Over the last couple of years, I've really become addicted to the sport of triathlon. I'm rather a latecomer as I didn't do my first race until I was 46, but I'm hoping to stick with it for the longer haul.
To learn things properly, I joined the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training (TNT), a program where you get coaching and group workouts in exchange for raising funds for that excellent cause. 1.5 years later, I'm still now heavily involved with TNT and am now a volunteer assistant coach.
I've made tons of friends through all this and about a dozen of us are now training for Ironman competitions this fall. I've done a couple of half-Ironmans but this will be the full enchilada: 2.4 mile ocean swim, 112 mile bike and then run a marathon (26.2 miles).
My race will be Ironman Florida (Panama City) on Novemeber 1.
I decided to chronicle my journey through a blog:
Pete's Ironman Training Blog
I try and update it every week or two, so feel free to bookmark it and revisit in you'd like to follow my progress and adventures.
Also, to any of you interested in triathlon, marathons or cycling events, I couldn't recommend Team in Training enough.