Re: Frustrated by KOCO's constant interruptions
Gary England, a pioneer in TV weather forecasting, developed "First Warning". Unless all hell is breaking loose, I think "First Warning" is reasonable, responsible, and completely sufficient in notifying viewers of exactly what and where certain weather conditions are taking place. Anything more is overkill. The media today is all about ratings. They'll do whatever they can to keep you watching, but at some point viewers need to wake up and see the redundancy and inpracticality of endless coverage on something that can be express in seconds.
For example, on 9/12, EVERYONE knew we had been attacked and that the towers had fallen. Yet for weeks, the media showed the towers falling with captions like: America Under Attack, like it's breaking news. America Under Attack...well, duh. Okay, the towers fell; we knew that already. Quit rubbing salt in the open wounds of America. Quit reminding America of something that's already fresh in their minds, all for the sake of ratings. Guess's no longer news; it's DRAMA!!!! The same applies to weather forecasting. For one, they're blowing things way out of proportion. Secondly, they're repeating things they or everyone else has been saying for hours-on-end. Lastly, they're fast-becoming the boy that cries wolf, exploiting the trust people put into the media for the sake of ratings and profit.
Maybe I'm an exception, but I can tell when bad weather is on its way. A little map in the lower right hand corner confirms my premonition just fine. That's all I, a reasonable person of caution and prudence, believes is necessary.
...this shortest straw has been pulled for you