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Thread: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    Just wanted to remind everyone that this Olympic trial event is coming up next month on the Oklahoma River. In May we are having another Collegiate event on the river.

    USA Canoe/Kayak Flatwater Sprint Olympic Trials, April 18-20

    The road to Beijing runs through Oklahoma City as the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation hosts the 2008 Olympic Trials for Canoe/Kayak Flatwater Sprint. The nation’s top 100 paddlers will gather at the Oklahoma River April 18-20, each vying for a position on the 2008 US Olympic Team.

    The trials will also determine which paddlers represent the U.S. at the 2008 Pan American Championships and the Continental Qualification event for the Olympic Games to be held this May in Montreal, Canada. The 2008 trials mark the first time a major national canoe/kayak event will be held in Oklahoma.

    Athletes expected to compete in Oklahoma City include Olympian Carrie Johnson, the top U.S. performer at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, and Rami Zur, a competitor in both the 2000 and 2004 Olympics.

    Spectators will be thrilled by the fast-paced action on the river while enjoying food, live entertainment and the "Olympic Experience" interactive plaza featuring a dozen Olympic sports.

    The action begins Friday, April 18, with preliminary heats and continues through the weekend with finals on Sunday, April 20. Race schedules will be published soon, so mark your calendar for this historic event!

    2008 USA Canoe/Kayak Flatwater Sprint Olympic Trials
    April 18-20
    Chesapeake Boathouse / Oklahoma River
    725 S. Lincoln Blvd.

    Competitors: Registratration is now open on the USACK web site; special regatta rates are available at several local hotels [learn more]

    Contact the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation for sponsorship opportunities, info@chesapeakeboathouse.org

    Welcome to ChesapeakeBoathouse.org

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    I think this is the event that I the most excited about in OKC. This and events like it are what I consider the true step to the "Big League City" we seem to be aspiring to. Who would have EVER considered OKC in the top venues of rowing in the US. The completion of the proposed boathouse row will only catapult this to one of the top venues in the WORLD. This event will not only have US media covering it International media will be here as well. row row your boat...

  3. Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    gently down the stream... errr river!

    Great reminder! How exciting!!!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    a good friend of mine works at the boathouse and the regatta was huge event but this is supposed to be huge too. it should be a great time

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    Just a reminder folks that this is this weekend!!!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    Athletes prepare for Olympic trials in OKC
    Journal Record
    April 17, 2008

    OKLAHOMA CITY – There will be plenty of future Olympians in town Friday through Saturday as the city hosts Olympic trials in canoe/kayak flatwater sprints on the Oklahoma River.

    The Chesapeake Boathouse Foundation will put on the show, which will include several qualification events and an interactive Olympic area that will allow fans to witness and experience the event.

    “This is a real big honor for us,” said Mike Knopp, executive director of the Chesapeake Boathouse Foundation. “We haven’t had an Olympic-related event here (on the river). It’s sanctioned, and you’ll see Olympic rings all over. It’s a very elite event to have.”

    Officials hope for a crowd of up to 25,000 over the three days. Knopp said 90 athletes will attempt to qualify for the U.S.A. Olympic team.“In general, these athletes in canoe/kayak sprint will have to come to Oklahoma City to go to Beijing,” Knopp said. The capital of China will have the summer games from Aug. 8 to 24.“You have to qualify as a team and we have guaranteed entry,” Knopp said. “But these competitors need to qualify for the team. It’s exciting and it’s all about the Olympic movement. It’s an exciting time in sports.

    ”Organizers are pleased with the weekend forecast.“It looks like the weather will cooperate and it should help us get some larger crowds,” Knopp said. It will be more than just races, he said. “We have created the Olympic experience, and we have a festival area where the crowds can look at multiple sports and will be able to meet various Olympians of the past. There will also be a giant grandstand to accommodate fans.”

    The event will be a boost to the city and area businesses, said Mike Carrier, executive director of the Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau.“We think this is obviously a great event, and when you get to tell people you’re hosting an Olympic trial, then say it’s on your water, some people might say ‘you’ve got to be kidding,’” he said. “It will also expose Oklahoma City and the Oklahoma River to a national audience. NBC will be here Friday to tape the trials and will show them at a later date. It’s an opportunity you just can’t buy. Officials of a lot of events will look at the city about future opportunities.”Carrier said at least 1,000 hotel rooms will be used by athletes and fans this weekend.

    A kayaker practices for the upcoming Olympic trials along the Oklahoma River Wednesday near the Chesapeake Boathouse in Oklahoma City. (Photo by Jennifer Pitts)

  7. Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    That looks like Thunderbird's nasty water...yuck.

    Hopefully, it'll look a little better by the event. I almost never see it that brown. I saw it a couple of days ago and they were releasing water through the dams and it look super brown then. =P

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    anyone know the forecast the next few days. It's looked dreary/rainy all day today, hopefully it will be nice the next 3 days.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    supposedly going to clear up but with festival of the Arts starting, I have fears.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    no chance of rain the next 3 days is what the news said this morning, it may be partly cloudly though.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    did anyone go? anyone take pictures?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma River: USA Canoe/Kayak Olympic Trials

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    did anyone go? anyone take pictures?
    I went and worked in the volunteer check in tent. The volunteer coordinator is a good friend of my wife's and here is the e-mail she sent to the people that volunteered:


    I wanted to quickly thank you all for giving up some of your time to spend it with me down on the river! I can not thank you enough! First off, I always enjoy seeing each one of you and you are all great sports! We had wonderful feedback regarding the event from the US Olympic Committee and the USA Canoe/Kayak organization! They were all so impressed by our city! I appreciate each one of you for willingness to volunteer and please let me know if I can ever do anything for you!!"

    I heard the feedback was great and informing them of what is going to happen in the future along the river (i.e. the new boathouses, core to shore, etc) they were even more excited.

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