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Thread: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

  1. #1

    Default How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    I work in the capitol area, and am absolutely bored to tears during lunch. I'm not much for dining out daily, and can't drive home because I live too far away. Walking was my usual thing, but now it's starting to get too hot... I'm looking for a place that I can relax and read, do crosswords, etc., that is safe! So what do you do? I need some new ideas to make changes to my lunch hour routine!

  2. #2

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    There's been numerous suggestions on this topic. Go to Myriad Gardens or Oklahoma River and relax, read a book, bike, rollerblade, workout, row. On Wednesdays you could go to the downtown farmer's market, on friday's go to the downtown music in the park at couch park, chat with your fellow lawmakers and change some of our ignorant laws, go to the asian district and soak up a cultural experience, etc. hopefully this will get you started.

  3. #3

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    Beats me...I only take a 30 minute lunch, so just enough time to eat and surf the net

  4. Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    Java Dave's at 10th and east of Broadway is a decent place to hang out if you want to read or something. There are numerous new coffee places around downtown.

  5. Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    I don't really get to leave, as a teacher. I get to eat downstairs in the caf. with the other teachers and students :P Yay. Ambiance.
    Still corrupting young minds

  6. #6

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    usually me and my co-workers talk about how sad off we are in a wasting away useless job, then we talk about how lucky some people are who dont have to work because they where born with a silver spoon, then we start picking on the week and odd one out employeee to make us fell better and that is usually my lunch...just kidding as you can tell i am as bored as you are during your lunches.. Being so close to the capitol I would just for fun go to all of the ethnic areas like the asian district to try something new, I would go to the downtown library to check out some books for me to read during my lunches the rest of the week.. The downtown library is really nice I believe they even have a cafe there. Im stuck at the airport and only have a 30 minute lunch : ( seeing planes take off is really not that interesting and beleive me you dont get a good discount on food..so i usually just bring something light for lunch..

  7. #7

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    you are close enough to downtown (maybe 5 minutes?) to drive to one of the Underground entrances and walk the tunnels. there are meters on Robt. S. Kerr just east of Broadway where no one EVER parks even during lunch. there is an Underground entrance right around the corner (building faces SandRidge Tower)

    if you like to walk this is a great thing to do both summer and winter weather.

  8. #8

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    Scarf down some food then play frisbee with coworkers in the courtyard between buildings, trying not to break anything. Good stress relief.

    But for lunch we go all over, if we don't go to Shirley's cafeteria across the street, favorites are driving down to Lang's in the Asian District (can't be 2 dollar sandwiches!), Brown Bag deli or City Bites on Western, Med Deli on May, sometimes Spinozi's on 63rd...but it varies depending on who wins the argument.

    We're on 63rd and Broadway Extn (across from OSBI) so anything in a 10 mile radius is fair game. Wish there were an actual picnic area over there, or a real place to walk. All the offices there are all co-jumbled together without very good "people space".

  9. #9

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    I usually eat my lunch at my desk and play on the internet. Pathetic.

  10. Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    I use to be able to always poop at lunch. Saved me a lot of money considering I use a lot of toilet paper.

  11. Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    too much

  12. #12

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    who gets an hour for lunch anymore?! and where do I need to work where that happens?

    Seriously...as a nurse, I get anywhere from 10-15 minutes to scarf down a hot pocket, or if I'm lucky, an extra five minutes to go down to the crapeteria to get a salad and hope to God I don't die of food poisoning. It's all about efficiency in the hospital environment. Think about that next time you hit the call light and ask for your 15th cup of ice and I don't respond right away....I might be trying to eat lunch.


    Although, in a dream world, I'd probably go to Bella de Italia on S. Western just north of I-240. Excellent authentic Italian cuisine...run by a mother and her two sons, IIRC.

    As for the capitol area, I feel your pain...I used to work on the OUHSC campus and it seems like the same old thing gets a bit stale after awhile.
    Last edited by derbynurse; 06-09-2008 at 10:42 PM. Reason: I owned myself at spelling.

  13. Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    bring my lunch to work and eat in the lunchroom with my co-workers and talk to them....you know socialize.

  14. #14
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    I spend around an hour at the downtown YMCA running

  15. #15

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    I get an hour and depending on the amount of work it can be less or more than an hour. I usually go out to eat with coworkers or meet friends for lunch but I also like going to a book shop if I'm by myself and reading magazines over coffee. A book store, even if it is Borders/Barnes & Noble, would be much appreciated in central OKC. Auto Alley on a vacant lot would be my pick for a good site within walking distance of the office towers, Bricktown, and not far from OUHSC for students wanting a place to study.

  16. #16

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    Come down to the Downtown Farmer's Market today and stock up on yummy locally-grown fruits and veggies.

    The US Navy band "Freedom" will be playing pop, rock and blues hits from 11:30 - about 1:00 (fifteen minute break between sets).

  17. #17

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Helmet View Post
    I spend around an hour at the downtown YMCA running
    Same here except I lift weights.

  18. #18

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazerfan11 View Post
    I use to be able to always poop at lunch. Saved me a lot of money considering I use a lot of toilet paper.
    That is hilarious and probably true!

  19. #19

    Default Re: How do you spend your lunch hour in OKC?

    Well lately i ve been spending in on here posting and reading the forums.

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