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Thread: Seattle Times Closes Forum

  1. #1

    Default Seattle Times Closes Forum

    To my fellow Seattle Times posters. They have shut down their Sonics forum. I think I posted there 2 times over the last 2 days. Those people went crazy! Everything from death threats to even worse. According to the note from the forum moderator the Seattle people started reporting any thread that was pro-Bennett so they just said screw it and shut it down like the ghost storage facility on Ghost Busters.

    (to Policemen)
    At ease, Officers. I'm Peter Venkman. I
    think there's been some kind of
    misunderstanding here and I want to cooperate
    in every way I can.

    (turns on him immediately)
    Forget it, Venkman. You had your chance to
    cooperate but you thought it was more fun to
    insult me. Now it's my turn, smart-ass.

    He wants to shut down the storage grid.

    If you turn that thing off we won't be
    responsible for the consequences.

    On the contrary! You will be held
    completely responsible.
    (to the Con-Ed Man)
    Turn it off.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    They've posted a notice saying they are going to re-open it tomorrow morning. They are calling for civility.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    I don't think I am going back for a while. People on there talking about killing each other and using very vivid language to describe it. No thanks. Two things I learned about people from Seattle. 1 - they love lawsuits, 2 - almost everyone of them has some serious sexual tendencies. It seemed to be their favorite subject.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    I don't think I am going back for a while. People on there talking about killing each other and using very vivid language to describe it. No thanks. Two things I learned about people from Seattle. 1 - they love lawsuits, 2 - almost everyone of them has some serious sexual tendencies. It seemed to be their favorite subject.
    Wow! I never dared lurk over there, noting how non-civil the Newsok boards would get from time to time. That was enough incivility for me. Heck, the OU-OSU threads are bad enough.

    I understand how emotions run high. Quite frankly, I can't blame some of those fans for being pissed off. Personally, as a ''yes" voter, I feel duped in some way over this whole scenario, although when Bennett, et. al. first bought the team it was pretty obvious they weren't buying it to keep it there.

    My guess is this thing is going to get way uglier before it gets better.

    Seems like with those boards, though, the Sea-Times should have shut them down sooner than tonight, before the vitriol really got out of hand.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    What point does going there serve? Really? I don't get it. Will something be resolved? Does it only upset you and upset them and you're all there for one big flame war? An ugly side of the Internet that, in my opinon anyway, serves no purpose whatsoever.

  6. Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    I quit posting there period. I tried to be civil and play it their way and I still got my head torn off.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    I stopped this morning as well...Used to be a lot less flame wars on there until a couple of months ago...Most of the posters that could discuss w/o acting like 12 yr olds left several months back

    It was fun while it lasted...Never made my quest for 1,000 posts

  8. #8

    Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    Well, people are upset, and forum posters are probably the most invested, so, although I'm suprised people went that ballistic, I'm not surprised it was heated. In my opinion, it's best if people from Oklahoma stay away from that forum anyway. They're hurting, and they don't want to hear anything from anyone in Oklahoma. I remember how upsetting it was when the people from New Orleans were gloating on the local Hornets forum when they left. It's better to let them talk amongst themselves and work this out.

    Who cares what they say/think about Oklahoma anyway? We should be above responding to that kind of juvenile behavior.

  9. Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Well, people are upset, and forum posters are probably the most invested, so, although I'm suprised people went that ballistic, I'm not surprised it was heated. In my opinion, it's best if people from Oklahoma stay away from that forum anyway. They're hurting, and they don't want to hear anything from anyone in Oklahoma. I remember how upsetting it was when the people from New Orleans were gloating on the local Hornets forum when they left. It's better to let them talk amongst themselves and work this out.

    Who cares what they say/think about Oklahoma anyway? We should be above responding to that kind of juvenile behavior.

  10. Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    Even though I never held out much hope for the Hornets permanently staying here, I can understand why Seattle's so upset. We've been calling the NBA an "exclusive club" that we are working to get in to. Now let's look at this from Seattle's perspective. Not only is a city that they look down on getting into the "club", they are getting kicked out.

  11. Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    I don't feel sorry for them. After all the names they called us, they can bawl all they want.

  12. Default Re: Seattle Times Closes Forum

    Anyone ever been to Anacortes? I own property there, and wouldnt ever think of going to a sonics game while there...too much goin' on...this move just plain makes sense as I'll attend many here.....

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