The infiltration of our country by what experts call Islamists - those who seek Islamic rule is quit extensive but you do have to pay attention. That's why this thread was started. The Oklahoman gave CAIR a free pass in their newspaper and likely just printed what was handed to them by CAIR.
Islamists have worked they way into our government, our communities and are working to present themselves as one of us. But they ultimate goal is to destroy our democracy. This has been documented in Muslim Brotherhood documents. I am unaware of anything coming close to this by other fringe groups.
My God, folks, CAIR just gave the Norman Police Department "Diveristy Training" about Muslims. They told them not to go to the mosques on Fridays. You know, when all the sermons take place. It would be too disruptive.
Did I read about this in the Oklahoman? No I read about it on a Middle East website located in Dubai called
Islamonline. As CAIR advances Islam in Oklahoma, it is reported in the Middle East.
Are you paying attention?