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Thread: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

  1. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    I've never been in one either but I'll take a guess.


    A paycheck

    Health benefits

    Supplying jobs to those who didn't have opportunities or support to attend college.


    Mundane work.. but most work is mundane. That's why it's called work and not play.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    i've heard it mentioned many time that companies like putting in call centers here because oklahomans are known to be friendly and for the most part have a regionless accent (not too northern or southern)

  3. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Karried, it's worth noting that call centers usually bring people on using a probation period...usually the length of the lifespan avg. of a call-center employee..thus, few actually will have the fancy benefits.

  4. #54

    Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    True that.

    Hertz only offers benefits and the like after a 90-day probation period. I believe you can then put in for your ten vacation days after your first year (excluding three floating days) like most American companies.

    Maybe it's just me but working a solid year before getting ten paid holidays tells me the Europeans might be on to something. Ugh!

    Another thing to consider....while it's fantastic to have employment and a steady income...you'll be working with a horrid schedule....almost always swing shift with a Tuesday and Weds type day off. There are people at Hertz ten years now waiting for the good shifts to open up. One reason for the high turnover.

  5. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    I agree it's not the best job in the world, but for college kids, or people needing a second income, it's better than some of the alternatives out there.

    I guess we could just tell AAA not to come and start passing out cardboard signs so people can stand on the corner and beg for change.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Might not be a bad idea. A better company could come along under the auspices of said company realizing "hey, Oklahoma City folk are too good to be a dumb call center center..."

  7. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Hasn't happened yet.

    Trust me, we have more than enough room for a few companies to come here if they wanted to .... along with AAA.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    probably true. Oh well, doesn't hurt to dream of an okc free from the bondage of call centers and other radically anti-intellectual whatnots...

  9. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    No, I get what your saying.... Silicon Valley was a pretty cool place to live... lots of intellectuals wandering around.

    But, I just don't want to discount the fact that some people need these jobs.. maybe at a particular point in their lives and there should be no shame in working hard and trying to earn a living... even if it's at a 'lowly' call center.

    If my kids were hungry, and I didn't have any marketable skills, I'd be working at Quick Stop or Denny's... whatever it took short of being illegal.. that's all I'm saying.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    attention condescending snobs... there are a bunch of folks that can use those jobs that are soooo beneath you.

  11. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by edcrunk View Post
    attention condescending snobs... there are a bunch of folks that can use those jobs that are soooo beneath you.
    Yer damn skippy.


  12. #62

    Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Those who believe these jobs don't matter are foolish. 1,200 jobs in anything is 1,200 jobs and I am sure that there are many who welcome the opportunity to work and provide for themselves or their families. Let's work to get as close as possible to full employment not snub our noses at decent, honorable work.

  13. #63

    Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    With millions losing their jobs across the nation, I think gaining a thousand jobs in OKC is a step in the right direction. These aren't jobs that will bring in people from out-of-state looking for employment, but there is a need for this kind of work here. Heck, there is a need for jobs in the country...period. If you have jobs, send them here. Eventually, the big ones will fall into place.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  14. #64

    Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    1200 people will be getting either better jobs or first time jobs. They will be better jobs then whatever these people would have been doing. This is great for the metro area to be land good quality jobs.

  15. #65

    Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    I think people have an overblown sense of worth. When Dell came here they brought jobs that paid better than the average person in OKC makes. The per capita hourly rate for OKC is 9.18 an hour. Yes we need better jobs, but these jobs aren't all that bad.

    And most of the better call centers start their benefits on day one.

  16. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    ok ok sorry!!!!! Im on board....

  17. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Perfect, lol, I have your application for AAA ready for you...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Good deal. Where can I get one of those OU sweatshirts with mustard stains on it? Thats the uniform right?

  19. #69

    Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazerfan11 View Post
    Good deal. Where can I get one of those OU sweatshirts with mustard stains on it? Thats the uniform right?
    Wally-World, duh. Just don't tell anyone on here you shop there.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  20. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by AFCM View Post
    Wally-World, duh. Just don't tell anyone on here you shop there.

    I think we need to stop bashing them. The time is now to express our solidarity with the Chineese people,.

  21. #71

    Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    How much do you guys actually know about AAA. I know that it is another call center but maybe you should give them a chance. They are closing call centers in Livermore and Elk Grove, CA in order to open the one here. There are a lot of hurt feelings in those centers but most of them love thier jobs. There isn't a lot of turnover in these centers due to the way that they treat thier employees. The pay isn't bad either.

  22. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    I think we need to stop bashing them. The time is now to express our solidarity with the Chineese people,.
    Actually, I hope your not teasing the Chinese people about the earthquake ..that story makes my heart ache... the orphans.... omg.. the worst was the elderly little old man carrying his fragile injured wife on his back up the mountain road.. I can't get that image out of my head.

    Anyway, back to topic, but I had to interject that.. imo, it's too sad to joke about.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  23. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    That was no joke!

  24. Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
    How much do you guys actually know about AAA. I know that it is another call center but maybe you should give them a chance. They are closing call centers in Livermore and Elk Grove, CA in order to open the one here. There are a lot of hurt feelings in those centers but most of them love thier jobs. There isn't a lot of turnover in these centers due to the way that they treat thier employees. The pay isn't bad either.
    I hope a local news station can do a story on the California centers...maybe interview a few of them about how they enjoyed working at AAA.

  25. #75

    Default Re: AAA Brings Jobs to OKC

    well, the sentiments are really sad
    people don't want to leave a company that is like family
    I have worked for AAA, granted not in the call center capacity but in other compacities. I am not a spokesperson by any means but I have made a good living so far in another state (not CA) and usually enjoy my job. I am in my mid 20s, graduated from college and do this work. I am in school for my masters, (AAA has helped pay for it)
    Just remember some companies are better than others
    the other call center is in Glendale, AZ and they seem to like it also

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