I’m very pleased to say that participation on this site is more active than ever and we continue to get a steady stream of new posters.

But with the increased activity comes more opportunity for conflict and I post this in the hope we all stop and think about making this community more friendly, respectful and welcoming.

Firstly, all opinions are welcome here. In fact, it’s good to have those that aren’t necessarily rah-rah about everything going on in OKC, as it spurs discussion and also makes everyone think a little harder. Just remember: It’s not about your point of view, it’s how it’s expressed.

Argue the point, not the poster. There is never any reason to get personal, call names, etc. This is one area that is clearly over the line and where the moderators and I will have to intervene. Disagree if you must, just be respectful to one another.

Secondly, be kind to the newbies and those that don’t have a lot of posts here. We all need to remember that we were once new too and that many people haven’t read all the posts and stories over the last few years; and some are new to message boards in general. Be patient and friendly in these situations, as I’m sure you would like to be treated the same way when entering a group that is relatively new to you.

And finally, we do our best here to be hands-off. This is a community and as such, people should be able to work out their own problems. We only step in when someone is clearly out of line and I hope all of you understand how difficult it can be to make such judgment calls. If you have an issue, please send one of us a message and then respect our decisions. We only want what’s best for the forums.

I bought OKCTalk about a year ago because it’s a fantastic site for those that love and/or are interested in Oklahoma City. But it’s only that due to those that post here and it's in everyone's best interest to have a wider variety of people and more of them. So please do your best to be kind and respectful and we’ll all benefit.
