There's a bigger point you're missing.
It doesn't really matter to me what someone is watching - a soap opera, a sitcom, or the 5000th rerun of M*A*S*H, an interruption for interruption's sake is rude and annoying. Maybe you don't like what I watch, maybe I don't like what you watch, but I wouldn't want either of us interrupted while we're watching it. I don't even like the "artistic" graphic promos that superimpose themselves on the bottom 1/4 of the screen at varying times dring most programs - and KOCO is one of the worst offenders.
You'll have to forgive me if I don't "thank" the stations for "doing their job." News isn't "their job" unless there is urgent public peril or the clock says "10PM." I might be more inclined to be more "thankful" so if there were actually any hard news programs left in Oklahoma City, which is laugahably untrue.
As far as interruptions go, stations long ago leapt over the wall called "abuse of discretion" when it comes to "news bulletins," and most such interruptions barely qualify as teases for the next newscast.
Just more reason to leave behind what little programmming there is to enjoy offerings on the numerous movie and specialty cable/satellite networks, choose one of my own DVD's, or turn the whole thing off and just read a book