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Thread: And there was much rejoicing!

  1. #1
    Ssath Guest

    Default And there was much rejoicing!

    For it seems as though there are now 2 fewer residents in the Land of Lonliness. Yea, verily, I do hereby decree that the fates have decided that I shall no longer traverse the highways and byways of this mortal existance with no companionship. I have once again found my smile.

    In other words, I found a wonderful woman to be by my side. Sorry about the prose, but I am in such a wonderful mood after spending a large part of the weekend with her.

  2. Default Re: And there was much rejoicing!

    In the frozen land of Nador, they were forced to eat Robin's minstrels, And there was much rejoicing.


    That's cool man!

  3. #3

    Default Re: And there was much rejoicing!

    Bravely bold Sir Robin
    Rode forth from Camelot.
    He was not afraid to die,
    Oh brave Sir Robin.
    He was not at all afraid
    To be killed in nasty ways.
    Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin.

    He was not in the least bit scared
    To be mashed into a pulp.
    Or to have his eyes gouged out,
    And his elbows broken.
    To have his kneecaps split
    And his body burned away,
    And his limbs all hacked and mangled
    Brave Sir Robin.

    His head smashed in
    And his heart cut out
    And his liver removed
    And his bowls unplugged
    And his nostrils raped
    And his bottom burnt off
    And his pen--

    "That's... that's enough music for now lads, *** there's dirty work afoot*** ???."

    Brave Sir Robin ran away.
    Bravely ran away away.
    ("I didn't!")
    When danger reared it's ugly head,
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.
    ("I never!")
    Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.
    ("You're lying!")
    ****Bravely**** taking to his feet,
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the braaaave, Sir Robin!

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