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Thread: Rose State College

  1. Default Rose State College

    Why doesn't RSC advance higher into the collegiate forces of a 4 year program?

    I've heard the argument of it being cheaper than most schools and wanting to keep it the way it is, but I feel it's losing out on it's potential of what it could be, I mean, just look at UCO and OCCC.

    I'd like to see RSC move it's sports complex from the north side of the campus, to perhaps the 22+ acres north of 15th street between Twids and Sooner Elementary. Then RSC can expand the campus with buildings and other learning centers northward towards 15th.


  2. Default Re: Rose State College

    No offense, but please don't put UCO and OCCC on the same playing field.
    Still corrupting young minds

  3. Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    Why doesn't RSC advance higher into the collegiate forces of a 4 year program?

    I've heard the argument of it being cheaper than most schools and wanting to keep it the way it is, but I feel it's losing out on it's potential of what it could be, I mean, just look at UCO and OCCC.

    I'd like to see RSC move it's sports complex from the north side of the campus, to perhaps the 22+ acres north of 15th street between Twids and Sooner Elementary. Then RSC can expand the campus with buildings and other learning centers northward towards 15th.


    I'm not sure if you meant to infer this, but OCCC is not a 4-yr college.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Why doesn't RSC advance higher into the collegiate forces of a 4 year program
    I have wondered about this too.

    I know Rose State has a partnership of some kind with UCO. Any classes that are taken at RSC are automatically transferable to UCO.

    I think that is the most we can expect for the time being.

    Also, I have heard that there were other schools in the area including OSU-OKC that were trying to expand into 4 year colleges. If this is true then RSC might be in competition with these other schools to get approval.

  5. Default Re: Rose State College

    I threw in OCCC because, even being a two year, they are expanding faster than RSC. IMHO, yeah my Opinion.

    @Deafguy, thanks for actually placing an opinion and not just clarifications or points of perspective that have nothing to do with the topic.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rose State College

    The last thing Oklahoma needs is yet another program expanding into a 4 year college. This of course as likely as not means we'll see another one, or three, within the next two decades.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rose State College

    KevinPate: Hear Ye!! Hear Ye!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    The last thing Oklahoma needs is yet another program expanding into a 4 year college. This of course as likely as not means we'll see another one, or three, within the next two decades.
    Why do you think that?

    I am not disagreeing. I am just curious.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Somewhat difficult to justify the expense for duplication of admin/overhead/facilities. If you're not aware of just how many four year publicly funded colleges and universities we already have in the metro area, and across the state in general, you might be surprised at what you find. Add to that the number of private sector opportunities, and a lack of conveniently accessible choices is not one of our flaws.
    Last edited by kevinpate; 03-30-2008 at 06:48 PM. Reason: typo

  10. Default Re: Rose State College

    So, you think RSC should just continue to do the same thing forever?

    I had a lot of friends when I graduated HS [Carl Albert] say they were going to Rose, the others, UCO. Of course a few of us went to other places like SNU. I know, if it were adjusted to a 4 year, a lot more of us, who also had college credit with Rose through the votech, when we graduated, would have went to Rose. So my argument is, there would be a lot more students going to Rose, in my opinion, if they were to do that.
    Last edited by mmonroe; 03-30-2008 at 09:27 PM. Reason: Addition.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Rose State College

    It's nothing against Rose. I simply don't believe there is a need in the state to incur the expenses involved in creating and operating yet another 4 year school.
    I'd feel the same if someone were asking about O-Trip, Eastern State, CASC or any of the numerous other jucos out there.

  12. Default Re: Rose State College


  13. #13

    Default Re: Rose State College

    I know RSC is UCO's sister school. You can even take level 3000 and 4000 clases at RSC taught by UCO. You may be able to take all of your higher clases there and get a 4 year degree from UCO.

  14. Default Re: Rose State College

    I know with some of the Cyber Security work at RSC, you can take it to Tulsa or SWOSU, i think.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Somewhat difficult to justify the expense for duplication of admin/overhead/facilities. If you're not aware of just how many four year publicly funded colleges and universities we already have in the metro area, and across the state in general, you might be surprised at what you find. Add to that the number of private sector opportunities, and a lack of conveniently accessible choices is not one of our flaws.
    Those are good points and I agree. Sometimes I want good things to happen to Midwest city and it clouds my judgment and makes me a little selfish.

    I think a little college atmosphere would do wonders for the Mid-Del area but I would not want the state to raise tuition fees and put a college education out of the reach of even more people.

    There are probably a lot of Tinker employees and servicemen who would use the college complete their degrees,but you are right in that they still have several options to choose from in the metro area even though they may not be "across the road".

  16. Default Re: Rose State College

    I see this happen a lot with "things" of general interest in Midwest City. Like for instance, our Golf Course, there are at least 4 that I can think of locally. Of course, you have your choice of which one you can go to. Even all the golf courses were of equal par [pun intended] that of which being, they were all designed the same, they all had the amenities, and prices were all the same. What would we your decision to go to John Conrad versus say Lincoln, Earlywine, or even Brookside? It would be distance, but say that the one farthest away had the same as everyone else, but offered cheaper prices. Would you still pay more and go to the closer, or make the distance to travel to the one with cheaper prices...

    Before I go even further into examples, I hope you guys have picked up on what I am talking about. What would give RSC an edge over other colleges and universities?
    Last edited by mmonroe; 03-31-2008 at 07:38 PM. Reason: No Reason

  17. #17

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by Deafguy View Post

    I think a little college atmosphere would do wonders for the Mid-Del area but I would not want the state to raise tuition fees and put a college education out of the reach of even more people.

    There are probably a lot of Tinker employees and servicemen who would use the college complete their degrees,.
    Regards the expense of Rose state and tuition.

    Are you aware that the Mid-Del citizens also hav e approved a property tax just for the support of Rose State. Considering the two major 4 year schools within driving distance of central Oklahoma why then would the property tax payers of Mid Del also want to support another 4 year.

    Oscar Rose was intended as a two years school for precisely the people you mention above, Tinker employees and Service men.
    There is an excellent curriculum designed especially to prepare those so inclined for a higher degree.
    Not everyone wants something beyond a two year.
    Again why should the property tax payers be subjected to a tax increase????
    That is not a challenge to anyone but a legitimate question to ponder.

  18. Default Re: Rose State College

    I've stayed off the topic so far, but it's just annoying me.

    Rose serves the purpose it was intended for, and you won't find much support to turn it into a 4 year school. OKC already has more 4 year schools than it really needs. They may not be all public, but that doesn't stop a poop load of people from going to ALL of them, not just UCO and OU.

    Rose and OCCC do MOST of their work with either training or people taking just a couple classes, NOT those that are really moving on to a 4 year degree. I read somewhere not too long ago that if you count the number of students enrolled at Rose, it's actually the biggest school in the state. HOWEVER, most of these folks are a 1 class or training person, not the typical student you would find at OU. They come in and take ball room dancing or something for a semester and get stuck on the enrollment numbers. So don't let the size of the student population confuse you.

    Each school in the OK Higher Education program has a specific thing that it does. OU is meteorlology, OSU is veterinary, NSU is optometry, SWOSU is pharmacy, etc. They have programs that the others do not and will not because that's they way the state has planned it....pooling resources for specific programs to specific institutions to make them as good as they possibly can. Rose and OCCC fullfill the training aspect of education where other 4 year schools do not. That's precisely why they built their new employee training center near the aquatics building.

    So keep Rose 2 year. Let them have all the partnerships they want with UCO or OU or whatever, but if you want that 4 year degree, then truck it on over to the schools that are designed for that.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Rose State College

    I have to agree with bombermwc. RSC also serves many city employees through out the state at the Health and Enviornmental building along I-40. Many water resource employees go to class there to get updates on technology, and practical skills. The Tom Steed building also does adult continuing education, as well as seminars for different types of skills for businesses. So the school serves more than the military.
    Rose State does a great job of getting kids ready for the rigors of college study, and college life on campus.
    As far as extending the number of buildings, there is plenty of room to the northwest of the the tennis courts if the school decides to buy the property.

  20. Default Re: Rose State College

    @bomber, that's fine. I was talking more about the aspects of them going to rose to get their general education credits before progressing to a major. For God sake, keep RSC a 2 year school. I'm more interested in more of the local kids going there before they decide to go to some other local school and spend their money there.

    I was just asking about upgrades to the facilities and courses to improve the school so they can have the leading edge over other schools for our HS graduates to attend.

    I come to this board not to get belittled but to start a conversation, apparently, everyone on this board has got it all figured out already.

    If some of you couldn't tell from previous post, I had already agreed to what was being said, I even said, "Understandable". But you guys just have to jump on the bandwagon and put in your own two cents thats already been talked about. Thanks, no really, thanks.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Junior Colleges are designed and operated for a specific purpose. That purpose is to provide a place for people to either become more prepared for a 4-year college or to provide other avenues for education as opposed to a 4-year.

    The purpose of a Junior College is NOT to grow up to be a 4-year college/university.....

    This entire argument is like arguing why the bologna in my refrigerator doesn't turn into a T-bone..... I'm just sayin'

  22. Default Re: Rose State College

    another person with nothing but negatives, we're over it now. You've pretty much already restated half the board.

    Any one else want to put in there two cents and just repeat whats already been said?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    another person with nothing but negatives, we're over it now. You've pretty much already restated half the board.

    Any one else want to put in there two cents and just repeat whats already been said?
    I gotta be honest with ya..... I didn't read the whole thread.... I just REALLY wanted to drop that "bologna to T-bone" analogy and couldn't let details get in the way.....

  24. Default Re: Rose State College

    Finally, some humor. I think that's the problem, people are too worried about giving their own opinion. I just started this thread to find out about RSC, in turn, it became a ground for people to boast about how much information they knew and complain about taxes. Guess what, I live in Midwest City, and I pay taxes too.. imagine that.

    But anyways, no hard feelings. I just wish it were more friendlier here and not a bunch of grumpy know-it-alls. If you feel offended by that last sentence, you're probably one of them.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Rose State College

    I don't see why OKC doesn't have its own public four-year institution. Suppose you live in OKC, near MWC; your options are limited to paying extra to attend a four-year private school or driving 20+ minutes either north or south.

    Sure, OKC has a lot of four-year universities, but we need at least ONE in OKC that is public.

    Here are the four-year schools located in the area I would consider to be a reasonable distance to travel for the average person in OKC.

    OCU - private
    OBU - private
    SCU - private
    MACU - private
    SNU - private (Bethany)
    OU Med - public

    What do you do if you can't afford to attend a private school? What if you're Guard/Reserve, and will only receive Tuition Assistance for state schools? Just because OKC has a plethora of four-year institutions doesn't necessarily mean we have a lot of options.

    I'm not advocating I want RSC to become a four-year school. I'm just saying I disagree with the notion that OKC has too many universities. Private...yes, but public...no.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

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