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Thread: Llamas!!!!!!!

  1. Default Llamas!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    You have an obsession with llamas, dont you El Loco!! Lol!!!

  3. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    llamas are cool!

  4. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Better than sheep wouldn't you say??

  5. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    depends...I never had llama chops...

  6. #6
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    llama chops....hmmmm....

  7. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    But what kind of clothing can llamas produce with their fur??????

  8. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms.Relaxationstation
    But what kind of clothing can llamas produce with their fur??????

  9. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Llam's wool.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    This is El Locos favorite site. Lol!!!

  12. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Speaking of LLamas , did anyone else like the movie Napolean Dynamite and the llama Tina?

    I love the movie but I have a quirky sense of humor - that movie just cracked me up.. I love the chapped lips "My lips hurt really bad" and the tots ...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Hey, Pollo Loco. are your Llamas named Fernando?

  14. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Hey, Pollo Loco. are your Llamas named Fernando?
    No, his name is Steve

  15. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Maybe you can hook Steve up with Tina, I read that she is a real llama where they filmed the movie.... somewhere in Idaho I think.... llama love.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Steve hated that movie....he thought watching paint dry was more amusing...well that and they perpitrated llama abuse by naming a llama after my ex...He's not to keen on that...

    Besides, he already has Lisa, and I don't think she'd be too keen on that idea...

  17. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

  18. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    Is that how Steve talks to you? That is so hilarious.... Steve before a haircut.

    Does that mean that you hated Napolean Dynamite as well or was that just Steve talking?

    It was a strange movie.

    I'm trying to remember my early Spanish class years and years ago..

    Does your name mean The Crazy Scaredy Cat ?

    or is it The Cat/Chicken is Crazy? ha,ha...

    help me translate here.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  19. Default Re: Llamas!!!!!!!

    No I didn't like the movie either, it had a couple of parts that were laughable but overall I thought it wasn't Scottish....which is to quote...

    "If it isn't Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!!!"

    And the name, yeah it's the crazy chicken cat...or somethin like that

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