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Thread: Carnivals

  1. #1

    Default Carnivals

    what ever happened to the no reason ( no holiday just out of the blue) carnivals that where in shopping center parking lots.. I used to see them twice sometime 3 times a year when i was a kid 80s era, in moore, and use to see them once every now and then in okc when my parents drove around.. i never see them anymore what happened, is there a web site of planned carnivals.. I have kids and i want them to experience the carnivals like i did (state fair is to crowded), carnivals has its own grand feeling i miss lol

  2. Default Re: Carnivals

    The last time I saw one, and it wasn't that long ago, was in that BINGO parking lot off of I-35 and S.E. 44th St. I believe it was on the huge parking lot that has a subway, a Buy For Less and some thrift store.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Carnivals

    seriously? as has everything else, times have changed. more entertainment options, people take and expect more to stimulate and entertain them.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Carnivals

    i see them pretty often at the soonerfashon

  5. Default Re: Carnivals

    Yeah, they are around. I see them some, but usually in parts of town I wouldn't take kids to.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Carnivals

    See one in Norman at the mall every year.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Carnivals

    Grider's on 29th and May has one every once and a while.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Carnivals

    i see the one in Norman quite a bit, they also go out to Elk City every year I think

  9. Default Re: Carnivals

    One showed up about a month ago in a shopping center parking lot in Stillwater.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Carnivals

    I guess I keep missing them all, i usually stay in the southside of okc and mainly moore, so i guess tat area south of 240 all the way through moore is carnivalless lol

  11. Default Re: Carnivals

    They used to be at the Heritage Park Mall in MWC. Now, I haven't seen them for a few years. Two other places was one in Norman, across the highway from the mall, out on the open land, but it was stolen by an auto dealership. The other was in south OKC, small neighborhood town, but I can't remember the name of streets. I remember they blocked streets, cuz the carnvial was all over the streets.

    Oh yeah, there was one out on 29th and Western or 29th and May, in the parking lot near Fashion Place.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Carnivals

    couple of weeks back now, there was one at the shawnee mall. Don't recall how long, but about a week seems to be the typical run per location/town: 2 days set up, 3 to play, two to tear down and vamoose
    Last edited by kevinpate; 06-06-2008 at 07:48 PM. Reason: typos

  13. Default Re: Carnivals

    These rides are actually belonged to the State Fair?

    I remember seeing a lot of the same rides being at the State Fair.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Carnivals

    Norman has a few. Most are held in the Sooner Mall parking lot off of Main St.

  15. Default Re: Carnivals

    I miss these too. The three I can remember... one was about three years ago around halloween in the parking lot of heritage park mall, they had big inflatables that you could go through. The other, about 7 years ago in the Regional swimming pool parking lot, had all the carnival games and everything. Then, about 15 years ago, we had one during the 4th of July in Regional park... that was the last time i've seen any. I wish I knew when they were coming into town. I guess the just use viral word of mouth marketing.

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