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Thread: Restoring Christianity

  1. Post Restoring Christianity

    Hey guys,

    I'm a Christian and here is some things I've been thinking about in the recent months.

    In today's climate, in order to stand against the rampant immorality brought on by Satan, Christians need to stand unified under the banner of the teachings of Jesus Christ. In John 17 Christ prayed for unity among His future followers, yet we live in a city with literally hundreds of churches! If we could all be restored to the teachings of Christ, we can achieve such unity and stop leaving Christ's prayer unanswered.

    I've been working with some fellow Christians on a website called CallToRestoration.com. The idea behind the site is to encourage Christians to learn more about the Bible and work on being restored to the New Testament in terms of morality, zeal, doctrine, and principle. In Hosea, God said His people would be destroyed for a "lack of knowledge," which should emphasize for us the importance of knowing God's will through the Bible. As Christians, I feel that we should be more concerned with honoring Christ than man-made creed. The purpose of the site is to search for the truth of the scripture, with an open and humble heart.

    I want to invite everyone to join, so hopefully we can increase our collective Biblical IQ and grow closer together in unity. Also, in doing so, you'll get a free subscription our Newsletter. Additionally, if at all possible, I'd like to organize some study groups among Christians here in the city so we can learn more about the word of God.

    Thank you so much and God Bless!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    just curious... what group are you affiliated with?


  3. #3

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    just curious... what group are you affiliated with?

    I was checking out the website Call to Restoration posted and looked around at it. I noticed on this website there were a few links and a couple of them were Church of Christ related. Not saying that Call to Restoration belongs to Church of Christ, but the links he provides gives some indication that he has some connection to them. Maybe CTR will come back to answer your question soon. I'm curious too.

  4. Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Hey guys,

    I'm a Christian
    ..... AND A SPAMMER. What a turnoff.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Follow the link: Penn South Church of Christ

    It reads:

    Some of our members are working on an evangelistic effort in a website that calls for the restoration of the New Testament church. Check out the site at this link. read more »

    The "read more" links to CallToRestoration.com

    The early church struggled with theological division but not the type of hair-splitting, "my way" is the right way blather we see at present. To see a picture of the unified church, one only has to read the early church fathers - they were rather prolific.

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. (George Santayana)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Everyone since Martin Luther has thought he was doing the same thing.

    A call to the fundamental principles of Christianity, gosh, how original!

  7. Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    is this where the filthy pig Hagee is speaking later this month?

    One good thing about him coming to town is that he will bring a lot of money to okc restaurants.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    What we need is a Restoration Of REASON.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    One Prayer

    Might do some of you some good...

  10. Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    I am affiliated with the churches of Christ.

    However, while I attend a church of Christ, I'm of the belief that the denominational mindset ought to be done away with. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 1, condemned the idea of Christians being lined up under the banner of men. In those days it was said "I am of Paul, I am of Cephas, etc." Today it is said, "I am of Calvin, I am of Luther" and, yes, "I am of Campbell." This is not how Christ or the apostles wanted the church to function. The church belongs to Christ and no one else, so for a church to bear the name of a man and honor human creed marginalizes the authority of Christ and His word. For example, if my wife took on the name of some other man, it would be an insult to our relationship as husband and wife. Accordingly, the church is the bride of Christ. For the church to bear the name of some man or some human creed is an insult to its relationship with Christ.

    I appreciate the input of everyone and I appreciate studying the word of God with anybody. I know that many people find the “call to restoration” unoriginal, unnecessary, etc. I’ll be the first to admit that it is absolutely unoriginal. It was issued thousands of years ago by the Lord through the prophet in Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus says the LORD: "Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls.”” However, I do not believe that the "call to restoration" is unnecessary. I'm afraid that many Christians are, to reference Zephaniah, "settled in their lees" and either a) don't care about following the word of God, or b) don't know the word of God well enough to follow it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't possibly imagine that it is a bad thing to have a call for Christians to honor the teachings of Christ and His apostles.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    What sets your "return to core values" apart from someone like Luther or Calvin or Zwingli or Groeschel?

    (the last one is easy)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    I thought Groeschel defined what Christians are? Isn't that correct? Where's metro when you need him to set us all straight?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond_Outsider View Post
    I thought Groeschel defined what Christians are? Isn't that correct? Where's metro when you need him to set us all straight?
    I think God pretty much summed it up how to act in his word. Choose your translation, it's all in there.

    Ephesians 4:3-6

    3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Since religious institutions are a part of the cultures in which they exist, in order to "restore" the church, wouldn't we also have to "restore" the rest of society to first century standards?

    And what was so great about these mythical churches of the past? If you read Paul and other writers of the time, the church was just as contentious and fractured then as now. Why wouldn't it be? Human nature hasn't really changed since then. People are just as prone to disagreement and argument now as ever.

    Consider how improbable societal regression is. Can somebody think of an era which this has occurred? I would posit that none exists.

    These kinds of movements are really about people insecure about thier place in the world and are desperately trying to stop everything from changing so they don't lose thier place in the world.

    Change sucks most of the time and, to paraphrase Darwin, you get three choices, move, adapt, or die.

    Which choice does the Call To Restoration represent.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Ah, there's metro.

    See, I was right, just as soon as Groeschel manages to walmart out all other competition, he'll bring us all together in the unity of spirit, bond of peace, one body, one spirit, and a whole nose load of smoke, lasers, and rawk all tied together with one bitchin' marketing strategy.

    What did they use for smoke machines in the first century? Is that what those smoky things they swing around in Catholic churches were for?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Quote Originally Posted by Call to Restoration View Post
    I am affiliated with the churches of Christ.
    The church belongs to Christ and no one else, so for a church to bear the name of a man and honor human creed marginalizes the authority of Christ and His word.


    Main Entry: 1cath·o·lic Pronunciation Guide
    Pronunciation: kath()lik, -k, esp British also k-
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): -s
    Usage: usually capitalized
    Etymology: Middle English catholike, from Middle French catholique,from catholique, adjective
    1 : a person who belongs to the universal Christian church
    2 : a member of a Catholic church: as a : a member of the Roman Catholic Church b : a member of an Eastern Orthodox Church <a Greek Catholic> c : a member of an Anglican or Episcopal church <an Anglo-Catholic> d : a member of an Old Catholic church e : a member of a national Catholic church <Polish National Catholics>

    Citation format for this entry:

    "catholic." Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002. Merriam-Webster Unabridged Log-in (9 Jun. 2008).

    Despite the sinfulness of its people and its leaders, it endures today.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    ..and so begins the infighting. what happened to this concept of "one?"

    and they wonder why so many folks have a sour taste about religion these days.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Quote Originally Posted by NikonNurse View Post
    One Prayer

    Might do some of you some good...
    There's that good old time religion!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Not a religous statement....I'm just saying it might do someone some good...and it might not...just a statement...not a bait.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    ..and so begins the infighting. what happened to this concept of "one?"

    and they wonder why so many folks have a sour taste about religion these days.
    Rather than fighting, I was simply pointing toward a definition of a universal church. Atheists and agnostics alike delight in the splintered church - perhaps we should look to Genesis and the Tower of Babel to understand why the church is divided and, more importantly, why God would allow it to remain so: sin. When each Christian heart is pure, there will truly be one church.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Quote Originally Posted by bwana_bob View Post
    Rather than fighting, I was simply pointing toward a definition of a universal church. Atheists and agnostics alike delight in the splintered church - perhaps we should look to Genesis and the Tower of Babel to understand why the church is divided and, more importantly, why God would allow it to remain so: sin. When each Christian heart is pure, there will truly be one church.
    Is this really 2008?

    Had most all of the Christians posting here been born in the Middle East, they would be Muslims. Had they been born in India - Hindu. Born in Japan - Buddhists. Reading all of this supernatural stuff just boggles my mind. People - it's 2008! We know the Earth isn't flat! We know the sun came before the light! Whatever.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    um, wow, is this really an issue for you?

    Locker people are soooooo cute

  23. #23

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Golden Rule. Live it.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Yes, it's 2008 but we'd be better if it were 08 or 80. Well, I wouldn't be better, I'm fine in the now. But the Restoring The First Century folks might be happier in the first century of thier dreams. They can also join the Restoring America's Christian Heritage folks in their mythical perfected Christian land of yore.

    Once the world is "restored," we can focus on the continued imperilistic activity of pushing western religion on those poor heathens the "one prayer" folks are going to "save."

    Just think of how many people can be reached with 500+ new churches in some of the worlds most neglected and poor areas. Think about how many people they can reach and the people who will attend those churches who can reach out to even more.

    And, just think of how many people we could feed, educate, and provide health care for if we spent the same time, money, and energy on not exporting religion.

    These was some guy a long time ago that said something about feeding the poor, and clothing the naked, and stuff like that. I forget who that was, but it's just as well. It sounds kind of like some kind of hippy leftist commie stuff to me.

    In all seriousness, I have a church I'm very happy with and I'm sure other people have churches they like. The idea that Groeschel or the OP can devise a one size fits all religion makes me feel quesy. The last thing I want is to attend any church that looks anything like Life Church or Church of Christ. If that's your thang, then do what you wanna do.

    I can totally smell the marketing behind these "unification" movements from many miles away.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Restoring Christianity

    Quote Originally Posted by bwana_bob View Post
    Rather than fighting, I was simply pointing toward a definition of a universal church. Atheists and agnostics alike delight in the splintered church - perhaps we should look to Genesis and the Tower of Babel to understand why the church is divided and, more importantly, why God would allow it to remain so: sin. When each Christian heart is pure, there will truly be one church.
    I don't necessarily delight in a divided church. But it seems that many denominations in today's society delight in "differentiation." It's the "be like us to be accepted" syndrome. Everyone thinks they've got the secret and that their "way" is the best/only/one true "way" to g-d.

    More than anything, I was commenting on CtR's post about the only church being that named after Christ, which was validating how his church is the only church, and other churches (which I took to mean including Catholic churches named after saints / men) are not worthy because they "marginalize Christ and his world."

    If Christians really wanted unification, they would pray, not for themselves or even for their collective "mission" of conversion, but true understanding and peace in the world, which begins with acceptance of all peoples, regardless of their religious / non-religious affiliations and cultural backgrounds, etc.

    While the tit-for-tat sense of "my church is better than your church" syndrome continues to occur, and prayers are called not for the selfless betterment of the universe through an everlasting peace, but for the selfish call to better "the church" itself, then yeah, from the grandstands, the infighting is at least worth an eyeroll or two.

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