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Thread: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Has anyone seen this?

    Oklahoma declares Sovereignty!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Yes I have, I work at the House of Representatives and this resolution failed the Senate however it passed the House 92 to 3.

    This resolution is dead, but please tell how on EARTH did you find this...not well a publicized resolution.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Somebody posted it on the OU insider boards. Doing a google search turns up quite a bit of hits on it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Something that sprung up related to the new federally mandated driver licenses? I know Oklahoma was one of the holdout states.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Actually this is unrelated to the REAL ID act, I know that the 10th Amendment has been a pet issue of Rep. Key, he has authored similar resolutions in the past when he was in office back in the 90's.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Well, REAL ID is certainly related to the 10th amendment.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    true story...and Rep. Key has been actively involved in the REAL-ID movement...however I am not sure that it was REAL-ID that was the cause of the resolution.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Where do I sign up to get aboard this train?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    I would sugest that you call Rep. Key's office and you reps office along with Senator Brogdon and your senator and express your support for this resolution and tell them that you would like to see something like this be pass next session.

    Rep. Key - 405-557-5357
    Sen. Brogdon - 405-521-5566
    Oklahoma Legislature Home Page

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Where do I sign up to get aboard this train?
    Pretty sure you'd have to actually live in Oklahoma.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    True, but I can move.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    If this ever did happen, I-35 and I-40 would immediately become TOLL Roads.

  13. Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    This kind of state action benefits citizens of ALL states. Kerry, you can support from out-of-state and it's not misplaced.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Bill Search

    Search for Measure HJR1089

  15. #15

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    It came up on Digg.com a few days ago. Was actually fairly prominent. First page maybe.

  16. Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    True, but I can move.
    I'll have to see your passport first.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    It was on fark.com also.

    The entire world knows about this and it has sparked a lot of discussion. I kind of assumed everyone knew about it.

    I don't see the big deal about this bill, the Federal government has no rights to push stuff like RealID and we should fire any of our lawmakers that let them get away with it.

    I also have a HUGE problem with the power of the purse. I don't have a problem with the federal income tax, but I have a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE problem with the federal government taking our money and telling us we have to do what they want if we want the money back.

    I do not know how accurate it is, but I have read a few places that if you do not count superfund sites that the state of Oklahoma gets back 0.75 for every 1.00 that is sent to the feds. For the feds to turn around and expect us to fall in line if we want to receive funding is just flat out wrong, it sounds like the type of crap that abusive spouses pull off in relationships... take the person's money and use it against them.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    I'm no expert on matters such as these, so maybe I am missing something; but it doesn't seem like that radical of a statement, does it?

    I mean, I suppose the articulation of it is quite "radical" or at least strong, but the fact that powers not specifically granted to the federal government are granted to the state is, and always has been, the case, right? This is simply restating and emphasizing this, isn't it?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    what makes this important is that Oklahoma will be actively asserting its rights which would allow us to opt out of pretty much all federal mandates. Also it is a step, like it or not, in the direction of State Sovereignty which helps dethrone the federal government and its role in every day activities, also this could mean the destruction of EPA power over refineries and the such.

    While I am just a researcher and not a legal staffer it could have HUGE implications being a Joint Resolution as opposed to a Simple Resolution it has more legal powers.

    Support or oppose, this resolution was a big deal.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Focus View Post
    I'm no expert on matters such as these, so maybe I am missing something; but it doesn't seem like that radical of a statement, does it?
    No, the bulk of the statement is not that radical.

    It was the use of the word "sovereignty" that raised eyebrows and made headlines. Of course, that's what it was meant to do. Anything Charles Key is involved with is intended to incite. He's one of the bigger hucksters in Oklahoma politics.

    And Sethsrott, if you think this could be a good thing - consider the impications on our economy. The last states to try to separate in any meaningful way from the Union didn't get very far - it just cost a lot of lives.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Solitude, let me say that I don't have a view on this one...I see pros and cons...my employment contract pretty much forbids me to have a view...working for the House I really cannot have a view because it could skew my work, especially research...so I am neutral, I have worked with Rep. Key along with almost every other member of the house Republican and Democrat, I have done research for issues that I think are good and bad, and I have learned that in matters like these it is best not to have a view when you are in my position.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    The way the resolution reads appears to me to go 'way beyond RealID.

    I would interpret it as an attempt to restore the so-called 'Constitution in exile,' which is to say, to limit the federal government's powers to those that would have been acceptable to, say, Jefferson Davis, Jay Gould or John D. Rockefeller.

  23. Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Quote Originally Posted by sethsrott View Post
    what makes this important is that Oklahoma will be actively asserting its rights which would allow us to opt out of pretty much all federal mandates. Also it is a step, like it or not, in the direction of State Sovereignty which helps dethrone the federal government and its role in every day activities, also this could mean the destruction of EPA power over refineries and the such.

    While I am just a researcher and not a legal staffer it could have HUGE implications being a Joint Resolution as opposed to a Simple Resolution it has more legal powers.

    Support or oppose, this resolution was a big deal.
    The state could always simply allow/submit to the gov for certain things as it sees fit, such as the EPA...but shouldn;'t that be a voluntary move?

  24. Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Quote Originally Posted by sethsrott View Post
    Yes I have, I work at the House of Representatives and this resolution failed the Senate however it passed the House 92 to 3.

    This resolution is dead, but please tell how on EARTH did you find this...not well a publicized resolution.
    Not well publicized?

    Even my out-of-touch-when-it-comes-to-legal-stuff butt found it. It just didn't make the news HERE because there's been a few weeks of bad weather, and that takes priority in our 30 minute news cycles. Well it's either that...Or it's not an easy read and they figure that us stoopid okies wouldn't be able to wrap our pea-brains around the issue, even with an Ogle explaining it.

    <slight threadjack>I've gotten THREE emails today telling me how Obama is a Muslim. All from Okies...So I think they may be right.
    </slight threadjack>

  25. #25

    Default Re: Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

    Let me say something friend...the last action on this bill was in March and you are just now hearing about it. I remember running the message over to the Chief Clerk's office with the news that the Resolution had died in Rules Committee over in the Senate. Did we hear any news stories about that? No. Did we hear CNN, Fox News, The Oklahoman, or Tulsa World cover this? No. How about the alternative outlets? World Net Daily just now published an article. Not a peep from Conspiracy Theorists like Alex Jones until today! Please what was the media coverage was it that I missed...because if I recall Rep. Key never issued a press release on the issue...in fact until his interview with World Net Daily I do not believe that he spoke to anyone at the media.

    So if you have media links back from March regarding this bill please do tell...New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times...you said
    It just didn't make the news HERE because there's been a few weeks of bad weather, and that takes priority in our 30 minute news cycles.
    So what news agency DID carry it?

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