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Thread: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

  1. #51

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    .oO(flinty, I don't think they know about the three shells ... snicker)Oo.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    "Mick Cornett, the official mayor of Taco Bell"

    kevinpate, what is this .oO you and everyone keeps putting before and after the parenthesis, I don't get it.

  3. Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    Have you not seen the movie Demolition Man?
    Yea, and I STILL don't understand how the three shells work.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    Blazerfan11, I notice now that the 'I liek tacos' and the "Taco snakcs" photo are the same photo, with different card art and a couple of background details photoshopped in. The floor tiles, placement of chairs and their shadows behind the subject and the reflection of lights in the window are identical.

    Does this standee actually exist anywhere, or did you cobble the whole thing together in Photoshop?

  5. #55

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    > what is this .oO

    .oO(thought balloons - an old habit for me)Oo.

    I'd probably make more of an effort to eradicate the same from my typing, but old dogs and tricks and all that

  6. Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    I can't figure out why I can't lose weight on the Taco Bell Diet.

    All I ever eat there is the Taco Salad .... lol

    Sheesh, the more I think about it, I can' t believe the Mayor is endorsing Taco Bell as a nutritious addition to a diet.

    Taco Salads with the shell have nearly 900 calories! If you don't eat the shell, you can shave off about 400 calories, but what's the point in that?

    Nah, I don't think of Taco Bell as a place for healthy nutritious food.

    Although, now I'm hungry for Nachos Bell Grande .. another 800 calories.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. #57

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Yea, and I STILL don't understand how the three shells work.
    It made Spartan curse for which he received tickets.

    I found this explanation from Stallone:
    OK, this may be bordering on the grotesque, but the way it was explained to me by the writer is you hold two seashells like chopsticks, pull gently and scrape what’s left with the third. You asked for it…. Be careful what you ask for, sorry.
    Being serious though if Taco Bell is attempting to do something healthy I really do not see why that is bad.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    I know your post wasn't directed at me, but it's really not healthy. I applaud the effort, but the substance is lacking. All they did was pull the cheese off a few items and call it healthy or "al fresco". How can you justify getting a half days to a days worth of sodium, fat and calories in one item? Especially knowing most people and many Oklahomans are going to order and eat several items each? You and I both know there are enough people that take people's word for things (ala Mayor Cornett as a public official), and are not going to do the nutritional research behind the food to see if it is truly "healthy".

  9. Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    Well, if that's true...I'd not expect the shells to work on Taco Bell.

  10. Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    Funny. This just in: Taco bell stores are all the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    Blazerfan11, I notice now that the 'I liek tacos' and the "Taco snakcs" photo are the same photo, with different card art and a couple of background details photoshopped in. The floor tiles, placement of chairs and their shadows behind the subject and the reflection of lights in the window are identical.

    Does this standee actually exist anywhere, or did you cobble the whole thing together in Photoshop?

  11. #61

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    This just in: they're not that much the same. The same picture is on the TV screen. One of the outside lights is still there, visible in the window on the left. Part of the box or whatever is behind the mayor's left shoulder is still visible beneath the poster that was added to the window. The chair legs and their shadows are in exactly the same position.

    Maybe this will help.

  12. Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    ? u r too hip for me lol!

  13. #63

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Is it just me or did the misspell "like" on that sign.
    Just to clarify. There was only one sign produced for this promotion. The "I liek tacos" sign is not real (although amusing, nonetheless). I saw one of the signs myself in person today. They all say: "Because you can't lose 1 million lbs. by yourself."

    Someone is obviously trying to pull a fast one on us all!

    A photo of one of the "real" signs is attached in a thumbnail, below. (Sorry, guys. I'm lousy at posting photos. Bear with me.)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Mayor Taco Bell Stand Photo.JPG 
Views:	601 
Size:	127.7 KB 
ID:	185  

  14. Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    cute Fritter...one problem though, I was at the Quail Springs Taco Bell and theirs says "It is a great thing to eat tacos on a diet!"

    not really clever, but proves your point wrong about their being only one sign LOL

  15. #65

    Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    I agree, I'm willing to bet a company like Taco Bell has enough $$$ in their marketing budget, they have different signs at each location, just like they have different sayings on each packet of hot sauce.

  16. Default Re: Taco Bell/ Mayor announce "official menu" of Mayors Challenge

    I got one the other day that said "will you marry me"...I said hell no I aint marryin' a packet of hot sauce LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

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