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Thread: To the ladies

  1. #1

    Default To the ladies

    Question, I was wondering is the idea of surprising someone with flowers to old fashion? I know this person I would like to send some flowers to, mainly just to be nice and cheer them up, but also so a bit of interest. "testing the waters" if you will. So what do you all think? No roses or anything like that...

  2. #2

    Default Re: To the ladies

    Do you know if she likes flowers? It really depends on the girl. Some of my girlfriends hate flowers, some love getting flowers, some are allergic...but almost all think roses are over rated. I would go with a summer splash of something simple if you send them.

  3. #3

    Default Re: To the ladies

    I was thinkin daisies...never go wrong with them

  4. Default Re: To the ladies

    Yes, yes, yes! Have them delivered. But after you make her fall in love with you start hand delivering them

  5. #5

    Default Re: To the ladies

    not a lass, but guy to guy, roses are not generally considered as a testing the waters presentation ... if relationships were swimming, roses are more like diving in head first ... not a good idea on the shallow end or where the water's a tad less than clear.

    Excluding allergic conditions, I've never known a lass of any age who did not enjoy pretty flowers, but roses just really are not a great first flowers selection.
    Last edited by kevinpate; 07-02-2008 at 05:55 PM. Reason: typos

  6. Default Re: To the ladies

    Send them to her place of work, and only on Monday or Tuesday. No roses. It doesn't even matter what the flower is, as long as it's not roses. Just walk into a flower shop and tell them you want something that's around $30 and will last for several days. Know this: It will actually cost you $50-$60 by the time you leave. They'll whip up a vase with some pretties for you on the spot.

    The several days thing is because you need to make sure that the gift will do it's OTHER job. And that would be...A show for her coworkers to observe and admire and see how good she has it. Which is why you send them early in the week...So they can sit on her desk, fully bloomed for several days of ooohs and aaaaahs.

    uuuuuunless you have zero romantic interest in this woman. In which case send something like lilies to her home.

  7. Default Re: To the ladies

    Great advice.... spot on.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #8

    Default Re: To the ladies

    I'd love to get flowers. Great advice to send them to work if you want to impress romantically, if not send them to her house.

  9. #9

    Default Re: To the ladies

    well then its settled. Monday morning she will be recieving some purdy lil flowers to brighten her monday, hopefully. Thanks for the help ladies.

  10. #10

    Default Re: To the ladies

  11. Default Re: To the ladies


    1) Open the box
    2) Assume it's an earthworm
    3) Chop it's head off
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. #12

    Default Re: To the ladies

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    That has to be one of the funniest SNL skits in a very long time!!! But I won't be sending her that. funny though

  13. #13

    Default Re: To the ladies

    gerber dasies bright colors they are the happy flower that just makes a person smile and feel good plus they last a long time

  14. #14

    Default Re: To the ladies

    Looks like I'm really too late to respond, but here are my .02 cents for what they're worth:

    I've always appreciated receiving a lovely mixed bouquet on any random day than a dozen roses for one of the "expected" holidays. To me, it speaks to the idea that my man is thinking of me, and not doing what Hallmark and others say he should do.

    Looks like Oh Gawd really hit the nail on the head. Smart man, that OGTS!!!

  15. #15

    Default Re: To the ladies

    well tomorrow is the day... so we shall see.

  16. Default Re: To the ladies

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Send them to her place of work, and only on Monday or Tuesday. No roses. It doesn't even matter what the flower is, as long as it's not roses. Just walk into a flower shop and tell them you want something that's around $30 and will last for several days. Know this: It will actually cost you $50-$60 by the time you leave. They'll whip up a vase with some pretties for you on the spot.

    The several days thing is because you need to make sure that the gift will do it's OTHER job. And that would be...A show for her coworkers to observe and admire and see how good she has it. Which is why you send them early in the week...So they can sit on her desk, fully bloomed for several days of ooohs and aaaaahs.

    uuuuuunless you have zero romantic interest in this woman. In which case send something like lilies to her home.
    I know this thread is REALLY old, but I have to say that truer words have never been typed. You nailed it. Not many guys are thoughtful and it sucks having to buy your own flowers because your guy never gets them for you....

    OGTS, are you single? Just kidding!

  17. #17

    Default Re: To the ladies

    Gotta a story later.

  18. Default Re: To the ladies

    Quote Originally Posted by FormerFloridian View Post
    I know this thread is REALLY old, but I have to say that truer words have never been typed. You nailed it. Not many guys are thoughtful and it sucks having to buy your own flowers because your guy never gets them for you....

    OGTS, are you single? Just kidding!
    Not any more....Flowers did the trick

    Speaking of though...This reminds me that she hasn't gotten any since early Nov. I'll change that on Tues.

  19. Default Re: To the ladies

    Oh...And for anybody else reading this, here's another piece of advice. Don't just pick a random card and sign your name. I understand it's hard to pick a card when you send them for no reason (like you can't do a birthday card/happy 4th card/etc), but pick a silly one or a pretty one. And write something personal. If you're like me and have the imagination of a toenail when it comes to writing...Do what I do. I draw stick figure pictures of something current in our lives. It's stupid simple and she'll never forget it. If you think stick figures can't be funny, google xkcd.

  20. #20

    Default Re: To the ladies

    Quote Originally Posted by karried View Post

    1) open the box
    2) assume it's an earthworm
    3) chop it's head off

  21. #21

    Default Re: To the ladies

    I'm not a flower person myself.

    I think a better idea for a surprise would be to do something that you KNOW she'd love, and would let her know you're thinking of her and have listened to things she likes.

    This is a silly thing, but I remember once this guy brought me a bottle of this drink that I really like, and he'd seen me drinking once or twice. Just the fact that he took notice of what I liked was a big deal to me, even if it was just a bottle of juice.

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