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Thread: Ellen Calls Sally Kern

  1. #51

    Default Re: Ellen Calls Sally Kern

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    I think Kern should've been able to express her distaste for homosexuality. That's her first amendment right. And to the others, there's a whole chapter in Romans in the New Testament that spells out how homosexuality is perverse and sinful.
    Yes, and Deuteronomy tells us that we should not go near a woman having her period, we should not eat shell fish, we should stone adulterers to death, and many other perverse behavioral rules. I wonder how many of these you and Sally observe. Maybe you could go to Deuteronomy and compile a list for us.

  2. Default Re: Ellen Calls Sally Kern

    Um, I thought that religious beliefs were supposed to be kept out of government? Am I totally off-base here?

    Equality of all men? And women? Didn't we already go through this with women, and African Americans? And Native Americans? And other "inferior" or wrong groups of people?
    Still corrupting young minds

  3. #53

    Default Re: Ellen Calls Sally Kern

    I think homosexuals should be treated equally.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Ellen Calls Sally Kern

    Thank you for standing up for us, Patrick - perhaps the conservative/fundamentalist bile needs to be fully aired before we can move past it. Not sure.


  5. Default Re: Ellen Calls Sally Kern


    If you feel that homosexuals should be treated equally, then why is it okay to allow a State Representative to go on a rant like this? Replace every time she says "Gay" with "African American" and you bet she'd be considered a racist. It shouldn't be different.

    Oh, but since black people don't "choose" to be black, therefore they are protected. But gay people "choose" that lifestyle, according to you.
    Still corrupting young minds

  6. Default Re: Ellen Calls Sally Kern

    Reasons to Choose to Become Gay

    1) To become rejected by society.
    2) To have multiple groups against myself.
    3) To raise risks of being physically harmed.
    4) To raise risks of being mentally harmed.
    5) To have less rights in the states.
    6) To risk losing family support.
    7) To risk losing friends.
    8) To risk losing chances at good jobs.
    9) To get flamed for being a flamer.
    10) To be a large target for rude jokes.
    11) To be described as animals to others.
    12) To be talked about as things among the law.
    13) To raise my chance of being lead toward suicide.
    14) To lose my chance at a rightful marriage.
    15) To hide myself from everyone else.
    16)Risk being called an abomination by my church who will abandon me
    17)I will be called names like "***got", "queer", and "pervert".

    Who wouldn't choose to be gay?!

    With a list like this, who would "choose" to be gay or lesbian? The answer is no one.

    That is because no one chooses his or her sexuality. I didn't "choose" to be straight.

    This is for parents who are faced with a teen or a child who is struggling:

    "I hope you can find it in your heart to be compassionate toward your child. They've had an unfathomable burden placed upon their undeserving shoulders. They long for your love and acceptance, not your condemnation, for they have heaped self-hate upon themselves for long enough. And if you can't give them your acceptance at this stage, that's OK too, but don't deny them your love "
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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