Interesting information in the latest issue of Forbes Magazine....
Even with delayed prior year numbers, Aubrey K. McClendon of Chesapeake Energy is the third highest paid CEO in America. Oracle's Larry Ellison took the number one spot.
Aubrey K. McClendon - ONE YEAR compensation: 116.89 Million Dollars.
{AN ASIDE} So, let me get this straight, he could have paid for the NBA Practice Facility himself, in toto, and still made $97,000,000.00 in one year. And he's just one of the PBC partners. When I see these numbers, I cringe at the thought of the penny-on-the-dollar tax to subsidize a Bennett, McClendon, Jeff Records, Tom Ward, et al. enterprise. It's lunacy.......Never again.{/ASIDE}
Forbes List from the latest issue of the magazine:
CEO Compensation -
He also covers his bases politically. From Aubrey Spreads The Wealth
$117,000,000.00 --- in one year. Yet, he's an investor in an enterprise that funded a campaign to convince the working people of Oklahoma City to lay down their tax money for one of his private investments. Chutzpah.
God almighty.