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Thread: Only a sick human being could have done this

  1. #1
    Jay Guest

    Default Only a sick human being could have done this

    Dog survives being shot in head with an arrow
    Humane Society offering reward

    Dr. Cody Balok, left, examines "Easton" before pulling an arrow from the dog's head with Dr. Jessica Balok at the Cedar Animal Medical Center Friday. Easton survived and was named after the brand of arrow that went through his head. The Humane Society is offering a $1,000 reward for information about who shot the dog. (Photo by John A. Bowersmith/Independent)

    By Leslie Wood
    Staff Writer

    GALLUP — A Gallup homeowner awoke to find a stray dog with an arrow lodged through its head resting on her back porch.

    The young adult dog, tentatively named Easton after the brand of hunting arrow, was originally reported to McKinley County animal control officers at about 8:30 a.m. on Friday as a stray.

    Officers Romie Calderon and Edward Becenti cornered the Australian Shephard mix in the backyard of the 1925 Milda St. residence and lassoed it around the waist to transport it safely into a nearby van.

    "There was no resistance at all," Calderon said of the dog who remained calm despite its injury. "It was functioning well and was conscious."

    Cedar Animal Medical Center doctors determined the arrow lodged underneath muscle inside the dog's head and did not puncture its brain.

    "It didn't look like it missed the brain, but it did," Cosy Balok, director for the Humane Society, said.

    Veterinarians removed the arrow from the dog which remains in stable condition at the animal hospital.

    "It's awake and should be OK," Balok said.

    The dog is expected to require about a week to recuperate and will be available for adoption, if it is not claimed by an owner.

    Balok said the Humane Society is offering an award of $1,000 to anyone who provides information that leads the arrest and conviction of the individual who harmed the dog.

    "We've dealt with animals with arrows inside them, but none with an arrow in its head," she said.

  2. #2
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: Only a sick human being could have done this

    This crap makes me seriously sick!What the HELL is wrong with people.


  3. Default Re: Only a sick human being could have done this

    When I ws in my early 20's, I would find people who did things like this and do something with them that hopefully they would never forget.

    I would place them against a wall, search them, place their hands behind their backs, attatch some silver colored jewelry to their wrists, and say a few sentences to them, including the words "You are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent."

    In fact, I filed one charge against a man that, due to a technicality, became the first cruelty charge filed as a felony in the state of Oklahoma. The man did every second of a five year stretch in prison.

    For the person who did this to a beautiful animal that many of us treasure as our own children, five years would not be enough. If that dog was a human, the offender would be charged with ADW with intent to kill... A 20 year rap. Even that would not be long enough.

    I hope they do every second of a long stretch and the "sisters" meet them.

    What a shame. What a sicko.

    (My frequent reference to "the sisters," is from a scene in the motion picture "Shawshank Redemption")

  4. Default Re: Only a sick human being could have done this

    My main concern is for the beautiful dog, looked like a Collie to me. I hope they keep us updated on it's well being in the news. what a great upstanding citizen this must be that did this to a defensless and well mannered dog. Let me meet them...anyone want to join me in bow and arrow practice??
    I admire you Mr Anderson for doing the job that you did and doing it within the law. I'd probably end up the one in trouble for wailing on the person that hurt the animal.

  5. Default Re: Only a sick human being could have done this

    Too bad public floggings are illegal..

  6. #6

    Default Re: Only a sick human being could have done this

    Sometimes I wish we could be a religious state (those times are very few and fleeting). Then we could use the 'ol "An eye for an eye" punishment.

    Would be quite fair in this case.

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