Re: Lost Kitten
Thunder, glad to hear Smokey is back. However, based on Smokey's interest in going outdoors, I would recommend you not declaw him, especially all 4 paws! Once you remove their claws, you have taken away their defense mechanism, and if he were to get out again and be attacked, he would likely not survive.
Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but when you declaw a cat you are not having just their claws removed...the top "knuckle" of each toe is being amputated from their paw. (Think about the removal of your finger at the top joint.) It's a painful operation for the kitty and has the potential to lead to behavior issues later in life (my cat became a biter which REALLY stunk). Some people are unaware of what "declawing" is, and I thought I'd let you know just in case.
There are some alternatives out there when it comes to the annoyance of claws, but 2 of the best are as follows:
1. Get the kitty used to frequent toenail trims. It's good to start when they're young so they can get into the groove of how to behave when it's toenail clipping time. And it can be really quick and simple to do.
2. Softclaws. these are little plastic devices that slip over the kitty's claws and are glued in place. Think "Fake nails" for the cat. They will stay on usually up to a month while kitty's claws grow out. then it's time to give the nails a trim and put new soft claws on. I think these things are fabulous and helped deter one of my kitties from scratching on the furniture.
Congrats on him coming back home, and good luck with him!
"The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw