No offense taken, just pointing out the general hipcrisy in your statementOriginally Posted by jdsplaypin
The reason that I object to basically every LifeChurch post is this: Every single church introduces new programs. LifeChurch is the only one which sends its members to post on websites. Hearing all the time about a new LC campus or whatever is essentially spam as far as I'm concerned.
Do I start a new thread every time the Roman Catholic Church announces a new ministry or builds a new building? Heck no. Do I announce that Fr. so-and-so from OKC is one of the top-10 influential priests in the archdiocese? Nope.
I'm not really sure why LC members think that anyone really cares about their church and their really strange website.
I'll say this -- the website is interesting -- in the same way a car wreck is interesting. I did slow down on the information superhighway to rubberneck, and as expected, it was a pretty sorry sight to behold.
Not sure what your 'thanks for playing' statement meant JD. If you're leaving the board or the thread because you can't handle a little disagreement, sorry 'bout that, but some of us have opinions which run contrary to yours. C'est la vie and all that..