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Thread: Top five crimes in OKC

  1. Default Top five crimes in OKC

    What do you think are the top five crimes in OKC?

    We already discussed DUIs, that isn't it. Also, we're talking criminal not civil offenses, so speeding and many other traffic violations are out.

    I'll give you the answer after a few good guesses.

    Oklahoma City Crime - Crime Maps, Reports and Statistics

  2. #2

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    What do you think are the top five crimes in OKC?

    We already discussed DUIs, that isn't it. Also, we're talking criminal not civil offenses, so speeding and many other traffic violations are out.

    I'll give you the answer after a few good guesses.

    Oklahoma City Crime - Crime Maps, Reports and Statistics
    Pitbull fighting
    Any activity at the State Capitol
    Wife beating
    Believing most anything posted about all the new businesses moving to the Big League City..........

  3. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dustbowl View Post
    Pitbull fighting
    Any activity at the State Capitol
    Wife beating
    Believing most anything posted about all the new businesses moving to the Big League City..........
    I said good guesses, not troll droppings!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    One thing I noticed when I moved back east to the big city is that, population-wise, there is a lot less petty crime. People leave stuff on their porch and it actually isn't stolen. In Oklahoma, I just assume if it is left out, someone is going to steal it.

  5. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Anything drug related (possession, dealing, paraphernalia).

  6. #6

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Vandalism (tagging, rock related breakage, air pistol pellets to windows, mailboxes and such)
    Possession relating to alcohol (like above, more than one variety)
    Concealing stolen property
    Burglary of non-occupied structures

    Not what the local talking heads would report, but that's not their job

  7. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Anything Theft related ....

    I watched a movie KiteRunner, recently that mentioned that all crimes are theft ... (kill someone - steal life, adultery - steal wife, lie - steal the right to truth... or something like that) but I think most crimes in OKC are related to stealing people's property.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    You are all very perceptive.

    If you limit consideration to the top five most frequent offenses, which total around 20% of all offenses, the percentage breakdown is as follows:

    35% BURGLARY (Good guess East Coast Okie, Kevinpate and Karried!)
    28% VEHICLE LARCENY (No wonder car insurance is so expensive)
    14% DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Dustbowl wasn't a total troll after all)
    13% PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS (Go Bricktown!)
    10% DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY (Kevinpate got this one)

    Here are the next five most frequent:

    Assault and Battery
    Mental Health Intervention
    Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
    Possessing a Controlled Substance (BailJumper, I thought this would be higher too)

    Oklahoma City Crime - Crime Maps, Reports and Statistics

  9. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Uh.. you didn't even give a day for everyone to guess. I was going to go with Assault and Theft.

  10. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    Uh.. you didn't even give a day for everyone to guess. I was going to go with Assault and Theft.
    Ah, sorry! Anyway, you were right on the money!

  11. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    You can always count on people wanting something they can't have and people always getting mad at each other. So they steal and they fight.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Interesting. I would have thought that something like writing a hot check would have appeared on that list somewhere.

  13. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    Interesting. I would have thought that something like writing a hot check would have appeared on that list somewhere.
    Uttering Forged Instrument accounts for approximately .3% of all crime reports. Maybe it happens much more often than is detected and an offender identified and prosecuted.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    You can always count on people wanting something they can't have and people always getting mad at each other. So they steal and they fight.
    And while the two men are fighting a third man is sparking up one of the wives of the first two ...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    Uttering Forged Instrument accounts for approximately .3% of all crime reports. Maybe it happens much more often than is detected and an offender identified and prosecuted.
    Lots of times a family member helps themselves to grandma's checkbook and she either doesn't know it or won't prosecute.

    A scary thing for you guys if you are ever faced with a very sick loved one who is under the care of hospice - MAKE SURE that you keep the pain medication under lock and key. I've had a number of clients who admit they are drug addicts and who are also home health aides. They steal the medicine that goes to cancer patients (they don't admit it but will look you in the eye without blinking and say they don't want to discuss it ...). Having lost a mother to cancer last year, I think there should be a special place in hell for anyone who would steal pain medication (and perhaps replace it with a placebo) from a cancer patient.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    Uttering Forged Instrument accounts for approximately .3% of all crime reports. Maybe it happens much more often than is detected and an offender identified and prosecuted.
    Perhaps because merchants send checks directly to DA office bad checks division. These folks send out letters saying come in, bring your dobbers, pay the 'you've been bad, or you made an error, but either way, we collect and we aren't filing on ya' fee, and all will be well in the cornfields of paradise again. The alternative is they will send it across the office and charges can be filed and a warrant can be issued, making for a terrible horrible no good very bad kind of day.

  17. Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Speaking of checks, there have been some disappearing check bandit's lately up in the Tulsa area writing checks with disappearing ink.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Lots of times a family member helps themselves to grandma's checkbook and she either doesn't know it or won't prosecute.

    A scary thing for you guys if you are ever faced with a very sick loved one who is under the care of hospice - MAKE SURE that you keep the pain medication under lock and key. I've had a number of clients who admit they are drug addicts and who are also home health aides. They steal the medicine that goes to cancer patients (they don't admit it but will look you in the eye without blinking and say they don't want to discuss it ...). Having lost a mother to cancer last year, I think there should be a special place in hell for anyone who would steal pain medication (and perhaps replace it with a placebo) from a cancer patient.
    Great point, East Coast Okie. This very thing happened to friends of ours who hired a hospice for his mother. I'm glad you brought this up. It happens probably a lot more than any of us would care to know about. Sad you have to worry about this kind of thing with so much else going on when a loved one is dying.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Top five crimes in OKC

    What's funny to me about theft is people pay alot for nice houses, secure neighborhoods but it seems to me, that is where more crime happens. Makes sense theft wise, but about a year and a half ago I was living in what I would call very unsafe, ghetto apartments. I didn't feel very safe but nothing ever happened to me or my stuff. I went to this supremely expensive housing edition, I was inside the house for less than fifteen minutes just to pick someone up and my window was busted out and purse stolen just like that, even parked in the driveway while there were many cars along the street. Everything was locked and well lit. It's definitely a feeling of personal violation when someone, who will never be caught, takes a part of you just like that!!

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