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Thread: City Growth

  1. Default Re: City Growth

    I don't have anything against Del City per say, but I hate when people run both the cities together "Mid-Del". Del City is a little sub par in my opinion. Okay, an EYESORE. For gods sake, clean the city up and do something with it. Midwest City is at least trying. I know the housing in the original mile isn't too great, and the south side of 15th near Douglas is getting run down, and housing on woodside isn't great, but what good housing does Del City have?

    Good For You

  2. Default Re: City Growth

    Thanks for the input Redskin

  3. #28

    Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    I don't have anything against Del City per say, but I hate when people run both the cities together "Mid-Del". Del City is a little sub par in my opinion. Okay, an EYESORE. For gods sake, clean the city up and do something with it. Midwest City is at least trying. I know the housing in the original mile isn't too great, and the south side of 15th near Douglas is getting run down, and housing on woodside isn't great, but what good housing does Del City have?

    Good For You
    I don't recall at this time who it was. Nevertheless. Someone famous once said (keep in mind this is not verbatim),"Hey dummy, when you find yourself in a hole, quit digging"

  4. Default Re: City Growth

    What do I have to stop digging about, I posed a question, I got it answered and then was posed a question, so I answered. I don't post here to please people, I have an opinion. I want your opinion to, good or bad.

  5. #30

    Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    What do I have to stop digging about, I posed a question, I got it answered and then was posed a question, so I answered. I don't post here to please people, I have an opinion. I want your opinion to, good or bad.
    I gave you my opinion. Quit digging.

  6. #31

    Default Re: City Growth

    Where is Rod Sterling when you need him?

  7. Default Re: City Growth

    You did give me your opinion, and I said wow, good for you.

    Then someone else asked me a question, and I answered it honestly. Then you came back with me digging a hole. I don't care who gets upset with my opinion, i'm not digging a hole. If you don't like it then I suggest you not continue to come to this particular thread.

    //edit, apparently as I'm told, someone may have taken my GFY for Go F@#$ Yourself, that's not what it means, at least not in my representation, it means Good For You. So if this is what it's about, then sorry for the misinterpretation. You can be done and get off your soap box. I'll keep digging.

  8. #33

    Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    I don't have anything against Del City per say, but I hate when people run both the cities together "Mid-Del". Del City is a little sub par in my opinion. Okay, an EYESORE. For gods sake, clean the city up and do something with it. Midwest City is at least trying. I know the housing in the original mile isn't too great, and the south side of 15th near Douglas is getting run down, and housing on woodside isn't great, but what good housing does Del City have?

    Good For You
    They are cleaning it up. Unfortunately for them the real estate slumlord's found the older houses to be attractive. It will take a while to root them out and get them moved back EAST of Sooner where they originally came from.

    Good housing additions. Try 44th and sooner.....25th and Bryant.....Hisel, Howard Judy and 4th..
    How about Koelsch drive????????????????// Get out and drive the town a little more.. Its OK not everyone there will recognize you as a bomber and try to pull you from the car.................Heck they might just invite you to the best eating joint in this part of the county Dons Alley..well...old Germany stands up there for sure.
    Del City is trying also...........condemning and tearing down junk houses, junk buildings...kicking out the slumlords...not letting just any business come to town... NO more pawn shops or junk store. several new business developments going in to include Sooner and I-40. Urban renewal authority....TIF districts....Community center renovation groups...New swimming pool......Newest and latest fire rescue truck in the state....Did you catch the Oklahoman just yesterday?????I thought not. A New $3 million police station and city hall.....A $2 million street scape project on 15th at Sooner. Plans have been announced to do a street scape beautification projects on 29th from Sooner to Bryant.........
    I seem to recall that Mid West Trophy has not only a great product but some fantastic buildings and their corporate head quarters.............
    And several hundred employed there..........
    A brand New ALbertsons..................a brand New WalMart................a brand new Buffalo hot wings.................How does a Charlestons sound or............welll cant tell you that one.
    My point is...........this isn't high school and the rivalry between the kids needs to stop.................Learn economics 101...............if Del city fails......or Spencer.......or Choctaw.............as housing magnets then where does that leave Mid West city. If no one has money to spend in your fabulous little tinsel town with all that glitters then guess what...............she fails to.
    Hells bells.............seems to me a serious discussion about the fate of heritage park mall and the ghetto section of MWC was occurring not long ago............
    Also, perhaps you shouldn't be so ethno centric in your thought process..

    All that being said...........you wanted discussion you got argument
    You dont like argument yet you go out of your way to pick argument........you cant have both

    and I'm also glad you like history lessons...........next question????
    Do you like trips to the wood shed????????????????????

  9. Default Re: City Growth

    OK before everyone's panties get in a tangle here.....

    I'm a life long resident of MWC, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate what Del City has too.

    It has bad parts...and plenty of them, but it also has nice parts. So no one can really say that Del City doesn't have anywhere nice to live because that's just not true. Granted you won't see any million dollar homes going in like there are in MWC, but that doesn't mean that the whole town is a dive.

    The area around Del Crest...Epperly Heights, DC Elem.....that's some bad stuff, and getting west towards Bryant. But then there are the areas near 44th and Sooner...normal neightborhoods like everywhere America.

    The economy in DC isn't as good as MWC. Wal-Mart and a 6 year old Albertson's doesn't quite equate. And 29th in DC has stuggled over the years to maintain it's level of development. Many of those shops have turned hands a thousand times over. And DON's....YUMMMMMMY!!!!! Curse them for not being open on Sundays.

    So let's back up here and take an objective non-school approach to the towns. I have a bias to MWC for sure, but that doesn't mean DC is total crap.

    I think most people from DC (and everywhere else) tend to think of MWC as the core between Sooner and Douglas, 29th to 10th. There's a LOT more MWC there folks. North of 10th, you've got the hood...flat out gangsta land. East of Douglas is where you find the money. All the way out to Westminister/Hiawassee is where you'll find the gated communities and the McMansions. Find me one of those in Del City.

  10. Default Re: City Growth

    I was asked, I told. I asked, i was told.

    I'm not a bomber, I graduated from Carl Albert, but I have plenty of bomber friends, but I didn't know this was a high school thing.

    I guess when you assume, it can make an ASS out of U and ME.

  11. #36

    Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    I was asked, I told. I asked, i was told.

    I'm not a bomber, I graduated from Carl Albert, but I have plenty of bomber friends, but I didn't know this was a high school thing.

    I guess when you assume, it can make an ASS out of U and ME.

    to use your terminology

  12. Default Re: City Growth

    I hope you meant "Good for you".

  13. #38

    Angry Re: City Growth

    Enough already!

    Both Midwest City and Del City share the same fight. Both are largely "inner ring" suburbs that have been adversely affected by the sprawl that has come to Oklahoma County and beyond. That said, both are poised for a rebirth of sorts--with $4.00 per gallon gasoline a reality, people will no longer afford to commute to downtown or Tinker from their homes in Shawnee, Lexington, or even Mustang.

    Both cities share a common opponent: slumlords (sorry, they prefer to be called "absentee landlords") who buy aging houses already unfit for habitation and rent them out, often with a cosmetic makeover that leaves tenants with a false sense of security. Next time you see a falling down house, check the county records. It surely will be owned by Slumlord LLC. The LLC is a legal trick to keep the owners safe when a tenant is killed by fire or electrocution from the shoddy, jury-rigged electrical system. These slumlords are Public Enemy No. 1.

    Oklahoma's unique way of funding city government through sales tax pits neighboring cities against eachother. As long as this funding mechanism exists, there will be some degree of envy and competition. Residents and city leaders need to remember that the problems the cities face are largely the same, and there is a need for unified action. Especially to drive the Slumlord LLCs and the I Buy Ugly Houses back to California or wherever they came from!

    Both Midwest City and Del City are upgrading infrastructure and setting the stage for future growth with new retail developments. Del City is condeming slumlord houses by the handful each week. Both cities have new rooftops going up in quality developments. And both cities need to declare war on the slumlords.

    Enough bickering.

  14. #39

    Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    You did give me your opinion, and I said wow, good for you.

    Then someone else asked me a question, and I answered it honestly. Then you came back with me digging a hole. I don't care who gets upset with my opinion, i'm not digging a hole. If you don't like it then I suggest you not continue to come to this particular thread.

    //edit, apparently as I'm told, someone may have taken my GFY for Go F@#$ Yourself, that's not what it means, at least not in my representation, it means Good For You. So if this is what it's about, then sorry for the misinterpretation. You can be done and get off your soap box. I'll keep digging.
    OK, you've explained yourself. GFY means GOOD FOR YOU. Fine. But what word does the "P" represent?

  15. Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    Wow. GFY :P

    It's a -- :P -- part of a smilie face with a tongue out.

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