Since it seems 23rd is the street we most want to see restored, what stores should go in? How to overcome - is it possible to overcome - limited parking? Seems most of the parallel spaces are already taken with only limited shopping available. Parking lots along South side in empty lots? You know the buses run on 23rd every 20 minutes.
I would like to see a sandwich shop. Not so expensive but good. Maybe even part of a deli. I'm thinking of one I loved that used to be near my work on Linwood many years ago - I went there just for their bologna sandwiches and so did many others - all fresh cut. Good sandwiches like ND's but not as expensive or so hugh. Afterall, they are moving further away. How about a local donut or pastry shop - or coffee shop. Then maybe a stylish clothing store mid-range. I'm thinking of a place I shopped in Toronto that had lots of tops and pants - simple & pretty knits a notch above Walmart or Target. A rumage or antique store or two. I would like to see the Liquidation store a real furniture store - oriental?. Of course we need the Tower to be completed. Then maybe an ice cream shop as well... maybe a style shop. Nail shop? Another store I loved in Toronto that I havn't seen elsewhere was a hair-comb shop. I walked in and spent over $100. on combs for my hair - and the guy did my hair with them. Was great fun. I envision a walking destination. I want to go to the movies and coffee or ice-cream and shopping after. Art-supplies store.. another yarn shop? Doug - what shops used to be in there? Any pictures?
Of course I don't have the money or know-how to do any of this.. I just want to shop there. What are your ideas?