown, don't you have to stay directly in front of the establishment that you purchased the "fun" beverage from? I don't think either of these is compares with what you can do in NOLA

  25. Default Re: What would you do to BT?

    We don't want Bricktown to be the French Quarter. We don't want it to be the state fair either, so lets keep the alcohol in the bars and on the patios.

    Anyway, here's what I would do, assuming money and ownership issues weren't obstacles.

    1) Parking lot at Sheridan & Oklahoma would become a public space, Horton Square (named for Neal Horton), with a mix of grass and hard surface areas. This would eliminate the ugly surface parking, but still allow it to be used for the many outdoor festivals Bricktown hosts. I would build a free parking garage on the other side of Oklahoma, where there is currently a small surface lot.

    2) I would build a parking garage on the lot south of Zio's, with entrance on Reno. I would put a multi-story Barnes & Noble or Borders or Full Circle in the Rock Island Plow building on the NW corner of Reno & Oklahoma, with lofts on the top floors. And I would put an Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame on the lot east of Zio's on the canal. This would have canal-level space that would include a gift shop and an Oklahoma music-themed restaurant or perhaps a 24-hour diner. The museum would then be above that, with the exhibits on at least 2 floors, and a medium-sized venue (auditorium-style).

    3) I would complete the Cotton Exchange as originally proposed.

    4) I would put a boutique hotel in the upper floors of Spaghetti Warehouse. I would put lofts in the upper floors of Mercantile Building, fmr. Daquiri Zone, and Melting Pot.

    5) I would build the Mickey Mantle Museum just north of the plaza w/ the clock. It would have large (thick) windows overlooking the outfield. There would be condos above the museum as well as north of it, filling in the area around the ballpark with dense development.

    6) Across Joe Carter would be a development like Funk proposed, with ground level retail and condos, and possibly a hotel. This would include underground parking and some above ground garage with access from the alley to the north. This development would continue to the south of Reno, filling in all of Bass Pro's parking lot, with the mini-canal running through the middle. This is where I would put Dave & Busters and ESPN Zone, as these buildings would have larger footprints.

    7) I would put a parking garage on the current Harkins lot, south of Toby Kieths, with 3 story mixed use buildings between it and the canal.

    8) I would replace the Stewart Metals buildings with dense residential developments and service retail.

    9 I would put in more public art, and more fountains.

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