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Thread: In front of Warren?

  1. #1

    Default In front of Warren?

    Seen they are moving some dirt directly in front of the Warren now, Are they expanding the parking? Seems like they would need to if future expansion calls for a 20 plex. People are already parking on the grass when they have a hot movie.

    Also heard someone suggest putting in a food court across from Warren.

  2. #2

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    where is it saying they are going to expad to a 20 plex? if it is true thats great news, but is this just rumor?

  3. #3

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    I read it an article that had an interview with Bill Warren but don't have the reference offhand.

  4. Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Rumor was, in another thread, that a TGI Friday's was slated to go there. Another was that Warren may use that for add'l parking.

  5. Default Re: In front of Warren?

    In re: to the expansion, here is a comment from the man himself in a recent issue of "Moore Monthly" magazine: http://www.warrentheatres.com/Moore.pdf

    "The building was originally planned as a 20-plex but is now only 14 screens. Why the change?

    We started out with 20 screens with basically the same size footprint,
    150 thousand square foot building. But I made the decision at the last
    minute to switch it to 14 screens, and the reason I did…we only had one
    big auditorium, I decided we needed two big auditoriums. I decided we
    wanted our smallest auditoriums to be bigger. So I basically said, “I want
    big presentation houses throughout.” We literally got rid of one auditorium
    just by the fact of the size of the seats. I put in extra wide seats in all of the
    theatres. When you do that, you have less seating. And we debated that,
    but it goes back to setting that standard of quality, and you don’t violate
    it. That’s hard to do because in business, that all costs money, and there’s
    a temptation to say, well no one will notice this or no one will notice that.
    So, that’s why we ended up with 14 screens because each one is bigger
    than if we had done 20 and made them smaller. My 14-plex is bigger than
    a 25-plex that a normal theatre company would build."

    I have yet to see any other quotes from Bill Warren stating that the Moore location was going to expand. Someone else mentioned it in another thread, but with it's current design and location, I just don't see where the exapansion is going to fit, unless he builds "up".

  6. #6

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    What I know for a fact, there are two restaurant locations in front of Warren that Bill Warren owns. Warren will find the tenants for those locations. There was an article in the Journal Record stating Warren Theatre will expand to 20 screens. here is that thread http://www.okctalk.com/moore/6926-wa...heatre-14.html Last time I looked at the North side of the theatre, there was an exit doorway at the second floor level with no stair case. Could be a sign of expansion or they could be waiting for a staircase to arrive

    For Rumor, I was told that Bill Warren is going to start his expansion after August and he is also looking to open a theatre in Edmond with two additional in Tulsa.
    Also, TGI Friday's sold their plot of land to turn a big profit. They could eventually move back but I don't know.

  7. #7

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Other rumor or fact I heard too ... from good sources - they are adding bathrooms on the wings b/c of the central bathroom issue.

    another thing, I just checked - dummy me, late to the game! - movietickets.com to see about getting balcony (reserved) seating for the "Indiana" movie for friday night ... all sold out! Kinda late I guess!! LOL

    edit: I just checked all of the balcony seating for Warren/Indiana ... all - ALL - sold out until NEXT TUESDAY ... Wow!
    Last edited by pearlbluevtx; 05-21-2008 at 07:22 PM. Reason: updating facts on movie theater ticket info

  8. #8

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Last I heard Warren was having problems syncing online sales for the assigned seats, so they've disabled selling balcony tickets through movietickets.com. You have to go by Warren to pre-buy balcony tickets.

  9. #9

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Ok I was wrong, somewhat. Warren has two restaurant spots on its property that he will lease out. Warren currently has to wait for the other developer(owns land furr's is on) to fill his land before Warren can sign any contract. Warren is trying to get out of waiting. They are also adding parking infront of the theatre right now to make up for the parking they are getting ready to lose.

  10. #10

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    so any rumor as to what is going infront of warrens? Also what about the 19th and fritts area, they sure did dig up a lot of dirt

  11. Default Re: In front of Warren?

    I thought that it was announced in another thread that the current movement of dirt is to accomodate 500 new parking spaces.

    As for restaurants, I think someone also said that TGI Friday's isn't happening as was once rumored.

  12. #12

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    sorry i thought it was going to be something else, I thought a restaurant of some sort but didnt know.

  13. Default Re: In front of Warren?

    I'm sure that there's still the possibility for a restaurant or two, as additional parking has supposedly been in the works even before the theater opened.

    Here's the link to the other thread talking about expansion at the Moore Warren and a proposed Warren on the northside:


  14. #14

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Intrepid that was me talking about the parking spaces, TGI Friday's, Warren Expansion and the new Edmond/Northside location Warren. LOL I got blasted by several people for saying all of it was going to happen and look where we are today. I will let everyone know if I hear anything else happening in Moore. Do you think anyone will call me crazy again?

  15. #15

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    you are not crazy plans change all the time, everytime a business gives a sketch of a new plans 95% come out totally different, look at the plans for the shopps in moore on the mooreed web site, it has changed a lot.. so you are not crazy, things change and happen

  16. Default Re: In front of Warren?

    I never questioned the expansion at the Moore Warren, I simply wondered where they were going to put the extra screens, and still haven't been given any answers.

    With the current configuration, I don't see any other way but to build up.

  17. #17

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    I was talking to a employee at Swadleys the other day, and they told me they are moving, I asked where to and they told me right in front of warren theater!!! So expect a barbaque joint right down the street from vans pig stand and on the other side jr barbaque and on the southside of 19th earls barbaque .....4 barbaque places in a one mile stretch of road!!!

  18. #18

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    so is swadley's vacating their location at 5th & telephone? -M

  19. Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Don't they usually reside in existing structures? Will this be their first "build"?

    When my daughter and I were at Warren last week, I noticed that with the new parking, there's really only two spots available for building now....one on the north and south side of the new parking.

  20. #20

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    I didnt ask if they are leaving there old spot, I would assume that since they said they are moving infront of warren I thought that would be it, maybe there catering area might stay at that location, thre location they are at now is so hidden so i dont blame them for moving, it is just going to be to many barbaque places in that area...This is what a lady employee told me, I am taking her word for it because why lie about it, she didt say it wasa rumor she just plain told us we are moving soon, then i asked where and that what this lead to.

  21. Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Of all those BBQ restaurants, Swadleys is last on my list. And I haven't even tried JR's yet.

  22. #22

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Disappointing. We went to Swadley's four times at their location on SW 89th and Western before finally giving up on the place. It just wasn't very good any of the times we went there. I know lots of people like it, so we gave it lots of chances, but finally it just became a disappointment.

    By contrast, I had one of the best rib dinners I've *ever* had at Earl's in Moore last Friday. Absolutely awesome. I'd just taken a vacation to the SE part of the US, and made two BBQ stops in Memphis, and Earl's takes a backseat to neither of the places I visited...


  23. #23

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    Of all those BBQ restaurants, Swadleys is last on my list. And I haven't even tried JR's yet.
    JR's is good, not home-town good, but good BBQ. I like the "JR's Favorite" sandwich with hot links, brisket and cole slaw on top!

    </off topic>

  24. #24

    Default Re: In front of Warren?

    hmmm, wonder if it will be of the same decor as warren since he owns the spots. Would like to see some of the same neon lighting going on.

  25. Default Re: In front of Warren?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Disappointing. We went to Swadley's four times at their location on SW 89th and Western before finally giving up on the place. It just wasn't very good any of the times we went there. I know lots of people like it, so we gave it lots of chances, but finally it just became a disappointment.

    By contrast, I had one of the best rib dinners I've *ever* had at Earl's in Moore last Friday. Absolutely awesome. I'd just taken a vacation to the SE part of the US, and made two BBQ stops in Memphis, and Earl's takes a backseat to neither of the places I visited...

    You owe it to yourself to try Spencer's BBQ. In my opinion, they beat everybody in town hands down.

    /doesn't understand how Rib Crib stays in business.

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