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Thread: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

  1. #1

    Default Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    My wife and I have been doing this for quite some time now, I'm glad to see a broader push for these in OKC, even though we are well behind our peer cities in sustainability. I wish we'd be like the more progessive cities and do an all out ban against cheap plastic throw-away bags.

    Cloth grocery sacks are bagging up success

    By Ja’Rena Lunsford
    Business Writer

    My little brother hates to see my husband and me coming his way. In fact he said a lot of his co-workers feel the same way.
    It's nothing against us, he told me. His problem is with the cloth bags we tote to the grocery store. My brother, a cashier, said the bags slow him down.

    My response to him is simple: tough. We are saving the world — or at least the part of the world that would eventually be filled with millions of plastic grocery bags.

    I'll admit it wasn't my idea to start bringing my own bags to the grocery store a year ago. It was the television queen herself, Oprah. After watching an episode about decreasing your "carbon footprint,” my husband and I dashed to Hobby Lobby in search for the largest, sturdiest bags we could find.

    Yes, we knew we'd probably go through plastic bag withdrawal, especially when we went to replace the trash bag in the bathroom only to find there was no bag small enough to fit it. But we knew opting for cloth instead of paper or plastic was a smart move. And it's a move we aren't making alone.

    Reaction surprises retailers
    Bruce Harroz, owner of Crest Discount Foods, started selling reusable cloth bags about two months ago.
    "They went so fast,” Harroz said. "I would have never dreamed it would go over that big.”

    Harroz and his management team initially ordered 40 cloth bags from Edmond-based Brown to Earth Bag Co. Crest sold the bags for $1 each. In a week, the bags had sold out, and Harroz was ordering more, 40,000 more.

    "Hopefully we'll have them in about two weeks,” Harroz said of the new order of cloth bags, which will bear the Crest logo.

    Emilie Rider, co-founder of Brown to Earth, said she's not surprised cloth bags are catching on with shoppers. "People are tired of having 4,000 plastic bags and paper sacks crammed into their cabinet,” said Rider, who started the company with her sister, Valerie Suttee. "It's becoming more socially acceptable to be more responsible when it comes to the environment.”

    Hey, little brother, did you hear that? My bags are socially acceptable and I'm responsible.

    Local retailers aren't the only ones leaning toward more eco-friendly bags. In celebration of Earth Month, Wal-Mart will be giving away 1 million reusable bags beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday. The reusable bags are made from recycled plastic bottles, Wal-Mart spokesman Bill Wertz said.

    "We are trying to encourage more customers to use the reusable bags,” Wertz said.

    Background for decision
    Like Crest, Wal-Mart usually sells the reusable bags for $1. Wertz said the bags are not only convenient, but also an alternative to traditional plastic bags, which can take up to 1,000 years to degrade.
    "The only thing you have to do is remember to take them with you,” Wertz said of the reusable bags. "The more people we can encourage to use reusable bags, the better.”

    Along with saving the environment — or at least attempting too — Harroz expects the reusable bags to save his company money. He said Crest pays about 4 cents for each paper bag it uses. Although he doesn't know how much the reusable bags will save the company, he anticipates they will have an economic impact.

    Although Earth Natural Foods does not sell reusable grocery bags, the Norman store does reuse plastic bags brought in by customers.

    "The customers like it because it gives them a place to bring their bags,” the Earth's Geoffrey Burch said. The Earth also gives a 10 percent discount to customers who walk or ride their bikes to the store.

    Walking or biking? Well, I don't think I'm ready to go that far. I'll stick with the cloth bags and annoying my brother.

  2. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I think using these bags is great. I was amazed that there are not more grocery stores in Oklahoma City that push this. It is cheaper for the business and better for everything else!

    Our biggest problem is remembering to take them in. I think we end up buying new ones which has created quite the collection.

    As for it slowing them down - what causes it? I know that when we go shop with the bags, we end up bagging things ourselves and - if anything - end up going faster then when we are waiting for someone else to bag our food and other things.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by EvokeCoffee View Post
    I think using these bags is great. I was amazed that there are not more grocery stores in Oklahoma City that push this. It is cheaper for the business and better for everything else!

    Our biggest problem is remembering to take them in. I think we end up buying new ones which has created quite the collection.

    As for it slowing them down - what causes it? I know that when we go shop with the bags, we end up bagging things ourselves and - if anything - end up going faster then when we are waiting for someone else to bag our food and other things.
    Having a large collection of cloth bags for us just means that folks know that we have been supporting that kind of initiative for many years. One of my favorites that we shop with is the "Anchorage Citizens for Recycling" cloth bag that we have been using for moving groceries since 1995!

    It's not a bad thing to reuse stuff that can be reused. And I hope it continues to catch on...

  4. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I was at Target a few days ago and they have reusable bags that self-zip into a small packet. Target Reusable Shopping Bag: Sustainable is Good: The Sustainable Packaging Source

  5. #5

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Garden Ridge (I-40 and MacArthur?? Rockwell??) has tons and tons and tons of these bags in a full rainbow of colors. They're about .99 cents a pop, and roomier than any of the other bags I've seen at Target or Crest.

    I do like the compactibility of Target's bags, though, but I'd rather spend $5 on 5 bags than $5 on 1 bag.

    But I agree with others. It's one thing to buy them, another to remember to take them along. I try to always put ours back in the car when we're through unloading. That way, they're ready to go when we are.

  6. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Somebody needs to tell the greeters at WalMart about this 'great' idea. Saw a lady the other day being told she couldn't bring her empty bag in the store because of shoplifting fears.

    They made her go back to her car and put her shopping bag up.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Somebody needs to tell the greeters at WalMart about this 'great' idea. Saw a lady the other day being told she couldn't bring her empty bag in the store because of shoplifting fears.

    They made her go back to her car and put her shopping bag up.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    Garden Ridge (I-40 and MacArthur?? Rockwell??) has tons and tons and tons of these bags in a full rainbow of colors. They're about .99 cents a pop, and roomier than any of the other bags I've seen at Target or Crest.

    I do like the compactibility of Target's bags, though, but I'd rather spend $5 on 5 bags than $5 on 1 bag.

    But I agree with others. It's one thing to buy them, another to remember to take them along. I try to always put ours back in the car when we're through unloading. That way, they're ready to go when we are.
    Same here, that's our biggest problem, for the unexpected or "quick" trips to the store. I've tried to get in a better habit of putting them in the trunk so when I get to the store I don't say "Oh crap, I forgot the bags I left by the door".

  9. #9

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Great move with the cloth bags, I'm gonna get some too, all you really need to do is go by a land fill and it'll surely change your mind on plastic bags....

  10. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I'm all for the whole "bring your own bag" but jeebus Ja’Rena Lunsford, are you sure that your new bags are sturdy enough to hold all that smarmy drivel you've directed at hardworking people in the grocery store as well as your own family?

    If my sister said that to me while I was bagging her groceries, I'd slip a stack of 100 plastic bags in there when she wasn't looking...Then put that big honkin' can of creamed corn in with her eggs.

    Then I'd tell mom.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I bought one of the reusable Walmart bags and now they stop and check everything in it before I can leave. It's turning in to more of a hassle than I thought it would be.

  12. #12
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    But OGTS, don't you understand?! They are SAVING THE WORLD!

  13. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    But OGTS, don't you understand?! They are SAVING THE WORLD!
    Then somebody should tell them that walking to the store would do 10x the good as those bags.

    *runs out of thread*

  14. #14
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    [Insert inevitable urban sprawl comment here]

  15. #15

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Crescent Market has had them for years.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I have a bunch of Chico bags, which I love because they fold up into a small pouch with a clip on them. Very handy! I've never had a problem at Wal-Mart or Target either one over the last year I've used them. Never been stopped to have my bags searched, which is surprising, because at Wal-Mart I always use self-checkout.

  17. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    [Insert inevitable urban sprawl comment here]

  18. #18

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I've used my reusable bags at WalMart, Target and other places for months now and haven't been stopped once. I could see WalMart as "profilers" though.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I don't think I look like a shoplifter! Maybe it's just the one in Midwest City, but she told me they were having to check all of the reusable bags since someone had filled theirs up and 'forgotten' to pay. I don't know if they're still checking everyone, I haven't gone back with my bag yet.

  20. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I can't believe that Wal-Mart is checking bags! They must be worried about not being able to continue to roll back the prices, thus undercutting all of the neighborhood mom and pop establishments because of all the losses from all those sustainably-minded shop lifters.

    Regarding the Target bags, I bought some of the compact ones for my resistant boyfriend and roommate and they were .99 as well. The boys are coming around to the idea but still freak out when I don't put produce in the plastic bags with a twisty tie. Good lord! How many people touched that apple?

    If you are a woman and carry a bag, find or make a thin cotton shopping bag and keep it in your purse. I always have one on me and several larger versions in my car and the Burley that I tow my daughter in. It is a habit and just takes a little practice to remember.

    Keep up the good work people. You are making a difference and you aren't slowing down the checkers, they just aren't that adaptable. They will get over it or maybe with a little practice, they will learn how to adapt to a new process.

  21. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I finally saw reuseable bags available at Wal-Mart. Black and logo'd for $1. Maybe that means no more harrassment from the greeter Nazi.

  22. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    Home Depot just introduced them this week. Two for $5.

    In Germany the grocery stores charge for plastic bags. In the long run it's much cheaper for a reusable.

  23. Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    I read a story Spring of 2007 about Ikea starting to charge for bags. I think that is the way to go. Most Health Food stores offer a bag discount of .05 to .10 per bag, but that is not incentive enough, IMO.

    Maybe if people are hit with a .10 to .25 charge per bag they will be more likely to remember their bags or make that second trip to the car to grab the bags they left in the trunk. America is a convenience-based country. We are lazy. I think that sometimes it takes a hit to the pocket book to make us change our ways.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Reusable bags finally starting to catch on in OKC

    foy, so1nrfan, etc. On the west coast, they've been doing this for years and some cities have all out bans on paper or plastic bags and most places charge for the plastic bags.

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