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Thread: City to add more round-abouts

  1. #1

    Default City to add more round-abouts

    I was wondering what they were doing at NW 10th and Shartel. Found this info on koco's website.

    City Council Considers Adding More Roundabouts

    POSTED: 12:38 pm CDT July 31, 2007
    UPDATED: 12:56 pm CDT July 31, 2007

    OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma City drivers could soon be going around in circles as City Council members are discussing plans to add more roundabouts.

    With the addition of a roundabout at 11th Street and Walker Avenue downtown, the number of crashes was reduced from 11 in 2003 to two in 2006.

    Officials said traffic circles allow more vehicles to move through intersections quicker.

    "These are very good. I would like to see more of these, and then it beautifies the place at the same time," said driver Phyllis Fairley.

    City officials said roundabouts also reduce delays and pollution because cars don't have to idle at stoplights.

    Or you can watch the video here:

    City Looks Into Adding Roundabouts - Video - KOCO Oklahoma City

  2. #2

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    I like roundabouts for all the above reasons. Once you get used to them, they're as easy to use as a four way stop, without having to stop.

  3. #3

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Was the Classen Circle a roundabout?

  4. #4

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    I love roundabouts. I'm at work and not able to watch the video. Did they say where they were looking at installing them?

  5. #5

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    It's kind of humorous that the city went through all the trouble of removing all of the city's round-abouts a few years ago, even claiming they were doing it for safety reasons because round-abouts are so much more prone to generate accidents, and now they are putting them back in around various parts of the city.

    Dig a hole, fill it up. Dig a hole, fill it up....

  6. #6

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    haha dismayed, so true. Luke scroll up to my original post, at 10th and Shartel (on the other side of St. Anthony's) is the one currently under construction. So now there will be two within 2 blocks. One on each side of St. Anthony's at 10th street. The others they didn't mention location.

  7. #7

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Classen Circle was more of a 'traffic circle' than a roundabout, meaning it was a lot bigger and not necessarily just an intersection. Plus, it was at a very busy spot unlike these two new roundabouts.

    Traffic Circles vs. Roundabouts

  8. #8

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Luke scroll up to my original post, at 10th and Shartel (on the other side of St. Anthony's) is the one currently under construction
    Ah, must have scanned right past that.


  9. #9

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Wonder what a traffic circle would look like at entrance to Penn Square Mall/Belle Isle Station/NW Expressway/I-44. Thats a crazy intersection as it is... I wonder if a traffic circle would help?

  10. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    I doubt they'd put one there luke. Mostly, we'll probably see them in the inner city density areas where the streets aren't quite so wide.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  11. #11

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    what they need to add is some texas turnarounds @ penn & memorial

  12. #12

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by ultimatesooner View Post
    what they need to add is some texas turnarounds @ penn & memorial
    That's in the plans, as well as a May Ave. exit from Kilpatrick E bound...

  13. #13

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Anyone know what the delay is with the roundabout at 10th and Shartel? I haven't seen anyone working on it in about a month. Sure makes my day more hectic trying to go to and from work and home. I'm sure St. Anthony's isn't too happy either with the main road to their hospital being torn up.

  14. #14

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    The contractor was finally back out there the week before Christmas and did some more grading and poured part of the base asphalt layer and poured curbs on part of NW 10th until about Shartel. Looks like they poured sidewalks on the north side of the road today and are working on the south side sidewalks. Hopefully they'll pour the rest of the street this week so we can see Shartel open in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed. I'm sure St. Anthony's is hating all this mess.

  15. #15

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Here's the latest on the 10th and Shartel roundabout. I took these pics today:

  16. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    I was parked on top of that garage just two days ago and never thought about walking over there to look.

  17. #17

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    The difference between a traffic circle and a roundabout, I've been told, is how the traffic flow is managed. In a roundabout, cars entering the circle yield to cars already in the circle. In a traffic circle (such as the old Classen Circle, frequently cited in the sixties and seventies as the most dangerous intersection in Oklahoma), cars already in the circle must yield to those entering

  18. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    cars already in the circle must yield to those entering
    That's like putting a kink in a bicycle chain, it's ridiculous.

  19. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    I was traveling up and down the East Coast about a year ago and they are roundabout crazy there. Roundabouts are everywhere!

    Once you get used to them, they are very efficient. I wonder how many minor fender benders we'll see here until everyone gets the used to the rhythm of the roundabouts?

  20. #20

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    We've already got the roundabout at 10th and Walker, just in front of Brown's bakery and the Grateful Bean Cafe. It seems to be doing just swimmingly. I love it. If no one is in the circle, and no one is in entering to your left, you can just go right on through after the briefest of pauses.

  21. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    love the overhead shots thanks for posting!

  22. #22

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    We've already got the roundabout at 10th and Walker, just in front of Brown's bakery and the Grateful Bean Cafe. It seems to be doing just swimmingly. I love it. If no one is in the circle, and no one is in entering to your left, you can just go right on through after the briefest of pauses.
    I want to see the 10th & Walker roundabout in action after a night of a packed out Midtown and partygoers leaving McNellies (once it opens in 2031). On a busy night with hundreds of cars pouring through there, we'll see how it works. I have my doubts. I like them - it will just take getting a whole new generation of drivers used to them.

  23. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    I have occasionally seen drivers enter the roundabout with just enough hesitation to suggest that they're wondering "WTF is this?" They got through it, though, just fine.

  24. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    One problem that I notice is that people forget to signal when they go to exit the round about. I'm guilty of this every so often. It causes problems when you are stopped waiting to enter and someone is exiting on a road just to the right of you on the round about (passing in front of you to do so). Often someone who fails to signal will slow down only just before exiting, when you think they will continue around the circle. I've had some close calls when I was a bit too eager to get through, the circling driver failed to signal and slowed to exit just as I was timing my entrance thinking they would continue around. Hard to describe, so I hope you know what I mean.

  25. #25

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Does anyone else remember seeing how many times they could circle the old Classen Circle..?

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