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Thread: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

  1. #26

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by cedbled View Post
    It should only be the Oklahoma City_________, not Oklahoma______ for the simple fact that when it comes down to the actual taxpayers funding the arena upgrades (which, as clearly stated by Mr. Stern were ABSOLUTELY necessary for us to get a team), we are all from OKC.....not even our suburbs are included in the tax......

    just silly
    I think your argument is flawed on only thinking OKC residents will be paying this tax. I live in Moore and spend most of my entertainment, food, clothing expenses in OKC, but I digress.

    I don't think the press conference today was any indication on whether the team will use Oklahoma or OKC, I think the state was just trying to show to the committee that the state can support the team economically. OKC is a pretty small market for a pro team, so we're going to need all the support we can get from Tulsa and small towns in Oklahoma.

    I hope and think the name will be OKC rather than Oklahoma and I wouldn't worry about the wording of the press conference. I think it's irrelevant to the ultimate decision on what they name the team.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Solitude - I have looked around for the quote but can't find it. I think it was in Aubrey McClendon article on the Journal Record. I don't have a Journal Record id to search the archives but here is the link if someone with access would like to check if Aubrey said they would have "City" in the name.

    The Journal Record - Article

  3. Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    My 2 cents, not that it matters ... the decision is not mine (or yours) to make.

    While the Hornets were here, people from all around invested themselves in the "Oklahoma City" Hornets ... I personally know of 2 from Lawton, 1 from Wichita, 1 from Ada, and, of course, many from Norman and other parts of the Okc Metro. Even a few Tulsans may have come, I suspect.

    The main thing is: getting a team. The secondary thing is what the team's name should be, whether the 1st part of the name be "Oklahoma City" or "Oklahoma" and the second part whatever.

    2 questions ... think fast, no pausing to think ...

    (1) where is the Utah Jazz located ;
    (2) where are the Indiana Pacers located?

    If you said, "duh," well, you just haven't been following the NBA. Everyone who does knows: (1) the Jazz's home is Salt Lake City; (2) the Pacers' home is Indianapolis. The city/state moniker is just not that big a deal, in my opinion.

    So, sure, I'd prefer the "Oklahoma City ______", but I'm quite content to say the "Oklahoma ______." The important part is that the team lives HERE.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    So, sure, I'd prefer the "Oklahoma City ______", but I'm quite content to say the "Oklahoma ______." The important part is that the team lives HERE.
    Yep. That is the truly important point.

    So, does that serve as the 'thread killer'?

  5. #30

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    I work here, I play here, I spend here, to the chagrin of the community where I generally rest my sleepy eyes, and sometimes do play and spend. I don't give a gnat spittle on whether it is Oklahoma or Oklahoma City, or Edmond South for that matter 8^)

    Let's face it, once it isn't Seattle ___, the rest is just kibbles and bits over which some will toss their fits and some of the great NW will toss their cookies

  6. #31

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    At one time this was a very contentious issue here on the forum. I guess to many it doesn't matter anymore. And, Doug, you're right - it's not our decision to make - but aren't we entitled to an opinion considering the city and state are handing them MILLIONS to come here? If I opened a hamburger joint and asked the city to build me a "cooking facility" and upgrade my new shop and then turned around and asked the state to provide handouts - damn right they'd have a say in what I name my #3 burger. Maybe even my store.

    By the way, finally finished "Free Lunch" - the author should win himself another pulitzer. Great book and shows just how bad it's getting in sports and every other kind of (big) business running to the taxpayers for handouts, bailouts, etc. In fact, it's a darn good thing I didn't read the book before March 4th.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Ironically, I was at a downtown luncheon in which Clay Bennett spoke a couple weeks ago and this exact question came up. Clay told us that the team would definitely include Oklahoma City in the title, not just Oklahoma. He was very excited about the support from Tulsa and other Oklahoma communities, but was adament that the team would always be referred to as "Oklahoma City _____." It sounds like a done deal....now they just have to come up with a team name.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by sdsooners View Post
    Ironically, I was at a downtown luncheon in which Clay Bennett spoke a couple weeks ago and this exact question came up. Clay told us that the team would definitely include Oklahoma City in the title, not just Oklahoma. He was very excited about the support from Tulsa and other Oklahoma communities, but was adament that the team would always be referred to as "Oklahoma City _____." It sounds like a done deal....now they just have to come up with a team name.
    What luncheon was it?

    Believe me, I hope I'm wrong.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    If they name us the "Oklahoma Groundhogs" or "Oklahoma Twisters," or some such stupid thing, they will have screwed OKC out of its best "big league" branding opportunity, well, ever. It would be incredibly stupid.

    Sadly, this city has a long history of shooting itself in the foot, so don't be surprised if they do it again.

    Imagine hearing, The Lakers take on Oklahoma City. New York visits the "Oklahoma City Flight" or something. That is non-stop PR that we actually live in a major league city.

    I will be pissed for voting for the arena tax if the city screws the pooch on this. They promised us a "big league city." That's why we voted for it. We didn't vote for the "Oklahoma Whatevers."

  10. #35

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    The city/state moniker is just not that big a deal, in my opinion.
    I fervently disagree. I bet fewer than 50 percent of Americans who visit sports bars have even heard of Salt Lake City.

    Either our city's name is being repeated endlessly on international media or it's not. It's really that simple. If you think our city gets the same bang for the buck with the word Oklahoma tossed around, think again. You clearly don't work in advertising or PR.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC


    It looks like you're still online and I'm anxious to know - what luncheon did Clay Bennett speak at just a couple of weeks ago and make clear the team would be branded with "Oklahoma City?"

  12. #37

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I fervently disagree. I bet fewer than 50 percent of Americans who visit sports bars have even heard of Salt Lake City.

    Either our city's name is being repeated endlessly on international media or it's not. It's really that simple. If you think our city gets the same bang for the buck with the word Oklahoma tossed around, think again. You clearly don't work in advertising or PR.
    You are so right. When I hear "Arizona Cardinals" I don't think of Phoenix - I just don't. I agree with soonerguru that the branding with Oklahoma City is a huge deal as far as the image of our city goes.

  13. Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    I can't believe this is really the Big Issue... sheesh.

    I'm too busy doing the happy dance to care about 'City' right now .....

    I'm floored and ecstatic that we have gotten this far!!!! .. People, we have just passed a huge hurdle! I could care less what they call the team!

    I'm really proud of the way everyone came together and made such a great presentation.

    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. #39

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    I find it hard to believe that people actually think those outside the OKC metro would refuse to go to the games because it says Oklahoma City. Using that analogy, people outside Dallas would not go to the Cowboys football games. I do not think it is disrespectful to the rest of the state to call the team Oklahoma City____.

    What happened to the "Big League City" campaign? I thought part of the goal in bringing a team here was to get some positive air time around the nation and to promote the name "Oklahoma City". That was the big push to get people to vote. I do think it would be disrespectful to the people of Oklahoma City not to include "City" in the name since we have been hearing "Big League City" for the last three years. This has been the motivating campaign to get Oklahoma City voters to support the Hornets, and vote for a Ford Center improvement. I live in a suburb and I clearly remember the vote to improve the Ford Center was restricted to "Oklahoma City" residents.

    Just something to think about.


  15. #40

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Who cares if the team is named Oklahoma xxxxx. The Hornets were supported by people from across the State. Man we are going to have an NBA team, it should represent the entire State. Welcome Tulsa, Lawton, Enid, Duncan, Timbuktu, Oklahoma, We are getting a team we can ALL support

  16. #41

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC


  17. #42

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    The major investors in this team are also major investors in Oklahoma City and stand a lot to gain from OKC's stature being elevated by officially becoming a big league city.

    In fact, they've mentioned this many times and beyond the most recent vote to improve the Ford Center, there wouldn't even *be* a Ford Center to improve and the Hornets never would have relocated and thus paved the way for this eventuality if not for the constant support -- both physically and fiscally -- of the citizens of OKC.

    The big push for the NBA was "Big League City" not "Big League State".

    To now suddenly go with the state name would seem a bit disingenuous IMO.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    I can't believe this is really the Big Issue... sheesh.

    I'm too busy doing the happy dance to care about 'City' right now .....

    I'm floored and ecstatic that we have gotten this far!!!! .. People, we have just passed a huge hurdle! I could care less what they call the team!

    I'm really proud of the way everyone came together and made such a great presentation.

    I think it's very important. The press conference answers from Bennett and Stern, with all that that emphasis on the state, concerns me. I hope I'm wrong. But really, there's nothing wrong with talking about this. We can still be happy - and show concern after the press conference. As Pete said, this is about our becoming a big league city. I think it matters and I'll say again, I hope I'm wrong.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Also, I'm sure many that voted for the improvements were at least partially swayed by the fact their investment could come back to them personally through raised awareness of OKC and thus possibly better job opportunities and higher real estate appreciation. Isn't this a big part of being a big league town?

    I don't think it will affect attendance one single bit -- people from OKC, Tulsa & Moore will either come or not -- but it *will* affect the image of Oklahoma City if it is mentioned by name ever single time there is a game played by the team.

    And if you think that people outside the state will automatically think "Oklahoma City" when then hear "Oklahoma ________" you are mistaken. The whole point is that most people on the coasts don't know much about OKC or the state in general, which is one of the main reasons to get a pro franchise in the first place.

    Here in California, when I tell people I'm from Oklahoma City and then remind them that the city is well over a million people in population, most are completely shocked.

    If they hear that Oklahoma City has an NBA team, they'll automatically assume it's a big city -- or at least bigger than they would have thought. And as I said, that's one of the big reasons to get a pro franchise -- especially the first one.

    Here's another example: I have a cousin from Wisconsin that has been living in Northern California for about 20 years. He and I have some small real estate investments together.

    I recently floated some small apartment buildings by him in the Oklahoma City area, explaining that OKC was becoming a bit of a boom town. And how did I drive that point home? By telling him the Supersonics will soon be relocating there. His response: "REALLY? I had no idea. Wow, we should definitely take a look at opportunities there."

  20. Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Yes, I can see the merits in having the team associated with the word City ... I know it's probably important... but I'm not really sure how important...

    I've been a San Francisco 49er's fan forever.. and I was born and raised in San Jose, CA .... an hour away.. but I didn't care.

    So, for me, I can't really relate too much to the exclusion of the word 'city' really making a huge difference in people's perceptions.

    I can't believe in our entire state, we don't have a pro team and now we most likely are getting one, and no on else is excited?

    I'm just so thrilled about how far we've come today! Sorry.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  21. #46

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Head over to KOCO.com . They are having an "unofficial" vote on the new name. They have some pretty rednecky names as you can imagine. They do have an "other" option though as well as are taking email suggestions.......

  22. #47

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    OKC or Oklahoma, I like the international flare of the name...OKC United!

  23. Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixon7 View Post
    OKC or Oklahoma, I like the international flare of the name...OKC United!

    Sorta like the D.C. United of the MLS?

  24. #49

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    I for one will be pissed if "City" is not in the name. I would hate to see the risk taken by OKC leaders and residents get shafted by going to a state name.

    Only 5 NBA teams have state names

    Golden State Warriors
    New Jersey Nets
    Minnesota Timberwolves
    Indiana Pacers
    Utah Jazz

    Minnesota, Utah, and New Jersey only have one major city each so branding the State also brands the major populaion center. Need proof. What is the second largest city Utah or Indiana? You don't have any idea do you?

    What city does Golden State play in? A. Oakland
    What city does New Jersey play in? A. I'll be you $1 million you have to look this one up.

    The point is OKC need to be branded apart from Oklahoma in general. Most people have no idea about Oklahoma or Oklahoma City. It is OKCs chance to make a first impression on most of America. It is too big of a marketing oppertunity to just piss it away.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Get ready for the OKLAHOMA (fill in the blank) NOT OKC

    This is no small deal. This isn't some trivial bar argument. This is a VERY BIG DEAL. This is why companies pay billions for naming rights. It is branding. It is why Coca-Cola is not comfortable being known as cold soda drink.

    This is the OKC Sonics (or whatevers), not the Oklahoma So and Sos. It is a very big deal. Those denying it are missing the most elementary aspects of branding, perception management and PR.

    The Dallas Cowboys are a household name. They are not the North Texas Cowboys. They are the DALLAS Cowboys, as in Big D.

    Can you imagine the Long Island Yankees? The Massachusets Celtics? Um, no, not very much. Do any of you have a clue (not NBA nerds) where the Golden State Warriors play?

    OKC is either branded and KNOWN as a big-league city, or it's not. This branding value is not simply for NBA fans. This is a global branding opportunity and if this city screws it up it will be a colossal mistake.

    This is big league branding. We want to be known as a big league city. Calling it "Oklahoma" will not enhance attendance. NBA fans will come, period, including Tulsans who just wish they had a team of their own, and don't think for a minute that if Tulsa DID have a team, that they would name it the Oklahoma anything.

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