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Thread: Boycott Starbucks

  1. #1

    Default Boycott Starbucks

    SERIOUSLY.....nuff said. I don't do Starbucks anyway.

    But for those that do...why would you want to keep giving the guy money when he's trying to make a last ditch effort to keep his former team out of our city???

    Go back to Starbucks after the Sonics are here for good and you see the players taking advantage of our city with their families and friends!

  2. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    No way am I giving up my Caramel Macchiato!

  3. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks


  4. #4
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Since I don't like paying exorbitant prices for mediocre coffee, this would be the easiest boycott I've ever considered joining.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    I have no clue what you are talking about. What does Starbucks have to do with - I am assuming moving the Sonics here?

  6. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    I have no clue what you are talking about. What does Starbucks have to do with - I am assuming moving the Sonics here?
    Howard Schultz is the owner of Starbucks and the former owner of the Sonics. He filed in court to try to get the team back.

  7. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Have silly boycotts EVER worked for anything more than give a warm fuzzy to those doing the boycotting?

  8. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Have silly boycotts EVER worked for anything more than give a warm fuzzy to those doing the boycotting?
    I wouldn't know, I never boycotted anything to my knowlege and I don't drink Starbucks anyway.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Soooooo.....I still don't understand what my morning cup of heavenly mocha lite latte has to do with anything.

  10. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gato Pollo Loco!!! View Post
    Howard Schultz is the owner of Starbucks and the former owner of the Sonics. He filed in court to try to get the team back.
    Howard Schultz is the chairman and CEO of Starbucks. There is no one owner of Starbucks. It is a publicly traded company. Schultz is an employee.

    Not sure that Schultz's personal (completely separate) dealings with the Sonics should affect the company for which he works (Starbucks). Wouldn't you hate it if people began boycotting your employer for something that you did on your own time?

    I'm sorry John, I saw you going into the Ford center the other day for a Star Trek convention. You know that just doesn't reflect well on us here at McDonalds and so we'll need to let you go.

    Don't get me wrong, there are lots of other good reasons to boycott Starbucks (so I'm in!), just Shultz's behavior isn't necessarily one of them.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    I see this as a catch 22, the people of Seattle have been boycotting him for months now, and it HAS affected his bottom line, their stock is down about 40% (now granted, this is not just because of Seattle, although they did create a respectable amount of profit loss). Earlier this week, when he announced he would file a lawsuit against Bennett in two weeks, they immediately flocked back to his stores.

    So, with this in mind, they boycotted him, he saw this as a PR move to get back a few local customers and save face locally. The more business he lost, the more incentive and reason he has to file against Bennett.

    If OKC boycotts Starbucks, it might be a small small blip to his losses, however, it might encourage him more to help keep the Sonics out of OKC. At the same time, on the "moral" ground, boycotting satisfies the conscious and as OGTS said, "creates the warm fuzzy feeling".

    I don't think boycotting will solve anything in this case.

  12. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Have silly boycotts EVER worked for anything more than give a warm fuzzy to those doing the boycotting?
    Umm. yes! see Montgomery Bus Boycott

  13. #13

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    He said SILLY boycotts. That one makes sense. It had to do with the bus. They boycotted the bus. They won.

    Boycotting a company because someone who is part of the board does something to piss you off....silly.

    People piss me off on a daily basis. If I boycotted every place they worked I would probably starve to death and never leave the house.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    why boycott starbucks? what howard schultz is doing has nothing to do with denying OKC, it's about business.

    he sold the team with the agreement that clay bennett wouldn't try to move the team until he had made an effort to keep them in seattle until next year. well, in his e-mails, he talks about wanting to move them a lot sooner (as in april of '07, not october, as bennett had claimed). schultz, seemingly, was decieved. and if a judge agrees, the sonics will stay. if bennett is unwilling to pay for a lengthy legal battle with schultz (who's not exactly broke) and pay to get out of the key arena lease, he may say, 'to heck with this,' and sell anyway. this doesn't look good for OKC.

    i hate this "we're getting your team, haha!" attitude. it's classless and unnecessary. this is a business matter, and not a good one at that. why are we giving a multi-million dollar league TAX INCENTIVES? they don't need them! my wife, who doesn't care about any of this, thinks we're starting to look desperate.

    i know we want a team, but do we want a team brought here under shady business practices? what if it doesn't work out financially as well as bennett thinks it can? don't say it absolutely will, if it was a sure thing here, we'd already have a team. hosting a team for two seasons and having one of our own are worlds apart. moving this team, this quickly, to an untested market is a risk. and if it doesn't work out, what's to stop bennett from selling the team to someone from Kansas City, who will do to OKC what bennett is trying to do to seattle.

    OKC doesn't NEED a team, we want one, and it would be great. but is it worth the nation thinking we're willing to do anything to anyone to get what we want?
    (go to ESPN.com and read some objective stories about this, bennett and his group are starting to look pretty shady. and why was mcclendon being fined $250,000 not reported very much? he ran his mouth, and is screwing himself and us over.)

  15. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    He said SILLY boycotts. That one makes sense. It had to do with the bus. They boycotted the bus. They won.
    One man's silly is another man's serious. You are using the success of the boycott to judge if it is silly or not. How do you judge a boycott serious before it occurs? Seems like OKCisOK4me is pretty serious given he started his post with the word "Seriously". Some people are really invested in getting the team to OKC and consider Shultz's lawsuit an obstacle to making that happen.

  16. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Never did use SB anyway. Like my coffee strong, hot, and black. 7-11 here I come.

  17. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    If you are one that things something like that would do anything - take the time to try a local coffee company! If nothing else, at least you will be putting money into the pockets of Oklahoma business people.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    One man's silly is another man's serious. You are using the success of the boycott to judge if it is silly or not. How do you judge a boycott serious before it occurs? Seems like OKCisOK4me is pretty serious given he started his post with the word "Seriously". Some people are really invested in getting the team to OKC and consider Shultz's lawsuit an obstacle to making that happen.
    Nope. Wasn't talking about the success at all. I was judging the sillyness of the boycott based upon the relevance of the boycott. It makes sense to boycott the bus if the bus pisses you off.

  19. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    Nope. Wasn't talking about the success at all. I was judging the sillyness of the boycott based upon the relevance of the boycott. It makes sense to boycott the bus if the bus pisses you off.
    Then by your logic, it does make sense for OKCisOK4me to boycott Starbucks. The lawsuit Shultz is filing, as you put it, pissed him off. Shultz is the CEO of Starbucks. CEOs are the heart and sole of a publicly traded company. The company goes south, so does the CEO. Hit Starbucks, hit Shultz.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    Then by your logic, it does make sense for OKCisOK4me to boycott Starbucks. The lawsuit Shultz is filing, as you put it, pissed him off. Shultz is the CEO of Starbucks. CEOs are the heart and sole of a publicly traded company. The company goes south, so does the CEO. Hit Starbucks, hit Shultz.


  21. #21

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    If I had to keep up with the politics of every companies CEO and base my purchase therein, I would be so busy with research that I wouldn't have time to patronize the businesses my research has shown I don't want to patronize; meaning I would be boycotting everything because my research on who to boycott has taken up all my time to boycott!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    SERIOUSLY.....nuff said. I don't do Starbucks anyway.

    But for those that do...why would you want to keep giving the guy money when he's trying to make a last ditch effort to keep his former team out of our city???

    Go back to Starbucks after the Sonics are here for good and you see the players taking advantage of our city with their families and friends!
    I recently stumbled, quite by accident, on a secret that very few people seem to know. I learned that it is possible to make coffee yourself. . . . at home. Pretty good stuff too, and you can make it taste the way you prefer. I can't really boycott Starbucks since I have never been in one, but the whole boycott idea seems futile to me.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by EvokeCoffee View Post
    If you are one that things something like that would do anything - take the time to try a local coffee company! If nothing else, at least you will be putting money into the pockets of Oklahoma business people.
    Who do you think works at these OKC Starbucks? They have families here in OKC to support......

  24. Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by asta2 View Post
    Who do you think works at these OKC Starbucks? They have families here in OKC to support......
    I think the point is that dollar for dollar, more money stays in Oklahoma if you buy your coffee at a locally owned coffee shop as opposed to buying your coffee at a national chain coffee shop. Clearly some of the money does stay in the state, but not all of it, as is the case for locally owned shops.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Boycott Starbucks

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    I think the point is that dollar for dollar, more money stays in Oklahoma if you buy your coffee at a locally owned coffee shop as opposed to buying your coffee at a national chain coffee shop. Clearly some of the money does stay in the state, but not all of it, as is the case for locally owned shops.
    And I'm sure plenty of Oklahomans also own Starbucks stock.

    By the way Metro, any boycott of Starbucks in Seattle hasn't registered so much as a blimp on their sales. The SBUX stock plunged due to a poor market for just about everyone and certain things going on within Starbucks. In fact, sales are up!

    Here's a good analysis from CBS MarketWatch as to Starbucks stock problems. And no, it has nothing to do - nothing - with boycotts.

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