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Thread: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

  1. #1

    Default The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    So the dude who is driving one of the lawsuits against the Super Sonics OKC owners is the founder of Starbucks and recently returned to run the company. Many speculate that the reason he sold the Sonics with apparently no qualms but then a few months ago grew a conscience was because he feared a Seattle boycott of Starbucks after returning to its helm.

    So for you hard-core OKC Sonics fans, I was just wondering if any of you are skipping that cafe latte in the morning or if you are continuing to shop at Starbucks? I'm not necessarily advocating a boycott, I'm just wondering what your thoughts on the subject are.

  2. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    McDonald's Large Hazelnut Iced Coffee - $1.99

    Sticking it to Starbuck's Founder - Priceless

    'nuf said.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    The only Starbucks coffee I ever buy is the cheap stuff at the Law School's student lounge.

    It's really terrible, but it does have caffeine.

  4. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Considering that Starbucks was just voted in the top 10 most poorly run companies in the US...I think that they've got bigger issues than a few Okies brewing their own.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    The first time that I went to a starbucks was my last time to go to a starbucks.

    I wasn't in there long.. they said, "Sorry, we don't carry irish cream.." and I said, "Sorry, I thought I was in a coffee shop."

    I can't boycott a store that I haven't spent a penny on.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    The first time that I went to a starbucks was my last time to go to a starbucks.

    I wasn't in there long.. they said, "Sorry, we don't carry irish cream.." and I said, "Sorry, I thought I was in a coffee shop."

    I can't boycott a store that I haven't spent a penny on.

    Did you really say that? To an employee who almost certainly has no control over what the company carries? Or to a manager who still probably doesn't really control what "his" store sells?

    If so, did it make you feel good making someone feel bad about something they can't control? Did you enjoy ruining their day, or at least making it a little less bright? Was a comment card not sufficient? Could you not send your opinion to someone who actually matters (whether your opinion matters to them would be a different story)? Did you have to shove it in the face of some kid just trying to to earn a few?

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    The one and only time I have spent money in an SB was to pick up a gift card for a son's high school friend as a b-day gift. It's not an SB boycott. I'm simply not inclined to drink much coffee and I have no need to overpay when I do partake.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    My wife enjoys Starbucks and I have been know to drink the frapachinnos that you buy in the grocery store. I am usually not in to boycotts and unless you have a willing media to help you out (Jessie Jackson) they usually don't do any good. The Southern Baptist have been boycotting Disney for years and to no avail. Starbucks will probably crash and burn with or without me.

  9. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    I get an iced chai latte from time to time, but we're talking MAYBE once a month. I don't feel like a traitor so much for that, although if I were a serious coffee drinker, I'd probably switch for a while.

  10. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    I don't buy Starbucks anyways...support your local coffee shop!

  11. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    To an employee who almost certainly has no control over what the company carries?

    You would be surprised how many thousands of people vent and comment on a company through to the first available body they encounter. Trust me, I heard for 13 years how expensive, how slow, how busy, how frustrated, how upset etc etc etc... like I had any control whatsoever over the scheduling or cost of milk. Comes with the territory.

    You learn to develop a defense mechanism and try to pretty much deal or ignore most of it with a smile.....

    There were days when I'd go home in tears though ( I was 16 when I started) because you can only tell yourself so many times that it's not personal but after hours of abuse and bitchy people, it does get to you.

    That's why each and every time I deal with a customer service clerk now, I try really hard to be overly nice.... I try to offset some of the crap they have to deal with.

    Back to Starbucks, I just don't get it. I'm pretty frugal I guess, I can't see paying that much for a cup of coffee.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    I had a bad experience with the starbucks in moore, I do occasionaly buy from start bucks like maybe once a year, thre holiday gingerbread cap is really really good, I think I might get that the next time it comes out, I have nothing against starbucks, I think boycotts on coffee shops because of a basketball team is kinda funny, but hey all to there own.. have fun boycotting coffee shops While I try sending e-mails to my city and state about how bad our roads and bridges are and that they really need to drive down the roads i drive on and then call them okay, but hey thats also a pointless time wasteful thing.

  13. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    I read on the seattle times forum a while back where a Seattle fan stopped giving money to Feed the Children because its in OKC. What a crock of crap is that?

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    Did you really say that? To an employee who almost certainly has no control over what the company carries?
    Yes, she also found it funny.

    Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with making a person feel bad for the reasons you listed.. It is just that most people that work for crappy companies do not take pride on those companies and would join in on slamming them if they wouldn't get fired for it.

    Now if someone actually is proud to work at starbucks, I would have a field day with them.

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    I write all this from an objective viewpoint, that is a bit more informed than those who don't work for the company. I am by no means partial to Starbucks. I know very well their mistakes, as well as strong points. I never set out to defend them from all accusers. I know that they are not makers of the world's greatest beverages and whole bean coffee, but I do know that they are better than about 80% of the tons of independent shops I've been to in my lifetime, and have an amazing consistency in their stores from coast to coast. I know that Starbucks is responsible for turning a whole lot of people onto coffee in the first place, which in turn benefits independent shops. I only really comment on the company when I think people are being unfair.

    -So let me say that as a longtime employee of Starbucks, and also an avid NBA fan here in OKC, I could care less about this Shultz lawsuit. It has NOTHING to do with this company. 99% of the Starbucks employees in this state have never even met/spoken to him. Boycotting (which about 5 people will actually do) will only harm the stores and employees themselves, not Shultz. It's just silly backwards ideals. "Hell, lets boycott it, that'll show him!" This is about as absurd as the rednecks that still call French Fries "Freedom Fries."

    -And as for being "voted" as one of the top 10 worst run companies of 2008, I think you mean "arbitrarily decided as by a writer for MSN" instead of "voted." Don't be misleading.

    -And thank you to Ginkasa for your great response to Toadrax. Just for the record, Starbucks had Irish Cream as a syrup selection all the way up until 2006 but cut it off, because it was the least ordered syrup we had. Next time fill out a comment card rather than taking out your aggression on an employee who had nothing to do with the subject. Plus, I wasn't aware that having a certain flavor of syrup validated a coffee shop. I could show you plenty of legit independent places around the US that have about 4 flavor options.

    And as far as supporting independent coffee shops, please do so by all means. I go to the Red Cup for an iced double latte on my days off, and the americanos at CoCo Flow are pretty great as well. Sauced has great cold-brewed coffee. I would consider returning to Coffee Slingers if they would quit being rude to just about everyone I know who has been there that isn't friends with an employee. Chill out guys.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Quote Originally Posted by KurtTGS View Post
    Next time fill out a comment card rather than taking out your aggression on an employee who had nothing to do with the subject. Plus, I wasn't aware that having a certain flavor of syrup validated a coffee shop. I could show you plenty of legit independent places around the US that have about 4 flavor options..
    If they don't have irish cream, they are not a real coffee shop.. closer to a donut shop.

    Also, you are either really butthurt over some experience or incredibly presumptuous to assume I was 'taking out aggression'.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Considering that Starbucks was just voted in the top 10 most poorly run companies in the US...I think that they've got bigger issues than a few Okies brewing their own.
    Actually Starbucks...The company I work, for was voted again by Fortune magazine as one of the top 100 best companies to work for. Number 7 to be exact. Everyone is absolutley entitled to their opinion, but I am happy to work for a company that takes pride of its partners as well as takes VERY good care of them. Look at what we do to help out farmers in numerous countries around the world. So before people go making accusations, please do your homework, check out the website and look at the schools, hospitals and various things we have done to help coffee farmers in Central and South America, Africa and the Asian Pacific build to make thier lives better. Look at our water we sell, Ethos proceeds from every bottle sold go to helping childern have clean drinking water, something we take for granted. So some may think we are overpriced, maybe we are, maybe we are not, but some of that money goes for very good causes. Which I know seems few and far between in our society lately. I know I'll take 5 weeks vacation and 150% 401K match anyday of the week!!!

    By the way, thanks for provoking my first post!!!

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    If they don't have irish cream, they are not a real coffee shop.. closer to a donut shop.

    Also, you are either really butthurt over some experience or incredibly presumptuous to assume I was 'taking out aggression'.
    The word "butthurt" sounds pretty aggressive to me, to say nothing about "incredibly presumptuous."

  19. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Toadrax just likes pissing people off, methinks.

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    I have to agree with SBUX employee on this one. I've been to all the local joints and he's right on the money about coffee slingers. Rude. And...folks it is just coffee. I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference.

    SBUX is ALWAYS consistent. About the only thing that ever goes wrong is the occasional shot short. Now, that's annoying!

    I have no love lost for the folks from Seattle that come on OKC boards whining. Or just whine in general about the Sonics. I'm def an NBA fan and will be looking forward to my season tix when it arrives in OKC (hopefully next year).

    But as far as boycotting. Nah...it's for losers.

    And Irish Creme has nothing to do with coffee. It was popularized by Baileys. That's good marketing. It has more to do with liquor. So next time you are in a liquor store than doesn't have Irish Creme, tell you thought you were in a liquor store.

  21. #21

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Shultz sold his NBA francise to Oklahoma investors during the time OKC was successfully supporting a temporary relocation of an NBA team. He knew there was a very good chance that the buyers would relocate the team to OKC and he still sold them the team.

    Shouldn't we be praising him? Sure, he has a lawsuit against the new owners, but he knows he's not getting the team back. It's just PR.

    I rarely drink Starbuck's, but I definitely won't boycott it.

  22. #22

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    I wouldn't buy Starbuck's anyhow. It's all about the small locally-owned joints! My favorite in the metro is Cafe Bella down on 89th & Penn. If you're looking to boycott Starbuck's and you still need your fix, check it out!

  23. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadrax View Post
    If they don't have irish cream, they are not a real coffee shop.. closer to a donut shop.
    On the flip side...If you need Irish cream in your coffee, you don't like coffee. :-P

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?

    I really like Starbucks - to the point that I would just as soon not get coffee if I can't get it from Starbucks. All those people who work at the stores I patronize live here. Generally Starbucks is one of the few places I go where the employees act like they enjoy coming to work and are happy to see me - the customer. A lot of other places I actually feel like I am intruding. It makes me feel good when the Starbucks person writes my name on my cup without asking me who I am.

    Also Starbucks buys a lot of local services and supplies and they pay their bills on time.

    And they are involved in the community. The one on 19th Street in Moore has done a lot in our little area. In particular they raised some money for our nearby grade school. That's a whole lot more than a bunch of other retailers do.

    I also respect a company that actually provides benefits for a significant number of employees, too.

    They aren't perfect by any means but Starbucks has a whole lot more good things than bad.

  25. Default Re: The Sonic Debacle... Anyone Boycotting Starbucks?


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