Re: ESPN Poll: The entire world chooses "Outlaws" over "Thunder"
Guys, I've thought about it.
And Thunder sounds too minor league. It is very baseless and doesn't have that kick or pump that almost any other NBA team has.
I think Barons or Outlaws are way better - and of the four Clay is apparently narrowed to (the other being Thundercats and Thunder), Barons or Outlaws should be in the top 2.
Then, if the NBA wont allow Outlaws - Barons should be it. Irregardless of the potential negative (Robber Baron is the ONLY ONE) - Barons rolls off the tongue, ends in s, and has huge marketing appeal (both here an nationwide).
Plus, we don't have any local market teams named Barons.
It's ridiculous the OKC media ran with Thunder as the name - when the ownership didn't ever confirm it nor did they have a statement planned. That just shows the immaturity of the OKC media - at least channel 5 had a source, but why did the DoK run with it - when they didn't have ownership confirmation?
It's being reported all over (all over our news up here) that it's the Thunder - when it isn't nor hasn't been decided or released yet. The DoK (and OKC) are going to look really stupid when they have to retract the stories from the last couple of days - Im sure Clay will definitely drop Thunder now!
Barons and Outlaws are much better than that!
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!