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Thread: Dine by Design

  1. #1

    Default Dine by Design

    I thought this was interesting and was wondering if anyone has heard anything more about it. I like the Bowling Lounge as an addition to Bricktown, and hope it does well. I think there was a flyer attach inviting participants as an "opportunity for members of the community to dine in a unique atmosphere designed by an Architect". I wonder if anyone is planning to attend or has attended ne of these before?

    "If you don’t want your week to be a total WASHOUT, then make your reservation for Dine by Design today. These is your opportunity to STRIKE up a conversation with the J3 Design Team, and enjoy an evening of fabulous food and fun in Oklahoma City’s only upscale bowling lounge. Remember, ‘times like these call for a Big Lebowski…”

    REGISTER TODAY BY EMAILING TO mel@aiacoc.org or calling 948-7174!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dine by Design

    mturner, could you give us more information? I'm pretty sure a local art gallery (untitled artspace) also had an exhibition titled the same a few months back.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dine by Design

    I think that was "dinner in the deuce"; dining environments created as collaborative efforts by architects, designers and artists. This one is supposed to be part of the AIA week, which culminates in the annual building tour Saturday. If memory serves, the event is at RedPin, with $50 entry fee for buffet, drinks and 2hrs of bowling and oppourtunity to visit with the project's Architect, which according to the bulletin, names J3 Architecture.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dine by Design

    do you have a link for more info?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dine by Design

    AIA Central Oklahoma

    also has info on other AIA events for the week.

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