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Thread: We Have A Name!

  1. #126

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Thunder, let's see a pic of that, we might use it for a team logo.. lol
    How about this one? It's from Josh at Hornetscentral (soon perhaps to be OKCThunderfans.com?)


  2. #127

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    It's a little too busy and full of testosterone for my taste but I like the colors and the theme ok.

  3. #128

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Betts, I just looked, out of curiosity, and ThunderTalk.com was registered yesterday! That would have been cool too.

  4. #129

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    Orlando Magic is one of the best names, you want a worse name? Miami Heat
    Magic, Heat, Jazz, Thunder...they all belong in the WNBA with the Mystics and other horrible names. When did sports teams quit trying to sound menacing? I hate the new abstract trend of sports names.

  5. #130

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    Betts, I just looked, out of curiosity, and ThunderTalk.com was registered yesterday! That would have been cool too.
    I hadn't thought of that one. Ah well, it will simply be a bookmark for most people regardless.

  6. #131

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    It's a little too busy and full of testosterone for my taste but I like the colors and the theme ok.
    Haha! Agree about the busyness, but, I think we need some testosterone with an ambiguous name like Thunder. Just leave Thor out of it, please!

  7. #132

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckdiesel View Post
    Magic, Heat, Jazz, Thunder...they all belong in the WNBA with the Mystics and other horrible names. When did sports teams quit trying to sound menacing? I hate the new abstract trend of sports names.
    Yeah! Menacing! Like the Chicago Cubs and the Miami Dolphins!!! Actually, Thunder has potential to be very menacing.

  8. #133

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    Yeah! Menacing! Like the Chicago Cubs and the Miami Dolphins!!! Actually, Thunder has potential to be very menacing.
    Only if your opponents are 7 and afraid of the dark. Weak.

  9. #134

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckdiesel View Post
    Only if your opponents are 7 and afraid of the dark. Weak.
    What about the Cubs? Dolphins? LAME names, too?

  10. Default Re: We Have A Name!

    OKC Thunder isn't trademarked, so I think it is safe to trademark that, since the other one is entirely different.

    Betts, I like the graphic, so I saved it, you know why. lol It has too much gold, but you have the potential.

    I think they need to set up something for people to submit their graphics to be considered or influence on the logo/mascot.

    Karried... lol I'll post a pix of the car when I get my camera back.

    Karried, I do have an ugly pix of myself and it shows me wearing a 2nd shirt made with Thunder on it. The first one is lost, but I think someone stole it. I had the 2nd one made, but it is not as good as the 1st one.

    No, I don't wanna sell my identity! I'm thinking if there is anything that I could do to turn into $$$. lol Post my forehead or car to use as advertisement for OKC Thunder.

  11. #136

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    What about the Cubs? Dolphins? LAME names, too?
    Yes and historically bottom feeders in their respective leagues. Nobody buys dolphins gear, the cubs somehow pull of the lovable loser thing and sell alot of apparel.
    Raiders, Vikings, Lions, Jaguars, Bulls, Cowboys, Chiefs, Patriots, Steelers, Braves, etc...those are all timeless names that embrace the fact that they are sports teams not chess clubs.

  12. #137

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    I know a lot of women who love the Dolphins specifically because of their logo and especially the colors. I know it was my sister's team growing up because she loved their unis. This may be proving your point ( it only appeals to females) but it does work on some level.

  13. Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Another thing that Mark Rodgers mentioned on The Sports Animal yesterday evening, but classified it as strictly rumor, was that the colors would incorporate red and blue with the possibility of the blue being the same color as the Oklahoma state flag.

    He wasn't too confident in that rumor, but said that's what a source told him.

  14. #139

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Even teams like the Diamondbacks, Trailblazers, Spurs, Buccaneers, Hornets, and Rockets seem to capture at least some masculinity in their name and avoid the weak nerdiness of names like Dolphins and Magic. The only thing that the Miami Dolphins could have done to make their name worse was to just call it the Miami Dolphin with out the 's'.

  15. Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckdiesel View Post
    Yes and historically bottom feeders in their respective leagues. Nobody buys dolphins gear, the cubs somehow pull of the lovable loser thing and sell alot of apparel.
    Raiders, Vikings, Lions, Jaguars, Bulls, Cowboys, Chiefs, Patriots, Steelers, Braves, etc...those are all timeless names that embrace the fact that they are sports teams not chess clubs.
    49ers is hardly menacing and yet it is one of the most recognizable sports teams ever.

    Also, it's just my opinion, but I hardly think "Cowboys" is menacing. And we all know that Lions have been historically known as bottom feeders for many, many years.

  16. #141

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    49ers is hardly menacing and yet it is one of the most recognizable sports teams ever.

    Also, it's just my opinion, but I hardly think "Cowboys" is menacing. And we all know that Lions have been historically known as bottom feeders for many, many years.
    49ers refer to a bunch of hard nosed gold miners from the 1800's so I kind of think it is at least somewhat intimidating but yes it does fail on alot of levels. The only reason that the 49ers are so recognizable really is due to the fact that they are located in such a huge market and have had enormous amounts of success with legendary teams.
    Cowboys is not extremely menacing but it leaves names like Thunder and Barons in the dust.

  17. Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckdiesel View Post
    49ers refer to a bunch of hard nosed gold miners from the 1800's so I kind of think it is at least somewhat intimidating but yes it does fail on alot of levels. The only reason that the 49ers are so recognizable really is due to the fact that they are located in such a huge market and have had huge amounts of success with legendary teams.
    Cowboys is not extremely menacing but it leaves names like Thunder and Barons in the dust.
    I respect your view point, but disagree that hard-nosed gold miners necessarily equals menacing and/or intimidating.

    I do agree that Cowboys is a better choice than Barons and Thunder, but we can't have Cowboys....so Thunder it is.

    And as for the 49ers...you're exactly right. They're known for their actions on the field and their history., not because they have a menacing name.

  18. #143

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Thunder could be the most generic weak name out there. Even Barons would have been better than Thunder. How about they name it after a phenomenon caused by something else that occurs everywhere.

  19. #144

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    I respect your view point, but disagree that hard-nosed gold miners necessarily equals menacing and/or intimidating.

    I do agree that Cowboys is a better choice than Barons and Thunder, but we can't have Cowboys....so Thunder it is.

    And as for the 49ers...you're exactly right. They're known for their actions on the field and their history., not because they have a menacing name.

    Exactly. If they were a new franchise with no history and no garauntee of future success and located in an out of the way destination, how many people do you think would get behind this name? Not many, they lucked out being so successful with a huge fanbase to feed from. That does not make it a good name. If they had been at the bottom of the pack throughout their history very few 49ers hats/shirts would be seen throughout the country. Take a team like the falcons and note their history yet they still sell merch. Because they have a good name.

  20. Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckdiesel View Post
    Exactly. If they were a new franchise with no history and no garauntee of future success and located in an out of the way destination. How many people do you think would get behind this name? Not many they lucked out being so successful with a huge fanbase to feed from. That does not make it a good name. If they had been at the bottom of the pack throughout there history very few 49ers hats/shirts would be seen throughout the country. Take a team like the falcons and note their history yet they still sell merch. Because they have a good name.
    I believe a lot of people would get behind the name. Because it is their team and their city. Pride in a team has to start somewhere.

  21. #146

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    I believe a lot of people would get behind the name. Because it is their team and their city. Pride in a team has to start somewhere.
    I disagree but it's just my humble opinion.

  22. Default Re: We Have A Name!

    A name is just a name. It doesn't affect how well the players are in the games and their personality. The fans will be behind the team and the name of the team doesn't really matter.

  23. #148

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    A name is just a name. It doesn't affect how well the players are in the games and their personality. The fans will be behind the team and the name of the team doesn't really matter.
    Exactly, Thunder. I think chuckdiesel outed himself age-wise with his comment about the Dolphins. The Dolphins have been among the most feared teams in NFL history. When I was a kid, the Dolphins went to three straight Super Bowls. They were there again in the eighties. Chuck, have you ever heard of Dan Marino? They haven't done much of late, but I can assure you nobody is pointing a finger at their name.

    The point is that teams aren't feared because of their names - but because of their talent. To try to argue - in an apparently serious way - that the name matters is just bizarre.

  24. Default Re: We Have A Name!

    i didn't like it at first, but it's growing on me. so many people are overly sensitive about it due to the abuse and ridicule we've received from seattle and various media guys.
    i wouldn't sweat the name. we've put together a great team and we're gonna be really proud of these guys.


  25. #150

    Default Re: We Have A Name!

    Quote Originally Posted by cedbled View Post
    $100 million dollars to anyone, ANYONE who can draw a "thunder" for the fine people here at OKCTalk.
    I'll be waiting.....

    edit: I know, they were setting up the cheerleaders website name.
    That's what it was.
    They could still use a thunderbird logo and mascot. That makes the most sense to me.

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