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Thread: Incredible Pizza

  1. #151

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Your question was stupid.

    You might as well ask, "Do people who eat food like minimarts?"

    I have an answer for you anyway.

    Almost everyone believes in a "higher power", only idiots think it cares what they wear to work.

  2. #152

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    Your question was stupid.

    You might as well ask, "Do people who eat food like minimarts?"

    I have an answer for you anyway.

    Almost everyone believes in a "higher power", only idiots think it cares what they wear to work.
    At this point, I'm going to have to call a spade a spade.

    In this case, a spade is a troll.

    What religion do you subscribe to, btw?

  3. #153

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    I'm protestant(baptist)..

    I absolutely LOVE shellfish and don't have a problem with gay people. If I did "because God says so" I would be an idiot.

    Islam is the same way, the Koran doesn't even tell women to cover themselves.

    If you disagree with my point Midtower, you would be saying that everyone that believes in a "higher power" must be irrational about it. Who is the troll?

  4. #154

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    I'm protestant(baptist)..

    I absolutely LOVE shellfish and don't have a problem with gay people. If I did "because God says so" I would be an idiot.

    Islam is the same way, the Koran doesn't even tell women to cover themselves.

    If you disagree with my point Midtower, you would be saying that everyone that believes in a "higher power" must be irrational about it. Who is the troll?
    Shia Islam is a lot like Catholicism. They look outside of their holy book for church dogma.

    As for believing in a higher power, it is absolutely irrational. That's why they call it "faith."

  5. #155

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    No. Islam only asks men and women to be modest.

    One of my best friends is a Shia's from Iran and she just told me that one of their core beliefs is that Muhammad was the last and final messenger from God. Anything else that they believe is cultural not religious.

  6. #156

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    No. Islam only asks men and women to be modest.

    One of my best friends is a Shia's from Iran and she just told me that one of their core beliefs is that Muhammad was the last and final messenger from God. Anything else that they believe is cultural not religious.
    Thinking that one person can speak for Islam in general is narrow-minded.

  7. #157

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Muhammad speaks for Islam.

    Women didn't even start veiling themselves until generations after Muhammad died..

    You do not know anything about Muslims apparently.

    Let me flip this around... Imagine if Craig Groeschel got up and said that all the members of lifechurch needed to go to work in their pajamas to prove that they loved God. We could call up James Dodson and find some way to twist a passage in the Bible to support that premise.

    Would it be required for an employer to allow people to run around in pjs due to religious reasons?

  8. #158

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    i don't know, toadrax... throwing around the word shia as a demonym shows to me that you apparently know very little about the muslim faith.

    furthermore, your repeated theme of "if you don't think like me, you're obviously an idiot" reeks of trollish, flamebait behavior. we ban trolls around here. just sayin'. -M

  9. Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Back to the original topic...

    If Incredible Pizza wants to work under these assumptions (taken from the IPC website)

    Family Values

    * To always speak positively and encourage each other with mutual respect.
    * To be prompt, appropriately dressed and practice good personal hygiene.
    * To be loyal, honest, trustworthy and friendly.
    * To always work safely, watching out for others as well as ourselves.
    * To always work as a team, serving each other and helping wherever needed.
    * To approach change with excitement and a teachable spirit, knowing that we are constantly improving everything we do.

    Then I don't think this is a terrible organization.

    I mean, gah, working as a team? Trying to constantly improve oneself? Being friendly? What TERRIBLE principles.
    Still corrupting young minds

  10. #160

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    "if you don't think like me, you're obviously an idiot"
    The majority of people do not take their religion or culture with them to work at all, because they are not idiots. Most people dress professionally or at least appropriately.

    France has outlawed the display of all religious displays in their schools (including headscarves) and employers are free to do the same.

    I am only calling a small percentage of people idiots. There are other benefits to banning such things.

    The Veil Controversy

    But what Islamists use most is intimidation. A survey conducted in France in May 2003 found that 77 percent of girls wearing the hijab said they did so because of physical threats from Islamist groups. A series in the newspaper Libération in 2003 documented how Muslim women and girls in France who refuse to wear the hijab are insulted, rejected, and often physically threatened by Muslim males. One of the teenage girls interviewed said, "Every day, bearded men come to me and advise me strongly on wearing the veil. It is a war. For now, there are no dead, but there are looks and words that do kill."

  11. #161

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    If you don't agree with someone's religious views or hiring practices then don't work there. Why would you want to? There are many many many other places to work. ??? Why would you waste time worrying about it??? There are many many many other things that do concern you personally, I am sure, that you could worry about.

  12. Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    My only problem with a lot of places hiring processes is that...Well...They won't hire me.

    I'm just going to start sending out my resume as simply "I AM BILL BRASKY" in 72 point.

  13. #163

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    First, if it doesn't matter what you wear to work - then why is it a big deal that they want to wear articles that represent their religion? Furthermore - it is an assumed decision of society to decide what exactly is deamed 'business attire'. Who says it's professional for a woman to wear a skirt and pantyhose? I think that should be listed in the book of tortures. I hate those things. If you can look at it as NOT being a big deal to wear such things, then why is it such a big deal TO wear them?

    Second - I WISH Craig would tell us to go to work in our pajamas! I would love that. Because I am so brainwashed by him that I do every thing he tells me to do. I no longer have a mind of my own. I wonder what he wants me to eat for lunch today? Maybe Incredible Pizza!

  14. Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    You're perceptive.

    To tell you the truth, I really don't see how whether you are 'spiritual' or not is even relevant to your inquiry. Perhaps you feel it's necessary to be spiritual in order to not appear to be some sort of agnostic/atheist when you're criticizing the spirituality of others? I don't really care.

    It was just unnecessary to preface your statement with a declaration that you are spiritual.

    Now... unless you're a stockholder in Incredible Pizza, which I doubt, why the concern as to whether they might have discriminatory hiring practices? Are you a vigilante justice-bringer for Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

    Do you make it your business to ferret out and halt any potentially illegal religious discrimination practices in the workplace?
    No need to be a jerk. You don't own the board, no matter how many posts you have. If you're tired of deigning to give your non-licensed legal opinion on matters, then just stop. Your derision, snobbery and smartassery give real attorneys a bad name. Follow Doug's lead if you want to see how to help others understand the law without being a raging prick.

  15. #165

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    No need to be a jerk. You don't own the board, no matter how many posts you have. If you're tired of deigning to give your non-licensed legal opinion on matters, then just stop. Your derision, snobbery and smartassery give real attorneys a bad name. Follow Doug's lead if you want to see how to help others understand the law without being a raging prick.
    An opinion isn't the same thing as advice.

    You don't have to be licensed to have or express an opinion. I'm careful about not crossing the line -- if this fella thinks he has been discriminated against, a message board is a dumb place to be looking for advice as to whether he has a claim. Sometimes, being blunt is the best way to get your point across.

    He asks his question in the form of a question regarding his "concern" about Incredible Pizza's policies. I don't think you could possibly think I was giving advice to Incredible Pizza, so I'm not sure who or what you think I'm giving advice to???

  16. #166

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Cant we just agree that it was a misworded and irrelevant question... thats all... nothing more, nothing less

  17. #167

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Quote Originally Posted by kristae View Post
    Cant we just agree that it was a misworded and irrelevant question... thats all... nothing more, nothing less
    We can, unless Midtowner might be trying to make the point that the OP's expressed desire for legal enlightenment might be considered disingenuous given his "I'm spiritual" disclaimer....building a strawman argument to base a possible subsequent bashing of an organization that dared to express a desire to employ Godly principles in their operation....now I would never dare to presume to speak for Midtowner, as he is more than capable of speaking for himself .

    Another poster on this thread summed it up perfectly: Any employer that constructs a given criteria to be a "bona fide occupational requirement" can eliminate anyone they want - almost. I read about a case several years ago were a woman was denied employment as a member of a fire department because she did not meet height requirements. The city, I thought, made a perfectly rational and sensible defense of their position, citing various studies about safety and the types of equipment used and the physical attributes of individuals being trained to use them. The city lost. So "bona fide" isn't a slam dunk.

  18. #168

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    geeeeee wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....mention God anywhere on this forum and all hell breaks loose!!

  19. #169

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    We can, unless Midtowner might be trying to make the point that the OP's expressed desire for legal enlightenment might be considered disingenuous given his "I'm spiritual" disclaimer....building a strawman argument to base a possible subsequent bashing of an organization that dared to express a desire to employ Godly principles in their operation....now I would never dare to presume to speak for Midtowner, as he is more than capable of speaking for himself .
    Midtowner smelled b--- s--- from a mile away when he read that question.

    Also, apparently, Midtowner likes to speak about himself in the third person.

    (Bob Dole).

  20. Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    lol Mid...

    Brings back memories (not only of that election)...In Marine Corps boot camp, we had to refer to ourselves (and the Drill Instructors) in 3rd person the whole time.

  21. #171

    Default Re: Concerned about Incredible Pizza.

    The worst thing about referring to oneself in the third person is that it conjures up (for me) memories of Bob Dole.

    Memories of Bob Dole make me think about Viagra.

    -- and that is most unfortunate.

  22. #172

    Default Incredible pizza to rename locations in OKC

    the incredible pizza is no more, they are taken off the web site for okc location, i called and new owner has taken over and the name will change soon, along with all incredible pizza logos and stuff.. SAD NEWS

  23. #173

    Default Re: Incredible pizza no more in okc

    Great news for me personally as that means I don't have to take my kids to any more birthday parties at that god awful place.

  24. Default Re: Incredible pizza no more in okc

    My graduating classmates and I just went to Incredible Pizza last week for a Senior FunDay. What a shame. I love that place.

  25. Default Re: Incredible pizza no more in okc

    The pizza sucked worse than Cici's and the games were lame and over-priced.

    I'm not shedding a tear.

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