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Thread: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

  1. #51

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Okay, but does she have land?
    I was told she had a piece of riverfront property already.

  2. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    Of all the poeple who could have, "snapped up," those prime properties, it happens to be the son of the former mayor. OCURA members serve at the pleasure of the mayor. Sorry, but only the politically naive can fail to see the possibility of inside good old boy dealing.
    The properties that Humphreys is developing were not properties that were fought over like "the Hill" or the former Mercy Hospital site. I would be a lot more concerned with situations like that where less-than-competent developers were given land while superior proposals were ignored.

  3. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Actually, no one competed for the Block 42 site - Humphreys was the only one to respond to the Urban Renewal request for proposals for it.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    - Block 42
    - The Flatiron
    - Downtown Airpark (river property)

    Interesting how the former mayor's brother ends up with these prime properties. I see Kirk is Chairman of the company.
    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    Of all the poeple who could have, "snapped up," those prime properties, it happens to be the son of the former mayor. OCURA members serve at the pleasure of the mayor. Sorry, but only the politically naive can fail to see the possibility of inside good old boy dealing.
    Downtown Airpark was sold at a bankruptcy auction because the previous owner's were more than $7 million in debt. I don't think it's naive to say that the property was anyone's game and political connections didn't play a part - it's reality.

  5. #55
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    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    I would be a lot more concerned with situations like that where less-than-competent developers were given land while superior proposals were ignored.
    True. What's funny is that it's easy to point the finger at Grant and Kirk because of their last names, but nothing seems fishy about what Grant has done. At least, it doesn't seem like anyone may have been harmed or suffered any disadvantage because of his connections. If no one else is competing for the projects, then there is really nothing left to say.

    However, there has probably been more damage done by some insider dealings with OCURA projects where the connections aren't as obvious because the last names are different.

    But as far as this thing goes, I think they have great plans for their river developments and I hope they can get them done and use the Ferris Wheel as a nice icon for their projects and the area. It would definitely give people to look to an area of central OKC that has been ignored for a long time.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Yeah a ferris wheel in okc, what fun that will be

  7. #57

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    True. What's funny is that it's easy to point the finger at Grant and Kirk because of their last names, but nothing seems fishy about what Grant has done. At least, it doesn't seem like anyone may have been harmed or suffered any disadvantage because of his connections. If no one else is competing for the projects, then there is really nothing left to say.

    However, there has probably been more damage done by some insider dealings with OCURA projects where the connections aren't as obvious because the last names are different.

    But as far as this thing goes, I think they have great plans for their river developments and I hope they can get them done and use the Ferris Wheel as a nice icon for their projects and the area. It would definitely give people to look to an area of central OKC that has been ignored for a long time.
    I think you are right, BDP.

    I tried to make clear early on that I was not accusing Grant of anything. I was really stressing the appearance of possible impropriety with having to go to OCURA, (who his father appointed members to), his father being chairman of his company, etc. Someone else mentioned the Putnam City land deals which I couldn't let pass - but should have - as it muddied the waters on these current projects. I allowed the snowballing in my own mind to come through in my posts.

    The thing about these message boards is, unfortunately, some of us use them to "think out loud," when it comes to opinions. I'm very guilty of this. I'll give a first blush impression and then when things are explained or flushed out, I will change my mind about this or that. I suppose it's what people have always done, but in the Internet culture the string of thoughts in a thread like this is read from front to back, first post to last and it doesn't look good. I need to remember that. It's not like real life where you can give an off the cuff first thought and then days later talk about how you might be wrong and then a week or two later feel silly you questioned something - that's just life! But a message board is different. If you use it to "think out loud" (as I do) then reading it through like a neatly researched newspaper article doesn't work.

    As for the topic at hand, I have said several times that despite any possibility of inside deals or the appearance of inside deals - even if there were none - that I wished Grant good luck with his project. A couple of them have great potential and the Ferris Wheel thing could be truly an exciting addition to the riverfront atmosphere. I applaud anyone willing to be involved in making Oklahoma City a better place to live.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by annieou View Post
    Downtown Airpark was sold at a bankruptcy auction because the previous owner's were more than $7 million in debt. I don't think it's naive to say that the property was anyone's game and political connections didn't play a part - it's reality.
    Yes, if someone wants to throw down 10 million+ (thought it was around that price) for a piece of land that wont produce any income for at least a decade, then so be it.

  9. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by centaurian View Post
    Yeah a ferris wheel in okc, what fun that will be
    Well aren't you Mr. Positive...

  10. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    I'm not taking sides here, but I am going to provide this factual tidbit: A few years ago, before Grant Humphreys launched any of his downtown projects, he took a serious look at buying the Park Harvey Building and converting it to housing - a step later taken by Richard Tanenbaum. Humphreys' plans would have included putting on a new exterior skin, but determined he would have required the use of Tax Increment Funding. It's my understanding he withdrew out of concerns related to his father being mayor and any inappropriate appearance.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I'm not taking sides here, but I am going to provide this factual tidbit: A few years ago, before Grant Humphreys launched any of his downtown projects, he took a serious look at buying the Park Harvey Building and converting it to housing - a step later taken by Richard Tanenbaum. Humphreys' plans would have included putting on a new exterior skin, but determined he would have required the use of Tax Increment Funding. It's my understanding he withdrew out of concerns related to his father being mayor and any inappropriate appearance.
    Steve, I hope you read all of my last post. I addressed my thoughts on Grant Humphreys and how my train of thought works (or doesn't work) on the Internet, for better or worse. In this case, probably for worse.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    I know several people who ran for public office. Without exception each person made the decision out of a personal desire to contribute to the community. Running proved to be difficult for each on several different levels. I applaud them for running but my opinion is that the price paid is much too great.

    I have learned a little bit about a number of different professions during my life so far. Mainly I've learned that I am so dismally ignorant about most of them that I didn't even understand the depths of my own ignorance. And yet there seems to be a lot of sentiment for finding people who've accomplished nothing substantive to be involved most heavily in politics.

  13. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Ferris wheel moves to OKC.... within 18 months.. they haven't said where they will put it but he mentioned the Airpark ... nooooooooo! I want it closer to the action.... all the Kayak trials, races and Riverfest etc.

    Let's start emailing and ask him to put it on the river near the boathouse.....



    There is a video on News9.com but I can't get it posted here... go there and type in Ferris wheel and the video link will come up or this might work:

    News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | Search
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. #64

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Steve, you are correct.

    Grant had seriously wanted to start downtown projects while his father was mayor. He waited because he didn't want the "appearance" of any shady dealings. He has gone about the things the right way, and if OCURA, Bricktown Design Committee, Urban Design Committee took the same approaches, we wouldn't have any discussions like we do about corrupt dealings, shady selection process at OCURA, etc. Grant has gone about his projects the right way.

    Karried, FYI the downtown airpark IS ON THE RIVER! My money from day one states it will be there. He will have a HUGE mixed used development project there. Just watch!

  15. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    Steve, I hope you read all of my last post. I addressed my thoughts on Grant Humphreys and how my train of thought works (or doesn't work) on the Internet, for better or worse. In this case, probably for worse.
    I did and your comments about "thinking online" make a lot of sense. I was only trying to provide some extra history that might give people a better understanding of what's transpired to date.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    LA Times article -
    Santa Monica Ferris wheel sold on EBay - Travel - LATimes.com

    Looks pretty cool. I've ridden the wheel myself. Although Humphreys does reinforce the "backward" Oklahoma stereotype.

  17. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    I know but I'm thinking more East, closer to the Chesapeake Boathouse ... or past where the Riverfest is held... that part of the river.

    From the article:

    "We’re out here in the middle of America,” Wilson said, clearly still excited by the purchase. “We don’t have too many shiny toys.” nice.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. #68

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Karried, honestly my opinion and I'm willing to go out on a limb and say Grants opinion is that the Downtown Airpark portion of the river will be a better fit. The "boathouse row" area of the river, is doing fine on it's own and is attracting developments fine on it's own. Let that be a collegiate/olympic traning/fitness area. There are no real draws on the west portion of the river. The Meridian Landing has potential for hotel developments, because of it's proximity to the airport, Dell isn't really a tourist attraction, the next thing is the airpark to really tie in more recreation on the west end of the river. I fully see Grant building a development like Block 42 on a larger scale, along with 2 or so hotels, mixed-use with retail, maybe a mini theme park/boardwalk, etc. I've seen some of Grant's plans a few months back. I totally get the vision for it without even had seen them. The old Delmar Gardens amusement park was along this stretch of the river back in the day, PLUS, it's closer to the STATE FAIR park, where the river will eventually tie in, we can create a large recreational/amusement type area with this section of the river.

    Just a refresher for newbies or anyone not familiar with the subject:


  19. #69

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    The old Delmar Gardens amusement park was along this stretch of the river back in the day,
    Yes, Delmar Gardens was north of Wheeler Park. According to the C2S master plan, Wheeler Park will be no more, turned into residential. Why get rid of Wheeler Park, put the ferris wheel there and create Wheeler Park into a boardwalk/amusement type area, with baseball, soccer fields, between the river and i-40.

  20. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    It should go on one of his residential properties for the exclusive use of the residents simply because there would be no better pickup line in the world "hey baby, wanna come over and take a ride on my big ferris wheel" I mean seriously, who would say no to that? Score.

  21. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    I mean seriously, who would say no to that? Score.
    I would, I can't stand heights and if something's rocking that high up, I'm not a happy camper!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  22. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    I would, I can't stand heights and if something's rocking that high up, I'm not a happy camper!
    If the ferris wheel's a-rockin don't come knocking? lol

  23. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    tee hee, yeah, you got my drift!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  24. Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    It would be cool if he named the airpark mixed use development Delmar Gardens, and incorporated a boardwalk amusement park and maybe even similar architecture.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Humphreys Ferris Wheel

    My opinion/claim above was further solidified in me last night. Urban Neighbors and Grant Humphreys were interviewed on FOX News last night. UN talked about, downtown stuff, while Grant Humphrey's was talking about his recent purchase of the Ferris Wheel. He said he would definitely include it in one of his 3 developments either Block 42, Flatiron Lofts, or Downtown Airpark.

    Hello.........as I've stated before now and 2 years ago, the obvious location will be Downtown Airpark. He has no room and it would be awkward at both Block 42 and Flatiron lofts. The logical choice is the Downtown Airpark, PLUS he has publically mentioned he was thinking about getting city/river authority approval to have an inlet come by his development so he can have waterfront condos/hotel. Hello folks, this is a perfect setup for a boardwalk type atmosphere. Just watch. This is my theory from what I've gathered talking to him and just the blatant obvious standout nature of this.

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