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Thread: OKC Tech Communities?

  1. Default OKC Tech Communities?

    Anyone familiar with any thriving OKC technology communities, clubs, meetups, etc? I'm digging and have run across a few:

    Oklahoma City Developer's Group > Home
    www.okc2600.com :: Index

    I've run across some others that are a bit stale. If you know of or participate in a lively community, can you please post a link? Anyone see a need to start a new one?

    For example, anything related to one or more of these topics?
    Information Technology | Tech Entrepreneurism | Tech Startups | Web 2.0 | Internet | Social Computing | Emerging Technologies | Tech-Art | Digital Media | Research and Development | Blogging | Web Development | Open Source | Computer Gaming | Infotainment | Security | Privacy | Mashups | Activism | Distributed Computing | Techno-Gadgets

  2. Default Re: OKC Tech Communities?

    I've always wondered if there were any PhotoShop User groups that meet across the city. Anyone?

  3. Default Re: OKC Tech Communities?

    I do photoshop..

  4. Default Re: OKC Tech Communities?

    Another I found
    dc405.org ~ Index

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC Tech Communities?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    Another I found
    dc405.org ~ Index
    Well, as one of the founding members of the DC405 and one of the original members to bring the OKC2600 group back to life years ago, I'd like to say that anyone is welcome to come to either of the groups.

    The OKC 2600 is somewhat of a social meeting held the first friday of every month (2nd Friday in July, though. Independence day.) This meeting is held at Cafe Bella on south 89th & Penn.

    The DC405 is more of an instructional gathering that is usually the 3rd friday of the month. It is more of a class/workshop structure that is concentrated on learning new things. This meeting is held at the Panera on south 104th & Penn.

    DISCLAIMER: These are both oriented towards information security professionals and enthusiasts, commonly known as "hackers." The DC405 subject matter may be a little bit difficult for most to follow when it's a hacking sort of subject. DC405, however, also includes other interests. We plan on having presentations about things that don't even involve computers, amazingly enough.

    If anyone has any questions about these groups, feel free to send me a message.

  6. Default Re: OKC Tech Communities?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    I do photoshop..
    I do too...I wouldn't use the term "good" in referencing my work though. Just things like Fark Photoshop contests and poking fun at people when they post pictures of themselves.

  7. Default Re: OKC Tech Communities?

    Touche... i'll have to link to some.

  8. Default Re: OKC Tech Communities?

    There is also the OKC PC Users group and it has several special interest groups. They don't have a dedicated site anymore and all I was able to find was Oklahoma City PC Users Group . They have leased office space behind hooters on NW Expressway. If you are a developer they have a once a month open session which is nice. They meeting at Chelino's for dinner first, then go over and talk developer talk for a couple of hours.

    I am in Leadership Square and have been thinking we need a tech group in there.

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