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Thread: Wysiwyg

  1. Default Wysiwyg

    I'm looking for something like a server side WYSIWYG Editor...

    What I want to do is to be able to log into an area, and be able to list all my text files [.txt, .html, .php, .js, .css, etc.] in their respected folders and allow me to edit them through the browser and save the changes...

    The closest working example that I can think of would be Wordpress's Theme Editor. Anyone know what i'm talking about?

  2. Default Re: Wysiwyg

    Why don't you just use terminal services/remote desktop?

  3. Default Re: Wysiwyg

    Because neither one of those will do what I want to do or serve the purpose... i guess.

    I found almost exactly what I was looking for though. I think with a few modifications, I'll get it to do what I want, but it's an awesome application non the less.

    File Thingie • PHP File Manager

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wysiwyg

    There's no such thing as a server side editor by definition. If you want to edit the file you have to interact with it.

    If you're wanting to use WYSIWYG for html, xml, css, etc then you'd need to use a server side application with a JavaScript client for the WySIWYG. I've built them and there are content managers that do this.

  5. Default Re: Wysiwyg

    Well, I defined it to be server side and not client side because i wanted an editor that worked through the browser and not a stand alone desktop application.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Wysiwyg

    It is a common misconception so you are in good company.

  7. Default Re: Wysiwyg

    I mean, I get how it's works, and proper terminology, but people who know what i'm talking about [that's you] would be the only ones to properly point me in the direction I needed.

    It's also not necessarily a "WYSIWYG" type of editor.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Wysiwyg

    If you use Firefox you might take a look at the Xinha! Here extension. It uses the Xinha open source html editor..

    The benefit of this is that your editor is a part of your browser now so is not dependent upon anything being delivered from the server. But there still has to be a text area field for it to work. But it does work very well. So all you have to do is create a simple program on the server to open a file and put the contents in a textarea and then you can edit it with Xinha. Then your program has to save.

    If you are building your own application on the web server and need an html editor for your project then I've used several both that I've purchased and that are free. I think the last one I used was tinyMCE so you might check it.

    You might look at fireFTP for Firefox - gives you a nice FTP client that you can use directly from your Firefox.

    I personally use UltraEdit but I've been using it a long time.
    Last edited by flintysooner; 05-24-2008 at 08:07 AM. Reason: screwed up html tags

  9. #9

    Default Re: Wysiwyg

    ultraedit is great for web in that it has a built-in ftp client. that's what i use.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Wysiwyg

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    ultraedit is great for web in that it has a built-in ftp client. that's what i use.
    I like that I can set up projects and associate my project folders with my web structure and it keeps the ftp information for me. I also like that I can have multiple syntax templates.

    However, I am not working much anymore so I'm quickly losing touch with all the new stuff that's happening. I haven't done any of AJAX.

    Also it is intriguing to read about the embedded application work that Amazon and Google are supporting in the clouds. Google is supporting Python it appears and Amazon is PHP but both are promising more languages. Quite an exciting time in web development.

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