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Thread: Christian Bale Arrested

  1. Default Christian Bale Arrested


    I love him but not so much now if the allegations are true.

    Apparently he assaulted his sister and Mother!

    No one tells Batman to Clean his Room.

    Let's hope they are attention seeking wanna be's and it's all not true.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Christian Bale Arrested

    I read a story a while back that when he got famous his family started to come and ask for money. If you have seen "million dollar baby" then you know what I am talking about.

    I was listening to fox radio during lunch and they said the london police waited until after the Batman premier to bring him in for questioning meaning they were suspecious of the claims to begin with.

    So we'll see. I hope its not true.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Christian Bale Arrested

    If it's accurate, did a real deep hole, introduce him to his new batty cave and walk away, after you fill in the hole.

    you don't hit momma, period.
    if you think, even know, momma needs hitting, see rule number 1.

    I don't have tons of absolutes, but yeah, that's one.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Christian Bale Arrested

    His sister wanted $200,000 from him.. and he got pissed.

    I don't usually take the celebrities side, but this time I am going to have to. I would have smacked the crap out of her too.

  5. Default Re: Christian Bale Arrested

    From what I understand, he never lifted a hand. He just yelled...That's assault in the UK.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Christian Bale Arrested

    If he 'only' yelled, throw him in a deep hole all the same, but I won't be overly perturbed if it's not filled in afterwards.

    After all, I have a heart. It ain't a big one, and it's in a jar on a shelf, but I do have a heart.

  7. Default Re: Christian Bale Arrested

    You've never yelled at anybody?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Christian Bale Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    You've never yelled at anybody?
    Of course I have raised my voice in my lifetime. But yell at my momma?

    Nah, not since I was two and didn't yet know better.

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