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Thread: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

  1. #1

    Default Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    I frankly don't believe it, but I found this article today:

    ArkLaTexhomepage.com - Investors Announce Plan For Domed Stadium

    I can't fathom anyone building something like that in competition with Jerry World down in Arlington, but I suppose stranger things have happened.

    Anyone have any other info on this?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    I haven't heard anything remotely close about that. I wouldn't turn it down (especially if it's privately financed), however why in the heck would they build it without an NFL or MLS team ,etc. 100,000 seats? That's more than OU's Memorial Stadium. I find it a bit odd the ArkLaTex website covers this but nothing in OKC is covering it first?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    This is supposedly brand-new stuff, just coming out today or yesterday I guess.

    Well, that's what makes it so unrealistic on the face to me. You can put all the concerts and stuff you want in there, but you're not going to make back that kind of investment without a serious pro sports franchise.

    Hey, I'm an optimist, if they want to build it, that's fine with me. Sounds great, but I've heard of great plans in the past that never see the light of day. The artists renderings are really compelling looking, I must admit..


  4. #4

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    It's a little early, but....April Fool's Day anyone. Sad joke if it truly is that...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    The artists renderings are really compelling looking, I must admit..

    Where did you see that at?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Yeah, I didn't see any renderings on the link you provided, please show them, even if this is a joke.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Here's a link to an article that has what looks like either a computer rendering or an artist's rendering:

    Alva Review/Courier

    My mom just told me this same article is also appearing in this week's Capitol Hill Beacon newspaper. The investor group was being represented by someone named Jerry Kobyluk, and the only other references to that name I can find on the web are to a defunct political campaign. Not sure I"m ready to jump on board believing this quite yet...none of the other news sites have anything on this....surely if its real it will catch someone's eye??

    That said, someone else here was saying something about some new downtown rumors getting ready to unfold...


  8. #8

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    There is an article in the on-line Alva newspaper, but 1) why would nobody else be covering this? and 2) who the heck is Jerry Kobyluk?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    One of the early Core 2 Shore concepts showed a domed stadium where the grain co-op is now located.

    Also, the article said the project would include 1 million sq.ft. of convention space, so that would be a great fit in the Core 2 Shore plan.

    This is probably all just a pipe dream but that's how all big plans start.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    This guy is from Spencer and has run for Governor two or three times, run for the U.S. Senate, lost to a dead woman in a primary in one of his races and is a farmer/rancher. By putting all of this together, I say he is simply in dire need of some attention. A crank.

  11. Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Jerry Kobyluk = Crackpot
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Different news organizations have different news judgments.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    When is the Seahawks lease up?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Different news organizations have different news judgments.
    That pretty much says it all.

    It's a fun fantasy, though.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    When is the Seahawks lease up?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    To me with the wording in the last few sentences I took it as a dig on the recent Ford Center upgrades vote.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???



  18. #18

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Not sure which is sadder, that someone would initiate this story in the first place or that a paper would print it. I was listening to the Sports Animal (or maybe it was JOX) the other day and someone called in from one of these small towns inquiring about this story. Of course no one had ever heard of this project and just dismissed the guy as not knowing what he was talking about. Apparently it hit one of the local news wires and was printed as fact in some of the smaller papers around the state. Perhaps Steve would have more insight into this than I would.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Well, this should tell you something....I talked just talked to an aide to Secretary Shirley over at the the Department of Commerce and they knew nothing about it. They laughed. The world's largest domed facility --- in Oklahoma? They would know about it.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Unicorn rides!
    March 18th, 2008 · 2 Comments

    By Stacy Swan
    The Journal Record

    Editor’s note: This article contains commentary.

    OK, so we got this press release from Jerry Kobyluk. Name sound familiar? Does it remind you of something funny? It should. More on that later.

    Here’s the press release (verbatim with no proofreading or copy editing).

    Oklahoma City— A group of investors represented by Jerry Kobyluk, announced today that they plan to build a 100,000 seat Dome Stadium which will cost 1.2 Billion dollars, in one of three possible locations in the central Oklahoma vicinity.

    The Dome Stadium will be the largest of it’s kind in North America. It will have a natural grass retractable field on a Hitachi track system that can be removed in forty-five minutes or replaced in the same amount of time. “The retractable roof is three and a half acres in size,” Kobyluk said.

    The construction phase will create forty-five hundred jobs for Oklahomans, and take thirty-nine months until completion. The multipurpose facility offers an endless amount of opportunities for football, soccer, basketball, boxing, rodeos, concerts, etc. The facility will have 158 corporate suites and over 1 million feet of convention space.

    “The benefits from this massive project will create tax revenues for schools, roads, and other infrastructure and will be an enormous economic boost for the entire State of Oklahoma,” Kobyluk said.

    – End of press release –

    Wow! A brand-new domed stadium right here in – wait a minute, there’s no way this is for real.

    I decided to call Jerry Kobyluk and find out.

    He said the project has been in the making for about four years. He said he would not reveal any of the “three possible locations” mentioned in the release. I asked what the local officials of the three phantom towns thought about it. He said they were simply “aware” of the plan.

    He said a group of investors is willing to pony up $1.2 billion but would like to remain anonymous for now. I couldn’t peg him down on exactly why. First, he said they wanted to get a “feel” for things or something to that effect. I asked him if they were anticipating any negative response, and he was quick to say no, they weren’t.

    Really? They don’t think anyone’s going to come out and say “There’s no way you’re going to build that gaudy monstrosity in my backyard!” or “If these people think they’re going to maintain and keep sports teams in a stadium like this with only private funding, they’re feces-flinging insane.”

    Speaking of adversity, I asked Kobyluk if he foresaw “any roadblocks for this project.” He said he didn’t. No, seriously, he said he didn’t see anything standing in the way of building a gigantic domed stadium wherever the hell he wants to. He also said local officials won’t really play a big role in this project because it’s going to be privately funded.

    So let me get this straight. He actually thinks just because he has the money, which I doubt, he can just plunk a huge stadium down anywhere he wants to? Just who does this guy think he is?

    Well, apparently he’s a failed politician. Remember when I told you the name Jerry Kobyluk probably reminded you of something funny, but you didn’t remember what?

    He’s the guy from Oklahoma – Spencer to be exact – who ran for one of our U.S. Senate seats in 1998. He seemingly failed to raise one dollar outside of his own pocket. He placed last in the primary – 2,000 votes behind a dead woman.

    After the race, he was quoted in The New York Times: “I’m not complaining. I’m just wondering what the voters were thinking.”

    Right now, I’m wondering what Jerry Kobyluk is thinking. Who are these so-called investors who are willing to pony up $1.2 billion for the biggest domed stadium in the history of time and space? This guy couldn’t even get dollar ONE for his Senate campaign. But somehow he can get $1.2 billion for a monster stadium with no known sports team or other tenant attached to it.

    Oh, and he also ran for governor a couple of times – as a Republican. And as a Democrat.

    So let’s see what we know about this doomed domed stadium project so far. We know Kobyluk is heavily involved. He said there are three investors who apparently have access to $1.2 billion. He said they want to remain anonymous for now – but wouldn’t say why. He said there are three possible locations for the stadium – but he wouldn’t say where.

    Throughout our conversation – and clearly in an effort to skirt my questions – Kobyluk kept insisting that I wait a couple of weeks for his next press release. I couldn’t even get a clear answer on what that press release was going to be about. From what I could ascertain, it’s going to be somewhere between more sketchy information and the huge, official announcement that it’s actually going to be built – and that it will feature unicorn rides for all the little elf children.

    Personally, I think Kobyluk is the only one waiting a couple of weeks. Perhaps to see if there are any billionaires standing around with less than a fourth-grade education who say, “Yeah! I want to get in on this, too!” And magically, Kobyluk will have his $1.2 billion. Perhaps he’s also waiting to see if there are any central Oklahoma towns with enough space just lying around for the largest domed stadium in North America. Then again, if he really thinks he can pull this off and maintain it solely on private funding, any town might consider it a pretty sweet deal. Sign me up for a unicorn ride.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    When the guy I talked to said they knew nothing about it until the "press release," I didn't know this was in the JR. I bet this is how they found out! Can you imagine, the Department of Commerce learns of the largest domed stadium in North America to be built in our state - in the paper?

    Thanks for posting this. That's funny. By the way, on a more serious topic, have I told you about the new amusement park/resort (bigger than Disney World) that I'm building in....oh wait....I'll have a press release soon. Just give me a few days.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Actually, something like that happened once. It was going to be called Seven Continents, and it was going to be built at Stroud.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Even if this were real, placing it anywhere outside of central OKC would be financial suicide. Even in central OKC it is financial suicide for possible investors.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    Actually, something like that happened once. It was going to be called Seven Continents, and it was going to be built at Stroud.
    I remember that! There was also the long-ago rumored Disney plans for the Arbuckle Mountains. I'm getting old.

    Oh, but my plans include a unicorn......wait...that was the other guy. My plans are....you'll just have to wait. But I'll tell you this: it will cost billions and bring tons of jobs to Oklahoma. The Pope has plans to bless my park. Just wait! Check out tomorrow's Bugtussle Times as I'm expecting a front page splash.

  25. Default Re: Big Domed Stadium in OKC area???

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    There is an article in the on-line Alva newspaper, but 1) why would nobody else be covering this? and 2) who the heck is Jerry Kobyluk?

    Is it just me or does this thing look like a bedpan?

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