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Thread: What exactly is a noob?

  1. #1

    Default What exactly is a noob?

    This is the site on which I most often post. However, I occasionally post on Sooner-related fan sites under the moniker, "AimForCenterMass". While I've been registered on those sites for several years, most dating back to around 2002, I have less than 100 posts. I often alienate myself because of my opinions, which tend to differ among the elite 100,000 Posts Club, and I don't refer to the team as "I, us" or "we".

    So, as a result of different opinions and my ability separate college sports and real life, I'm often referred to as a "noob". I'll point out that I've been a registered member for over five to six years. Apparently, this doesn't matter. The members who proudly boast tens of thousands of posts, most of which consist of a simple emoticon, are quick to point out the widening gap of forum participation.

    I don't get this. I often don't join in discussions because the topics are ultimately too juvenile. They most often involve "smack-talk" about Texas, Oklahoma State, or another team, and I just don't see the reason to hate another school. I also don't live in a fantasy world in which my team's success dictates my personal accomplishments; hence, I don't argue "We're going to kick your...". I'm reasonable and completely objective in my posts, while others take things so personally, as if someone just made a "yo mama" joke.

    I didn't post much to begin with, and now because of elementary-aged style in which these people post, I post less than ever. I hardly even go to the boards. So, my question to you: What exactly is a noob? Is it a person who hasn't been registered for a long duration? Is it a person who doesn't have three zeroes in their post count? Is it a person who doesn't apply the same standard of hate towards an opposing team, or a person who doesn't refer to the team and themselves in the same-person perspective?
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  2. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    I guess different sites classify new members differently but basically noob stands for:


    Looks like the site you are on puts a lot of emphasis on quantity over quality.. knowing you, you offer a lot of quality. Their loss.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Play Yahoo! Pool more often and if you're in the right rooms, you'll see several underground groups in an all out war aganist leagues (lockdown, booting, botz, etc). Noob is commonly an insult name. It can be the same as newbie, but it is more along the line of stupid, dumb, idiot, wannabe and whatever else.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    If you have to ask what a noob is...

  5. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Yo mama's a n00b!

  6. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    If you have to ask what a noob is...
    Good example. Asking what a noob is clearly makes a person a noob. lol

  7. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Good example. Asking what a noob is clearly makes a person a noob. lol
    It's the "Catch Twentyn00b" rule.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    If you have to ask what a noob is...
    Comprehension's a wonderful thing, isn't it? I understand "noob" is supposed to be an insult, and is a derivative of "newbie", which comes from "new". I'm just wondering what the criteria is for being a "noob". You see, people throw out the word like it's a bodily function. For whatever reason, it makes them feel better to know they have the upperhand on a post count or time registered. I was just asking what exactly defines a "noob". Is it time registered or post count?
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  9. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    AFCM, it could be about your posts, the way you say things, your thoughts, and all that. We're all a noob once in a while.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    AFCM, it could be about your posts, the way you say things, your thoughts, and all that. We're all a noob once in a while.
    ...but if all of my opinions are based on facts, then what? Facts can change opinions, but opinions can't change facts.

    I'm one of the only posters who uses logic and critical thinking to form a thought. I don't flame and I don't take things personally. A lot of times, I have a difference of opinion simply because I don't drink the Oklahoma Kool-Aid. I'm a Sooner fan, but I keep things in perspective. A lot of these guys with 100K posts are simply fanatical...and they just happen to be the guys that throw around the term "noob" if you disagree with them.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  11. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    I wouldn't know, because I'm not on the other site. I'm just stating different ways a person can call a person a noob. Don't worry about it. Everyone has their own opinion and they say what they want. When someone says noob to you, it usually means they got nothing to throw back, so you win.

  12. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Looks like the site you are on puts a lot of emphasis on quantity over quality.. knowing you, you offer a lot of quality. Their loss.
    Anyone can bring up their post counts and still offer little to nothing of value to a forum.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. #13

    Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Thanks for your kind words Karried. You always seem to say the right things at the right time.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  14. #14

    Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Quote Originally Posted by AFCM View Post
    ...but if all of my opinions are based on facts, then what? Facts can change opinions, but opinions can't change facts.

    I'm one of the only posters who uses logic and critical thinking to form a thought. I don't flame and I don't take things personally. A lot of times, I have a difference of opinion simply because I don't drink the Oklahoma Kool-Aid. I'm a Sooner fan, but I keep things in perspective. A lot of these guys with 100K posts are simply fanatical...and they just happen to be the guys that throw around the term "noob" if you disagree with them.
    You are kind of being a noob...

    Stop taking the Internet so seriously, like oh my God. Nothing said on the Internet matters at all (though everything you said will be used against you in 20 years after the fascists take over the world.)

    Think of the Internet like television, that you can talk back to.

  15. #15

    Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    How am I taking it seriously? I just asked a question.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  16. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Here a humor example on Karried. lol

    Karried and family stands in a line waiting for a turn on a roller coaster. When it is their turn, they show the express pass to the employee and the response from the employee says, "You could have gotten on this ride faster, if you had actually waited in the express line. This is the regular line." Much to Karried's embrassment, she says out loud, "Oh gosh! I'm such a noob!" lol

  17. #17

    Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Define irony.
    Last edited by Toadrax; 07-24-2008 at 12:22 AM. Reason: hehe

  18. Default Re: What exactly is a noob?

    Could we add a....


    A place to post funny NOOB pictures such as...

    Did someone just called the kitten a noob?

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