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Thread: The BOG vote was irrelevant

  1. #1

    Default The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Hate to break it to you guys, but anybody who actually knows anything about the Sonics situation knows that this vote is, and has been, irrelevant and we've known and prepared for the 28-2 outcome.

    I think that it turned out better than I thought it would, as Paul Allen was able to ignore Stern's threats of reprecussions to make the smart decision.

    Had anybody in Seattle actually thought that the BOG might come somewhat close to rejecting the move, then none of the 3 lawsuits against the Sonics would have been filed to until some time next week.

    All the lawsuits and everything that anybody who knows what's really going on has said about the future of the Sonics has been said with the expectation that the BOG would approve the relocation.

    My point is that this doesn't change ANYTHING. The Sonics are still going to lose all 3 lawsuits and the Sonics will be in Steve Ballmer's hands by the beginning of next season.

  2. Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant


    They clearly filed the lawsuits right before the vote because they wanted to influence the vote. Nice try.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Whatever srkboy23.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Nope, srkboy23. It's over. Nickels and Gorton can only keep the Sonics until 2010. Most of the class-action has already been thrown out, but the worst case for Bennett is paying a modest settlement, and that's a long shot since the supposed victims in that suit haven't been harmed. Only Schultz's lawsuit can keep the Sonics in Seattle past 2010, and to that, Schultz has to actually file the lawsuit, and then actually win. If Bennett was anywhere close to accurate in the press conference today when he said he visited 30+ times and spent millions of dollars, Schultz can't win that lawsuit.

    The Sonics are coming to OKC!!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    This is a test of the reality check emergency network. This is only a test. The actual reality check signal is being broadcast directly to the brains of folks who think today's vote meant nothing
    This concludes this test of the reality check network

  6. #6
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    He's still in the denial stage of grief management. Give it time and he'll come back to reality - probably around the time team's flight leaves Seattle for OKC.

  7. Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    you catz in seattle are soooooooo outta touch, it's laughable. it's over... they will either be here next season or 2010. i honestly don't put too much stock in slade gorton. i expect the city to settle out of court.
    i love being fron oklahoma, everyone underestimates you.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    You really think that this BOG vote means that the Sonics have little to no chance of staying in Seattle? I'm pretty sure plenty of LA fans were saying the exact same thing about the Seahawks after the NFL approved of that move in 96.

    Here are 2 interesting articles from 1996 in the NY Times regarding that relocation:
    SPORTS BUSINESS;Seahawks' Plan Shakes N.F.L. - New York Times
    PRO FOOTBALL;The Seahawks' Move Faces Countermoves - New York Times

    The same thing also happened to the Mariners. They were selling season tickets and t-shirts for the "Tampa Bay Mariners," but they never left Seattle.

    The only franchise to ever leave Seattle was the Pilots, and the only reason they got away was because the MLB promised us an expansion team if we dropped the lawsuit.

  9. Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Quote Originally Posted by srkboy23 View Post
    Hate to break it to you guys, but anybody who actually knows anything about the Sonics situation knows that this vote is, and has been, irrelevant and we've known and prepared for the 28-2 outcome.

    I think that it turned out better than I thought it would, as Paul Allen was able to ignore Stern's threats of reprecussions to make the smart decision.

    Had anybody in Seattle actually thought that the BOG might come somewhat close to rejecting the move, then none of the 3 lawsuits against the Sonics would have been filed to until some time next week.

    All the lawsuits and everything that anybody who knows what's really going on has said about the future of the Sonics has been said with the expectation that the BOG would approve the relocation.

    My point is that this doesn't change ANYTHING. The Sonics are still going to lose all 3 lawsuits and the Sonics will be in Steve Ballmer's hands by the beginning of next season.
    I like what you're smoking, can I have some?

    Quote Originally Posted by edcrunk View Post
    you catz in seattle are soooooooo outta touch, it's laughable. it's over... they will either be here next season or 2010. i honestly don't put too much stock in slade gorton. i expect the city to settle out of court.
    i love being fron oklahoma, everyone underestimates you.
    They tend to do that when you can't spell or use capitalization.

  10. Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    It's tempting to respond but I remember when the Hornets left and how heartbroken I felt.

    So, I imagine that the Seattle fans are in a world of hurt about now..

    And knowing that, I'll pass on rubbing salt into open wounds or gloating about getting the team here.

    I hope we'll all take the high road.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. #11

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    We shall see. There are a lot of people who post their hopes as facts, and hope that will make them true. I agree that my experience with the Hornets makes me empathetic, and I'm not in the mood to argue with anyone from Seattle today.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    I guess today we see just how relevant the BofG vote was. The Sonics lease in OKC took effect pending the vote and it restricts the Sonics from extending their lease in Seattle. Not that it would ever happen, but even if Shultz did get the team back they still have to play in OKC for the next 15 years.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Yeah let them vent...I would do the exact same thing

    That's why I dropped off the Seattle Times forum this morning...One thing discussing the situation and another basically poking them in the eye with a stick after the decision was made

    With that said...There is something to be said about the political climate in Seattle if every one of their major league franchises attempted to move...I wouldn't really gloat about a 3 for 3 lawsuit deal

  14. #14

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Can't remember the Mariners details, but I'm pretty sure the Seahawks still had 12 years left on their lease when they tried to leave. There's quite a bit of difference there. Bennett would sell too, if he thought he was going to be held to a 12 year lease.

  15. Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Fact is srkboy23,

    with the other two franchises, we build stadiums for them. That is ultimately why they are still here - that and the LOCAL ownership.

    Sonics are not local owned and we did not and aren't going to build a new stadium.

    So, why again do you think the BOG vote is irrelevant? Denail is one thing, but some of you fellow Seattleite fans are plain dillusional if you think Seattle is 'so untouchable'.

    Wake up, the Sonics will be gone, either this summer or the summer of 2010 (that's only two years, and who wants a lame duck team for that long. .....)
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  16. Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    I for one am excited

  17. Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    They tend to do that when you can't spell or use capitalization.
    i can spell just fine... and capilization shmapiliztion... i do what i want!
    besides i'm on a smart phone and it's like i'm texting.

    regardless of my capitalization and spelling... i've been underestimated my whole life and have consistently come thru like a thoroughbred!

  18. #18

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Quote Originally Posted by edcrunk View Post
    besides i'm on a smart phone and it's like i'm texting.
    hey... I thought I was the only on using a phone to access this great site..but to seattle...haha give it up for real not poking but its just past comical its ignorant .lets as okcitians focus on this map 3 sh** please.......... much love from florida

  19. #19
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    Feb 2005
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    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    I have posted on the Seattle Times forum and its unbelieveable the reaction of Seattle fans, first, everything they hope to happen and lose; example, the Ford Center upgrades becomes irrelevant.

    When the team is finally playing in Oklahoma City it will be irrelevant according to Seattle fans.

    There is a stage beyond denial in Seattle!

  20. #20

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Larry - I gave up on the Seattle Times forum. It was one thing to debate future events but they have collectivly lost their minds. They reject reality and substitute their own.

  21. #21

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    I guess the latest rage over there is over the Sonics having to actually be in OKC by 2009 not just a signed lease or whatever

    I can't find anything definitive on this but I'm sure it's been explained somewhere

    Anyone have any insight on this?

    **The league's constitution stipulates the Sonics must move before the 2008-09 season or else the team must re-submit a relocation bid**

  22. #22

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    I guess today we see just how relevant the BofG vote was. The Sonics lease in OKC took effect pending the vote and it restricts the Sonics from extending their lease in Seattle. Not that it would ever happen, but even if Shultz did get the team back they still have to play in OKC for the next 15 years.
    What are you talking about? If the lease did take effect pending the BOG vote, then that would mean that the Sonics would have existing leases in 2 different arenas. I think the KeyArena lease must end before the OKC one begins.

    Also, if Schultz wins his lawsuit (which is hell of a lot more possible than most of you want to believe), then everything after the deal is nullified, including the lease.

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    Fact is srkboy23,

    with the other two franchises, we build stadiums for them. That is ultimately why they are still here - that and the LOCAL ownership.

    Sonics are not local owned and we did not and aren't going to build a new stadium.

    So, why again do you think the BOG vote is irrelevant? Denail is one thing, but some of you fellow Seattleite fans are plain dillusional if you think Seattle is 'so untouchable'.

    Wake up, the Sonics will be gone, either this summer or the summer of 2010 (that's only two years, and who wants a lame duck team for that long. .....)
    Actually, the Seahawks still played in the Kingdome for 3 seasons after their relocation scare and didn't move into Qwest Field until 2002. The Mariners also played in the Kingdome for at least 5 seasons after their scare before Safeco Field was built in 1999.

    And the KeyArena as it is is in much better condition than the Kingdome was in the 90s.

    By the way, here's a good thread from the Seattle Times forum to give you a good idea on how the Sonics situation is really going:
    The Seattle Times: View topic - Oklahoma posters misunderstanding of the Sonic situation

  23. #23

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    srkboy, not to belittle your hopes, but the hope you cling to appears to be based on the outcome of a lawsuit that has not been filed, and which may well never be filed.

    I recognize you feel otherwise, but well, in my opinion threatened litigation and earnestly pursued litigation have little in common.

    On your other point, yes, one can have more than one lease, and that is true whether you are a ball club, a home renter or a business owner relocating. Generally one lease is a current lease, and the other lease binds the parties beginning at a future date, the actual date being stated, or, as with PBC and OKC, conditioned on certain factors, i.e., the end of the existing lease by its terms or by agreement on a earlier date.

    Everything will play out in time, and it is not only Seattle folks who are not four dquare with reality

  24. #24

    Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    Quote Originally Posted by srkboy23 View Post
    What are you talking about? If the lease did take effect pending the BOG vote, then that would mean that the Sonics would have existing leases in 2 different arenas. I think the KeyArena lease must end before the OKC one begins.

    Also, if Schultz wins his lawsuit (which is hell of a lot more possible than most of you want to believe), then everything after the deal is nullified, including the lease.

    Actually, the Seahawks still played in the Kingdome for 3 seasons after their relocation scare and didn't move into Qwest Field until 2002. The Mariners also played in the Kingdome for at least 5 seasons after their scare before Safeco Field was built in 1999.

    And the KeyArena as it is is in much better condition than the Kingdome was in the 90s.

    By the way, here's a good thread from the Seattle Times forum to give you a good idea on how the Sonics situation is really going:
    The Seattle Times: View topic - Oklahoma posters misunderstanding of the Sonic situation
    Just a tip...I would never use the Times forum as a reference for anything other than to prove how pissed off Sonics fans are

    Those guys have been wrong about every single event so far and they are clinging to the last line in an article that makes no sense at all...It wasn't even discussed in the article just thrown in at the end...Hardly convincing

  25. Default Re: The BOG vote was irrelevant

    pride comes before the fall... and
    seattle seems to be on a downward spiral. they are so blinded by their arrogance that they never believed that lil' ol'oklahoma could come in and whisk away their team. schultz hasn't even filed the frikkin lawsuit!!! his case is laughable and the sonics now have a lease in okc that begins in 2010 or as soon as bennett pays off the lease. slade gorton and the mayor are only shooting seattle in the foot in regard to ever having the nba in their town again. bennett has ll the cards... stern even said "the current owners will fulfill the remainder of their lease and leave, end of story". at that point bennett leaves with the name and history and key arena still has debt. that is leverage and already a couple leaders in seattle are asking for a settlement.i fully expect a settlement once the shock wears off.

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