OKC (and other OK cities) in the top 101. (new list from city-data)
#25 windiest city (pop 50,000+)
Top 101 cities with the highest average wind speeds (population 50,000+)
OKC metro cities take #24-29 in the windiest city category
OKC makes #99 on top zip codes with the lowest average reported salary/wage in 2004...as discussed in another thread.
Top 101 zip codes with the lowest average reported salary/wage in 2004 (pop 5,000+)
Lawton makes #61 with the highest daily high temperature.
Top 101 cities with the highest daily high temperatures (population 50,000+)
Lawton also comes in at #31 for largest percent of workers with very short commute times
Top 101 cities with largest percentage of workers with very short commute times (9 minutes or less) (population 50,000+)
Lawton #20 and Tulsa #87 - cities with the largest population decrease from 2000 to 2006
Top 101 cities with the largest percentage population decrease from 2000 to 2006 (population 50,000+)
Broken Arrow #88 for most building permits per 1,000 residents
Top 101 cities with most building permits per 1,000 residents in 2004-2006 (population 50,000+)
Edmond #73 - cities with the highest cost per building permit in 2004-2006
Top 101 cities with the highest cost per building permit in 2004-2006 (population 50,000+)
Several Oklahoma made the top 101 for cities with the lowest cost per building permit in 2004-2006
Top 101 cities with the lowest cost per building permit in 2004-2006 (population 5,000+)
Several OK cities in Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females working in industry: Petroleum and coal products (population 5,000+)
Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females working in industry: Petroleum and coal products (population 5,000+)
and 50,000 + Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females working in industry: Petroleum and coal products (population 50,000+)
Tulsa and Tecumseh both rank for most casinos.
...so on and so forth. I don't have the time to do the rest, but it's interesting to see what Oklahoma cities made the list, good or bad. Perhaps, someone with a little more time can put together some more rankings.
...this shortest straw has been pulled for you