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Thread: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

  1. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Well don't act like you're the first one to come up with the idea that he might put it on the river.

  2. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    ha, I have my Favorites set to CNN, USAToday and Fox.. cuz I'm a glutton for punishment.. today we're on the front page of Fox.... for our Ferris Wheel Story, go figure.

    FOXNews.com - Oklahoma Developer Buys Famed Santa Monica Pier's Ferris Wheel in eBay Auction - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #78

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    I'm waiting for the City of Santa Monica to sue us to get it back.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    specific performance is that the Ferris Wheel will operate for at least 41 years and all the lightbulbs on it have to work.

  5. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    lol... what about the lease?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    I saw the movie Iron Man tonight. The wheel was in it.

  7. #82
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Grant Humphreys is stealing Santa Monica's ferris wheel!!!

  8. #83

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    stealing? he bought it and they are replacing it with a bigger one

  9. #84

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by sroberts24 View Post
    stealing? he bought it and they are replacing it with a bigger one
    um. It was a joke. Southside was comparing Humphreys' purchase and purported move of the ferris wheel to that of the Seattle Supersonics', and their fans' subsequent outcries that we were "stealing" their team.

  10. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    curious, makes you wonder why they'd pay that much for something that is not very energy efficient & could be duplicated with modern amenities for 1/5 the price?

    is this something we can market. "santa monica's antique ferris wheel. come one, come all & test your feats of courage, if you dare!"

    ferris wheel is a nice idea, but is it something that gives credence to the value when it's santa monica's ferris wheel? if it holds so much value, why are they selling it? also, i think okc metro could make a better name by creating something unique rather then recycling something that will always be something with "old santa monica's" included in the tagline. we kind of had to buy an NBA team to get in the game, we don't necessarily have to buy an old ferris wheel to get "street cred." to each his own & i bid grant good luck. just make it safe for the rest of us.

    reminds me of the monorail episode of the simpsons.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    santa monica's antique ferris wheel?

    It was built in 1996, it's not the original one.

  12. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    and it's solar powered. That's pretty energy efficient.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Poor Farris Wheel. It's going to miss the view. Instead, it might be put on a drainage ditch in the middle of OKC.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    So when is this supposed to be installed and where?

  15. #90

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Well he just bought it and he hasn't indicated officially where he was going to install it, just that it will be in one of his developments.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel


  17. #92

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    although if you do the math, he only has three developments and he has gone on record several times stating it would be in one of the three. Block 42 and Flat Iron Lofts don't have the space for it, and it'd just be weird and look funny. He's talked about putting a boardwalk at his development at the old Downtown Airpark as well as a mixed used hotel/condo restaurant concept there, it just makes sense he'll probably put it on the river.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by metro
    it just makes sense he'll probably put it on the river.
    River? That's funny. It's a ditch that collects city water run-off.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    jsenter, you say you are for the little guy, you are for nobody but yourself. If you have nothing good to say about our city...then get off. It's OK to criticize, but you are way one sided and unwelcome in my opioun. I'm with metro, you must be from Seattle.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    I'd love to see the Ferris wheel become part of a small amusement park along the river......something similar to Pacific Park, with a small roller coaster, carousel, fair-like games, etc.

    jsenter, the river might be more than just a "ditch" once we develop it. The problem now is that it isn't developed. That will change.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by jsenter View Post
    River? That's funny. It's a ditch that collects city water run-off.
    If so, it's going to be a most beautiful ditch. I'm pleased with the way it has turned out, and I'm looking forward to the new boathouses along the river, as well as maturation of all the trees planted.

  22. #97

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by jsenter View Post
    River? That's funny. It's a ditch that collects city water run-off.
    Yeah, funny enough to hold the olympic trials for rowing.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    good point traxx.... GOOOOOOD point!

  24. #99

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Yeah, funny enough to hold the olympic trials for rowing.

  25. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by brianinok View Post
    and it's solar powered. That's pretty energy efficient.
    that's nice.

    i imagine you're talking about the lighting, not the motor the turns the wheel? otherwise we need to power the metro with that wheel of energy, lol.

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